Back on it. oh yeah!

Right. IM back on the lipotrim this week after a 7 week break. VERY pleased to say I only gained 3lb! I still want to lose 2 stone and I know it can be done on lipotrim, just strugglng with motivation. have found this week HARD because ive been craaaaaving food and had such lack of energy again - with a 9mnth old to run round after this is not good! Having said that I know its working as I've already lost 4.5lb!! I know you're not supposed to stand on the scales every day, but seeing my weight go down daily really seems to be theonly thing to keep me going!! What id do for a chocolate brownie right about now! lol!
Hi Jo, welcome back : ) I think we took breaks about the same time, haha, ah well back in the saddle! Instead of a brownie you can have a delicious chocolate shake :p Don't worry, I'm sure you'll lose that two stone in no time, especially if you've to run around after a baby!
Thanks Shikei85! I've just found a recipe on here for a chocolate biscuit....think that might have to be a poor substitute for now!
Hi Jo Mummy Holloway :)

Really well done for only gaining 3lbs after the seven weeks, that's very good going! You'll lose the next 2 stone in no time. I have another 2st 12lb to lose. I know what you mean about the lack of energy when you have a little one to chase. My daughter is 16 months old and I especially feel it when I have to carry her up two flights of stairs. Although, when I pick her up it reminds me how much I've lost as she is a heavy little lump, but she weighs less than I've lost so far! :D I weigh on my own scales most days too as I find it nice to know how I'm doing and they're always the same as the scales at the pharmacy too.

Wishing you good luck for this week and your weigh-in! :)