Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Hi, beelishy. I've been trying to restart sns all year and finally made it through day 1 yesterday. With you all the way!
Hi Spanglymum! :D Well done on Day 1!!

So...its now 12:16 and Ive had nothing yet! lol. OOps. We went out to get some things at the shop and I just got home about 20 mins ago. I guess i should have a shake or something. Im kindve annoyed now though. When i got home I had a card from Royal Mail through the door saying that Ive missed a parcel for me. I think I know what it is too. I think my BFF sent me some proper corn tortillas from home!!! :O I wont know for sure what it is until Thursday. If she has, I think you can freeze them for a month or two. There is NO WAY Im going to waste them if that's what it is! lol.

Anyway. Yeah. Im going to go have a shake. or maybe a pancake and a coffee. that sounds nicer. I hate shakes, but without using the ones Ive got...I only have enough packs for like a week. Meh. Tempted to list the shakes on ebay though. rofl. Yuuuck. Anyway. FOOOOOD!!! (pack). :D
I went ahead and listed my 17 shakes on ebay for 15 plus postage. Its a steal but I just want rid of them. I may (MAYYYY) keep up the SnS. We CAN afford it but I would just kinda rather keep the shopping/food costs as low as possible as we are desperately trying to save up. And its a long long road. I havent decided yet. I will see how I feel on Sunday.

So today. I had a coffee and a litre of crystal light. Then I had NOTHING for ages cuz we were out. Then I came home and had a pancake and a coffee and more water. Then I got busy with the kids and didnt have time to make another pack so I had 5 slices of wafer thin chicken and a slice of mild cheddar (the pre-sliced stuff). Not strictly SnS - the cheese - but sod it. LOL. I wont do it again though. Anyway. And just now ive had my dinner. Quorn pieces on lettuce and cucumber salad. I cooked the quorn in a tiny bit of hot sauce and knorr chicken powder and water. Let it simmer down. FLAMIN GORGEOUS! lol.

Later I will have a bar and a coffee or pepsi max and try to squeeze in some more water. Ive had 2 litres but I do better when I drink more than that. I have no idea what to expect for tomorrowon the scales since I kinda botched today. LOL. Oh well. We shall see. :D
Ok. New plan. Last night....on top of the head ache....I was sick twice AND TOTM has come and its heavy. Im not going to do this. But I am going to do something. Ive sold my shakes which left me with less than a full week at 3 a day plus protein anyway. And as I was sick last night....Im thinking it really doesnt agree with me. Im going to actually listen to my body for once. LOL. So Im probably going to just list the rest of my packs on ebay. Low and slow will probably be the way for me. I just need to figure out a meal plan that is low carb enough but not so much that my body says.... its ridiculous. And Im definitely going to start my workouts again. I felt SO good when i was doing that. But...Im going to wait and see what TOTM does first. Im quite concerned about all of that. Its all very odd. Im SO glad I didnt the injection. SO SO glad. The mini-pill is the same hormone (pretty much) and it has wreaked complete and utter HAVOC. My body is seriously outta whack.

I think I will aim for 1200 cals a day. Ive never counted carbs before SnS so Ive gotta get my head around that. I will probably start using MFP again, as well.

Im in agony. OMG. I feel awful.

*sigh* So much for losing it quick. lol. I would love to be 250 for my friends wedding do 26th Aug. I didnt even get weighed this morning. Actually, thinking about it. I bet thats why I showed such a gain. I usually gain about 5lbs with TOTM. That would put me at exactly 261 (if that was the case) which means I was actually maintaining over the last 3 weeks, rather than a 7lbs gain. Sounds more plausible. Blah. Im blabbering.

I will be back later when Ive got more to say which isnt just jibber jabber. lol Ugh. x
Just don't do it again! *wags finger* tut tut! Am sure the damage from a few bits of protein won't be too great. What I'd be more concerned about is whether it means you're completely focused right now or not... I worried because I had some sugar free gum in the car this morning and I know it isn't really allowed. I need to give myself a talking to, as I find doing a vlcd 100% much easier when I don't cheat, AT ALL.

Day three for me now - I expect the next couple of days may be tricky for me so feel free to come and wag fingers back at me if I stray! I am going to be totally honest if I slip up (but am not expecting to as I think I'm pretty focused for me for once...)
Hi Bee, sorry you've been feeling poorly :( There may very well be something inside the packs that doesn't quite agree with you, but packs aren't the only way to lose weight, so it's ok :)

You're doing well because you're in the right frame of mind and you have a goal date to try to push towards, I know you'll get there! Following MFP religiously is a good idea. :D If you'll be calorie counting and sticking to 1200 per day, then you don't necessarily have to go low-carb; with the exception of maybe cutting out refined sugar/flour products as they're high in calories to begin with.

People do have a lot of success with Slimming World - maybe the Green option would be good for you? It's still quite precise as it gives you measurements of things you're allowed per day so it's made easier. (but remember - there's so such thing as a "free" food as those diets tell us! :)) My OH's mum can't do VLCD's because it interferes with her medication for bipolar disorder; but she has success with Slimming World / and Rosemary Conley.


Spangly - on a side note, sugar-free chewing gum has about 2g carbs per stick...! I found out the hard way, had some gum and *poof* a large portion of my 20g carb allowance per day suddenly gone :eek: Depends on the brand obviously, but they'll all have something in them... :( I had to invest in a little breath freshener spray...!
Thanks guys!

1) I DIDNT KNOW we werent allowed gum. Not that Ive had any in the past few days anyway. But still. :O lol

2) I think youre right Min and something in the packs doesnt agree with me. Maybe my last little episode WAS pack related.

3) Im definitely going to cut out refined carbs.

4) I did SW about a year ago I think it was. Zoe was very young anyway. And I lost weight on it but I struggled with the fact that my leader woman was very....unhelpful. So I never got my head around it and ended up staying the same/gaining/losing a pound....and not getting anywhere after a few weeks. *sigh* Plus, I cant see spending money right now, when we are trying so hard to save, just to go to a "diet club". At least when you pay for packs you GET FOOD. lol. I dunno. Meh. I would like to try to sorta follow the general idea of SW. I would like to try RC but there are none where I live. :/ I really like that you get a workout with that one and shes well into GI and GL and all that. I dunno. Frustrated. LOL. Had a chicken sandwich so far today. Not great (bread!!) but Ive not had 12 of the 14 bags of quavers we have in there (havent even had 1!!) nor any of the biscuits or smarties cakes. (ew smarties! lol) x Im happy with myself for that. Must plan though. PLAN PLAN PLAN!!!!
I think just mfp would do you as its free and you can eat what you want as long as you stay within whatever target you've set. I would try to keep carbs below 100 per day, marks daily apple says this us optimum for 2 lbs a week fat loss.

Apart from that there are no rules!! Let us know what you decide :)
Oh dear - that doesn't sound good. We're here if you need to offload :bighug:
rofl Lou <3 xxxxxxxx

Its all very long and complex but suffice to say we had planned to move back to the USA but my eyes have been opened as to how much my country has bad the economy is over there, how high the cost of living is....etc So we cant reallly do it. So we've decided to stay here. But that means that we have to make several changes in order to make our quality of life beter. The first one, weve decided, is that we are both going to learn to drive and get a car. I didnt drive before...Ive never driven. Ive always had an irrational fear of it. But its something that needs to be done now. Im tired of public transport and the limitations it puts on us. Theres a bunch more but thats the main thing right now.

So I need to get myself organised and settled again...and then i will pick up from there. Weighed a couple of days ago and I was 264.

You're definitely at a disadvantage without a car, I'd never be able to work my hours if I couldn't drive and I'd earn much less (not that I earn a lot anyway) driving is my best skill, my oh doesn't drive and I have to pick him up from work everyday it is so annoying!!!! Although we wouldn't be able to afford two cars even if he could drive so that's moot I guess

Sorry that you feel you can't go back home, but you're being positive by thinking of the best ways you can get on here :) at least you've got your little family :)

Love and hugs xxx
262 today. not sure how. (confession: I had 3 peanut M&Ms in my mouth when I weighed myself. total fat-girl moment). lol my body IS SO WEIRD. Been eating unhealthy things...but not huge amounts of anything....and Im losing/maintaining. The first time I noticed this happen was when we lived at Mals moms for about 6 days (and for 3 weeks leading up to the move). We had pizzas almost every night....but I ate little to nothing (a bar of choc and a bag of crisps, most days) through the day. and I lost weight. Like half a stone. I AM NOT ADVOCATING THIS AS A WEIGHT LOSS METHOD....just saying that I find it so peculiar that my body responds that way.

Anyway. Still gotta get things settled and do this the RIGHT way.

First, wait til Zoe is over her vomiting virus. :( Tabby had it Wednesday and then was fine most of thursday - just tired. Then her fever came back a bit yesterday. Zoe had a fever Thursday and yesterday...and was sick last night and this morning. Fever seems to be (please please please) gone in both of them now. *sigh* poor bubs.