Back on LT tomorrow!

Hi Taylor, I was wondering if you find LT difficult. When I was on it I lost alot of weight but it was the cause of me being weak and I got sick. Then When it was over I gained it all back plus one stone more. Do you use the keto stix, I still use them with atkins? I found them great. I hope it works for you.
Hi Taylor, I was wondering if you find LT difficult. When I was on it I lost alot of weight but it was the cause of me being weak and I got sick. Then When it was over I gained it all back plus one stone more. Do you use the keto stix, I still use them with atkins? I found them great. I hope it works for you.

I find LT easy to be honest, I did it for 12 weeks last year and I loved it. Once I'm into it I'm fine and in control, never pick or give in, doing the planned break for Easter was the worst thing to do, it is so hard to start again. I will never take a break whilst on LT just makes it harder in the long run.
Very good and did you regain weight like I did? Just curious, it didnt work for me but with that said I didn't follow the after program.
My refeed was the worst I'd ever done, so I had myself to blame for that weight gain but I couldn't make up my mind whether to have Easter off and when I did I ate and ate and ate, so with 2 unsuccsessful refeeds it put me off starting TFR again. But you have to be in the right frame of mind and now that I am it's going to be better this time.....I will refeed properly and watch what I'm eating.
I know how you feel. I was doing really well & then gor an infection in my stoma. It's spread to my ears & I even have lumps on my lege (TMI I know!!).
Anyway Doc told me to eat with the meds I had to take so I'm back on LT today still half way through a course of antibiotics.
BUT we've done it before & we can do it again.