Back to Lighterlife - My 'hope I can do it second time around' diary

Another weekend and I survived!

Just thinking about the new thing my LL counseller mentioned on Wednesday - milk:eek: She said that on week 12 now you have to introduce extra calories in the form of milk:eek: Yuk :eek: As I had been planning on starting management after the 100 days anyway I'm now contemplating starting management in week 12 so I can bypass the milk thing!

Has anyone else done 'the milk thing'?
Sorry Bundle, the 'milk thing' was introducted after I'd 'graduated'! Glad you had a good weekend, though. Why don't you start a new thread about the milk, hopefully you'll get some good advice. AJ:D
Well done Bundle that's fantastic! I returned tonight and was pleased to see I'd only put on 3 lbs so now doing the "one stone unplanned" abstinence for a month then onto maintenance. I was in a maintenance class tonight.
Hi Sarah

Well done with only 3 pounds on - how long was that over?

Is the 4 week one stone unplanned abstinence an official LL thing or just what your LL counsellor suggests? I am going to stop abstinence before I reach my target weight a I am going to Florida for Christmas and my family want me to eat (well, so do I!) and Idon't intend to fo mad but I expect some weight gain. I would then like to abstain for a bit in the new Year until I get to goal but not sure how a) my LLC will view this and b) what do I do about joining a group. Anyway, I suppose that's all a long way off so don't need to worry about it just yet!
Hi Bundle, think it's an official LL booklet...
Gained 3 lbs over 6 months. LLC says it's the Adult in me! Wished I'd taken more notice of the TA and CBT so going to go over my Green Book thoroughly.
New flavours and gorgeous as is the new nutty bar...
Yesterday was a toughy - went to a lovely party with the most fabulous home made food, chocolate fountain etc Stuck with the plan but did feel deprived! Still I guess a pat on the back for sticking with it! OH away for a few days now so just me and the kids so going to the cinema later - normally a place for me to have ice cream etc but a bar and a botte of water should do the trick! Have promised the kids a Macdonalds as they never have it and my son loves the toy witht he happy meal (not inersted in the food!) I must like torturing myself!:)
"Stuck with the plan but did feel deprived! Still I guess a pat on the back for sticking with it! "

Oh, most definately, Bundle:patback:. It can be a very lonely place, can't it?

Mornin' Dancing!

"Why do you fail to maintain?"

It is a very good question to ask. I see from your ticker that you are just starting out on your journey to lose about 7 stone (?) or thereabouts.

I too have lost 100lbs with LL (about 7 stone) and feel fantastic. However, since the summer holidays things have been slipping and I have put on nearly a stone since July. This is a real disappointment and I am trying to return to the previous good habits which I had put in place during Management. It is not as easy as I thought though and I have been trying to work out what's going on.

I don't know what your weightloss story is, Dancing, but mine spans thirty years and is a truly sorry tale. The LL counselling has been very useful in helping me to see how my past behaviours have caused my weightgain, and have prevented me (in the past) from successfully losing it.

So, I thought the real challenge would be SSing for 14 (actually 20) weeks. Actually, that is the easy bit. Introducing food during Management was more of a challenge, but still easy compared to being back in the world of food. This is when the real work begins.

You would imagine, wouldn't you, that being a lovely slim size 12 that it would be easy to maintain that size. I mean, why would you want to return to a size 24? Crazy!

This is when the counselling sessions you did during Foundation, Development and (if you are still going) Management really come into their own.

It is not enough to change physically to a slim size 12, if the emotional/mental part of you stays as a (say) size 24. With size 24 thought processes, behaviours, ideas, feelings.

If that happens, then it is inevitable that you will start to revert to 'old behaviours' and get bigger again. I am speaking from experience here, Dancing, because I have noticed that old behaviours have started creeping back.

I need to start thinking and behaving like a slim person (which I still am at the moment) or I will lose the dream I have gained (and just gain weight).

Have a look at another thread on the LL section called "Self-Sabotage - HELP". It is a fabulous mine of information, advice, and experience.

Good luck on your journey, Dancing.
"Stuck with the plan but did feel deprived! Still I guess a pat on the back for sticking with it! "

Oh, most definately, Bundle:patback:. It can be a very lonely place, can't it?

Hi Amanda Jayne:wavey:

Hope things are well with you. Definitely think it's harder second time around but hanging in there!
Hi Dancing

Congratulations on chosing LL - I may not make it look like the answer but I do truly believe it is - I'm just taking the long way round! I can tell you about my experience but of course everybody is different as you will see from this forum. Apologies if I ramble and feel free to stop reading (when you fall asleep!)

Just as a bit of background - I started LL in May 2005 weighing in at 18 stone 3 pounds and only 5' 2". Had been overweight since teens (since I was 9 if you believe everything I was told!!!!!:cry:) Tried every kind of potion, tablet, slimming club, hypnotherapist, etc etc never managed to lose all the weight i needed to lose and what i did lose I always put back on and some!

Did lighterlife for 6 months in complete and absolute abstinence, not so much as a licked finger and lost 8 and a half stone. Began introducing food back into my life in the November - bit too close to Christmas and can't put my hand on my heart and say I followed management to the letter from then on but managed reasonably well for a couple of months. Threw every stitch of clothing away the minute it got too big (hence no clothes now!!!!). In March 2006 i had a circumferential body lift which is majpr surgery (18 months on, still numb in the thighs and tummy area!) About this time, still worried that I hadn't learnt all the lessons while doing LL (though definitely had learnt lots) started seeing a therapist to discuss my 'compulsive overeating', went to a Paul Mckenna conference and joined an online group with a particular strategy on how to become a 'natural eater' - talk about belt and braces! But here I still am .........

..... Several things happened, one was that my husband had a serious 'health scare' which although everything is fine now I'm afraid all my good intentions on the eating front went out the window with a mixture of stress and trying to 'feed' him up with me joining in! And then unfortunately, although the theory is good, the online group I joined was not right the thing for me (I was told to give myself permission to eat what I wanted, when I wanted and never restrict - eventually that should have left me able to eat when I felt hungry etc etc unfortunately I never got past the 'eat what you want, when you want bit' and the weight just piled on (this group does work for many though so I don't regret joining just not good for me!).

You asked why pay £66 for packs and counselling rather than do CD? Well, firstly I have 'dabbled' with just packs with both LL & Cd as I was gaining a bit of the weight but maybe my head wasn't in the right place, maybe I needed the discipline and structure of a weekly weigh in and meeting or maybe i just wasn't desperate enough but I couldn't get started and secondly I can't tell you how grateful I am to LL to showing me that I could lose 8 and a half stone when I truly believed I never could"!

In answer to 'And why do you think it will be different this time even though you can't commit to the 100 days of foundation' Well I don't know it will be different and I guess ideally I would be committing to the 100 days and beyond . I am confident that I will lose a large chunk of the regained weight before Christmas, I am confident that without a weekly group at LL I wouldn't succeed with this and I am confident that I willl learn a little bit more about my issues with food and maybe will carry that through with me into management.

Looking on the bright side, I didn't gain all the weight I lost and it is nearly 2 years since I completed abstinence. However, it does concern me that 'beginners' would look at my performance and be put off (we have 2 'new' people in our group and at first I kept stressing that I didn't want them to be put off!). All I will say is that although I swore I would never get fat again after being given this Lifeline and I did, I still think that's down to me and not Lighterlife packs, counselling etc. I do have a very serious eating problem but everyone's situation is different and there are plenty of people out there who lost the weight and kept it off (& probably don't feel the need to come to these forums:D)

Anyway, all the best of luck to you and hope you don't feel too disheartened to hear that some of us have to go back and do it again. If i haven't covered something you wnat to know, feel free to post again.

Just found your thread here.

I started LL for the first time almost 4 weeks ago and am intrigued by the number of people who restart.

Do you mind me asking about your experience?

Why do you fail to maintain? Did the counselling not work for you? Did you not put effort into the homework and explore your relationship with food? If it didn't work, then why do you choose to do LL and pay £66 for the packs and counselling rather than doing CD?

And why do you think it will be different this time even though you can't commit to the 100 days of foundation?

......... don't think I'm being accusatory - I'm not. I just want to understand why it happens this way for some people so that I can try to avoid it being that way for me.

Good luck with the weight loss
Lost 4.8 pounds at this week's weigh in - that's more like it! Have now lost 1 stone 8 pounds

Go for it, Bundle!:happy096:

Have you been working on getting your head in the right place? It makes the whole thing a lot easier, doesn't it?

Hi Amanda Jayne

Thanks for your reply.

"Have you been working on getting your head in the right place? It makes the whole thing a lot easier, doesn't it?"

Always thinking about it - quite concerned that with 3 'big' hols coming up - Florida for 10 days over Christmas, 3 nights in New York in early Feb and 2 weeks in South Africa over Easter that my head is still not in the right place. I definitely go into 'child' mode when it comes to holidays - must try and be the 'adult'!!!!!

Had a great weekend - went on a 10 mile bike ride on Sunday with a pub lunch at the end (Bar for me of course!)
Sigh, those holidays sound fab, Bundle!

I'm off to Greece at the weekend (half term) so it will be interesting to see how I cope. Watch this space!

How do 'slim' people cope with holidays and Christmas and parties etc? My observations lead me to believe that they eat more (and eat what they want), but compensate over the next few days or weeks to lose the few lbs they may have put on.

Now, last time you and I did that, Bundle (put on a bit after holidays etc), we just carried on eating, didn't we?!?!? Hmm, lesson there I think.

One of my colleagues cuts out the sweets and alcohol when she puts a few lbs on. After a few weeks she'd back to her normal weight.

It's not rocket science, is it? (Heavens no, that'd be easier)!:D
Hi Amanda Jayne

Greece sounds fab - your half term is early isn't it? Ours break up on the 19th. I expect you'll get some much needed sunshine in Greece!

I think 'natural eaters' (slim people!) do exactly what you said and that way stay pretty much steady.

I have a friend who swears by being 'good' alll week and then has whatever she wants, guilt free' at weekends and says she keeps her weight off this way, I believe this is called 80/20 in some quarters.

Another friend who attends at OA (& lost 5 stone on LL) goes with their philosophy '3 meals a day and a life in between' and she says when she sticks with this her weight stays stable.

I guess we're all different. I am a compulsive overeater, I am obsessed with food and I know I have to accept that I will have to battle this forever. Hope I do a bit better at keeping it off this time - definitely intend not to let it get out of hand like last time but who knows?

First time around, my husband joined me on LL after a week to 'keep me company' but lost 4 or 5 stone really quickly. After 2 years he has just done a 3 week stint of abstinence to lose the 1.5 stone he put on in those 2 years. How come he managed that but I didn't! Reall does go to show we are all different!

We'll get there in the end, won't we?!!!:)