Becky's Diet Diary

Thanks 

I'm aching after last night! Tonight is aqua aerobics which is perfect when I ache as it's so low impact!

You will have to come to the class I go to, she is a monster (in the nicest possible way) and I ache after being in her class. She never stops from the minute we are in the pool until we get out, am sure she goes out of her way to find the fastest music she can :D but I do love going to her class.
I do miss going to my classes whilst we are here - have a couple of DVD's on the laptop but it is not the same.

I'm really enjoying the classes and feel I get a much better work out than when I go the gym or do a DVD ☺ I definitely ache more!
WOW @ the amount of exercise you do!

I'm really starting to enjoy doing it now! Today will be am easier day with just a walk probably ☺
Day 72

0.8lbs off this week, I'm happy with that as food has not been great plus I seem to have really pushed myself on my exercise so I expected that to stall my losses!

Breakfast : porridge
Snack : banana
Lunch : was supposed to be a pub lunch but ended up in a meeting with a salad, packet of crisps, 3 ginger nuts and a ww yogurt!
Dinner: chicken arrabiata and a ww yogurt

Exercise day 65 - 30 minute walk
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My ex just text to say my daughter was up all night being sick so she's off school ... They have to stay off for 48 hours so looks like I'll be working from home tomorrow!
Ugh :( Hope she feels better very quickly.


From what he has said I think she is fine which is good, it's frustrating that they have to stay of for 48 hours but I can understand why!
Great loss this week again! Hope she's feeling better soon. My daughter was sick last night too but seems fine today. Very strange!
Great loss this week again! Hope she's feeling better soon. My daughter was sick last night too but seems fine today. Very strange!

Thanks. She'll be climbing the walls tomorrow as she's fine! Movie day tomorrow I think!
I know what you mean. They phone to say he has diarahoea or something and then as soon as he's home, nothing. He then has to stay at home 2 days
She doesn't seem 100% and only ate a couple of spoonfuls of her dinner which is not like her so she definitely is ill!
Is the 2 day thing a school rule now - tell I don't have anything to do with kids. :)
Is the 2 day thing a school rule now - tell I don't have anything to do with kids. :)

Yes, it is a relatively new one and really inconvenient! She is absolutely fine today and missing all her friends!

I have bought a ton of work home to do and I think we'll watch a film or 2!
Day 73

Working from home today and I always struggle to stay on track, going to go the shops in a bit and buy a nice salad for lunch and some fruit to Snack on to try and keep me on track!

Breakfast : porridge
Lunch: ww quiche
Afternoon : Cadbury highlight
Dinner : chicken and broccoli pie

Snacks: 2 oreos and an oat so simple cereal bar.

Exercise day 66 - 30 minute walk plus plenty of housework!
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Oops....supposed to be working. far I have been to morrisons, tidied the cupboard under the stairs, rang the electric company about my bill! . .... quick lunch break then going through my the craft cupboard to tidy it up! I have answered a few work emails. I guess that counts? !
We did an online shop at Morrisons yesterday for my MIL - what a palarva never having done one before, it took us ages. Now we have done one hopefully it will get easier.
We did it from here as the other 2 sons that are in her home town do not visit very often and she will not ask them to do anything for her anyway so we had to do it as she has run out of food and is in her 90's. Course we had the moans this morning - whole cucumber and she only wanted half, no green tops on the carrots and the pork chops were too big etc etc but at least she has some food now. :)
We did an online shop at Morrisons yesterday for my MIL - what a palarva never having done one before, it took us ages. Now we have done one hopefully it will get easier.
We did it from here as the other 2 sons that are in her home town do not visit very often and she will not ask them to do anything for her anyway so we had to do it as she has run out of food and is in her 90's. Course we had the moans this morning - whole cucumber and she only wanted half, no green tops on the carrots and the pork chops were too big etc etc but at least she has some food now. :)

I do my weekly shop online but then usually another small shop later in the week.

Online shopping definitely gets easier the more you do it. ... I use tesco and they build up your regular items to make it easy to do your shop. ... plus I always request under ripe fruit and veg as I find otherwise they send the stuff that only has a day or 2 left!

At least you know she won't starve now. .... even with her grumbles x