Of the tetra's we much prefer the banana. The banana taste is not too artificial better than a lot of banana milks out there. Don't like the chocolate myself although apparantly it is by far the most popuar. Dizzy
I like them both. It's got to be down to the mood or time or day for me. I like fruit for breakfast so have the banana and when those chocolatey cravings appear in the evening then I'd have the chocolate one.
is nutmeg ok ? i asked my cdc and she said she didnt think it would be, i made a mousse out of one banana tetra once and it was gorgeous, but next time i made one it wouldnt set, dont know whati did different, how much mam do you use for yours and how much nutmeg ? thanks gill
I have checked this out with CD and providing its a small amount and after the first couple of weeks you should be okay. But like the waterflavourings etc. you alone will know if it makes you feel hungry, it doesn't affect me and several of my customers use a tiny bit of nutmeg on either their banana or vanilla shakes.
I've found both tetras massively improved in a pint glass with half of the glass ice. Absolutely gorgeous in fact. And as ice cream, after being frozen for a while, the banana edges it for me over the chocolate.