Back on WW and looking for support!


I did that last week! (Stepped on scales and thought - ooops!)

I did weight watchers back in 2007 after giving birth and lost all my baby weight. I stopped. Big mistake! I maintained for roughly 6 months and then ended up putting it all back on again, plus a couple of extra pounds.

In November, I lost a stone. Christmas - put it all back on again.

So, now, I am TTC and think that my diet is doing me no favours, at all. I also do not fancy losing control if I do get pregnant soon and having so much to lose that I end up too miserable about it to do anything. So, I am starting the Weight Watchers again, well, I have, this week and would like to lose as much as I can before I conceive and then try to maintain it as well as I can during pregnancy.

I also want to improve my activity levels and build up my fitness!