Becky Boo's 2012 Diary

... Day 13 ...

Another day down .. Had a lovely evening went for a swim and then headed home and curled up on the sofa to watch a movie with a mint hot choc along with my hubby.

Feeling good today .. Still trying to plan how long I stay on LT hmm ... Think now I'll have my last weigh in on valentines day and refeed to go to a concert on the 17 of Feb and be able to eat dinner there (no drinking though i will drive) just hoping I can get to 12st 7lbs by then! I want to stay strong and not let myself stop too soon! 28 days is manageable I just have to keep focused ... And counting down. Sorry ignore the above just a small self pep talk!!

Any way 1 more sleep to weigh in! Yippy!
Hi Becky

I cant wait to see how you do today!!!

I cant decide how long to stay on it either!! I really want to try and get at least 4 stone off though!! so could be on it for a long while yet!! the second week as been sooo much easier!! no temptations at all! I love it!!

jane xxx
Thanks Jane ... I cannot wait hope its good to keep me motivated!

It is a hard decision to make ... like short term missing out in social things but long term feeling happier! Hmm

Even though according to LT I should get to 9st 4lbs (5st 10 lbs my chart said I needed to lose on day 1) I know I am happy at 11 st and feel healthy so that's a total loss of 4 stone I would need (hopefully after today only 3 stone to lose) so I hope to use LT to get me to 12st 7lbs and then get to 11st using WW or SW so I can create new eating habits! I'm
Hoping that's less than a month now to stay in so I'm hoping I can last!

With having 16lbs gone in 2 weeks you really could lose the rest of the 4st in like 10 weeks .. That would be fab!
Delighted to report -6lbs! So that 16lbs in 2 weeks! Hello 13's (just seeing them on the scales but hopefully after 3 more weigh ins they will be history too!

Thanks got checking in Hun x
Lol I'll have to go pop on to the laptop in a mo to do my lovely tickers ... I use on my iPhone so I don't get to see everyone! :-( but I'll have a goo now
Day 14

Heading to bed in a mo .. Just wanted to catch up with myself .. 2weeks down and I feel on such a good place bye bye 15's bye bye 14's .. And I hope to say tata to the 13's by valentines day!

Im in a good routine now .. Hopefully it will continue!

Have a christening to go to at the weekend for which I'm making a cheesecake and a banoffi funny eh! Food and drink will be flowing but I think I'm in an ok place to cope!!

My pharmacist asked me this week any slips ups and I said no why wound I ruin all this suffering for one mangy bit of food that got me so unhappy in the 1st place! (it's not as extreme as suffering but you know what I mean) she was shocked ha I felt so strongly.

Any way night night all. x
Brilliant result - well done!
yay!!!! brilliant!! were like a pair of twins! hehe!! how wonderful is it to get out of those 14's!! I'll aim for Valentines to be in the 12's too!! I'm sure we'll do it!! I've got a very nice dress awaiting the 12's .... hehe!!

Defo lol I'd be over the moon to see 12's on the scale .. Ah and start wearing my nice clothes that are all gathering dust! Yeah I have no plan to give up before valentines day and it's so near anyway!

I can defo see it on my face already .. And my bras are looser .. Typical it's not my massive butt or thighs that shift .. Lol tummy is getting near flat(ish) now 2! You noticing the difference?
Yes defo on the boobies, belly and bum - my face is always fat, but my chin looks a little more sticky out!! hehe!!

I'm going to start sit-ups each night to help my tummy along!!

I'm in a tight sz 16 today!!! so happy!! bye bye sz 18's!!

I cant wait to see that 12 pop up on the scales!!! I'll scream the room down!! :-0

jane xxx
Lol .. We really are freakishly alike I'm tried on clothes last night and my trousers are also size 16 now button and all but they were a bit skin huggin so I'm sticking with my loosey 18's for the mo! Top of me is back to 14 even some big 12 already!

Ha I'm actually excited already about it... 14 more pounds and I'll be a happy woman!
Awww you're doing so well hun.I wish I had your spirit today x
Day 15

Started into the third week ... Had a normal day .. Feeling good .. Even went for a 2min swim ... Was a very late home today .. And I have to say I was having a few food cravings eek. I ignored them and had my choc shake .. But I feel like I could vomit now! Hopefully it'll pass!

Otherwise it was a great day .. Hope everyone had a good one.
Day 16

Nothing much to report .. Which is good I suppose .. Just trotting along! Gearing up to a busy weekend .. Of dessert making .. errand doing and partying .. Hmm this will be my 1st real test!

Heading off to bed now .. Wishing you all a nice Friday tomorrow! X
Good luck for over the weekend hun x
Day 17 & 18

It's been crazy busy that last two day still 100% and happy out ... Tried on my dress this evening for the christening tomorrow and it's perfect .. I'll get a photo tomorrow ...

I'm ashamed to admit I am thinking of having a planned outage tomorrow and eating a wee bit .. I just feel these are once off occasions .. This is looking like the last niece or nephew as our siblings say there families are complete .. Hmm I know the guilt will kill me but then again it's a special occasion .. So I will not be honking tomorrow :-( and get back in the horse on Monday ... Hopefully the break from Ketosis won't kill me on Monday!

Have a nice reminder of the weekend all and I'll post my sorrow on Monday!
Day 19

Was as planned an outage but I have to say I had a fab time .. Felt ill after eating only a few chicken piece thought and some salad! Later in the day I tried some desert had to stop after 3 spoonfuls lol so it was great!

So today I am back on the LT wagon until valentines is the plan! I have Jury Duty tomorrow (perhaps all week who knows!) so I don't think I'll get to weigh in as usual ... Might be a good thing .. I have shakes to do me till Sat so I'll will weigh in then.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend and was good!

I feel super bloated today I am glad to not be eating.