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.....but that's ok too.

I picked up my first weeks supply today and will be starting tommorow. I'm looking forward to feeling better, I know the first few days are hard but once you get into it, I usually feel great. Sometimes I think I have such food intoloerences that real food doesn't actually agree with me at all. I find it easier to stay TFR than I do refeeding or maintaining but my pharmacy are really supportive and seem to be genuinely wanting to help me succeed theis time to keep it off for good.

So positive and happy so far, looking forward to being a few pounds lighter this time next week.

I promise to be easier on myself this time and just go with the flow, work when I can and sleep the rest of the time if needs be, I have health issues that will ease up too so it's going to be great to get fit again. I have to just remind myself of this as I go through this phase.

Anyone else starting tommorow, I wish you luck and will be there all the way with you.

Hi losit you seem to be in the right frame of mind for it anway i wish you all the best!
Well done on making your decision, best of luck!!!
Well done for starting again, losit. You sound lovely and positive! Wishing you lots of luck. :)
Thanks, the support here is great, day one complete and just a little hungry now but not too bad. Headachey but that's to be expected.