Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Right, we are back from our much needed outing! I ended up having half of a slimfast meal replacement bar. I checked the carbs and the protein and calories and it worked out to just about the same as a shake. But it was TINY! :( So thats that. Then we headed out and got our stuff done and then had a wander around a few shops. Then Tabby asks if she could have McDonalds. So we went in and I decided before I even got up to the till that I would have a chicken salad. Which I did. Woot. Grilled chicken salad and a diet sprite. Now we are home and I had a boiled egg and Im going to try to get them down for a nap. Mal is going to the hospital tonight and I dont want them to be cranky. lol

Oh and i got a pack of Zero noodles. By god, you dont get much in a pack, do ya? lol. It was £1.99 - OUCH. But I have wanted to try them, so I will do that, probably tomorrow with some quorn and broccoli. I may even have my meal pack for lunch and have that for dinner, instead of my salad. Ooooh. lol. I love how I just make it up as I go along. :D

So I will have the other half of that bar tonight while Mal is gone, my chilli with cauliflower for dinner and a shake maybe in an hour. This is what you call "wingin' it" haha. Tomorrow I should be able to get back on track (not that Im off at all, just with Tabby spilling my threw me off, packs-wise).

Hope everyone has enjoyed today! :D
Well, the glorious sunshine and warmer temps have gone and its grey and cooler again. Boooooooooooo!

Today I had half of a slimfast meal replacement bar, a grilled chkn salad from mcdonalds (140 cals, 7g carbs, 20g protein), a very small bowl of salad with quorn, and a shake. Im not hungry at all but I will have my chilli and cauliflower for dinner and then the other half of my slimfast bar and a coffee when Mal is at the hospital.

Off to flick the heating up! brrrrr.
Hi Sweetie!

Just thought I'd pop in to say Hi! And SORRY! :( for not being around!

Hope your LO's are getting better now? And how're you finding this new diet? Have you weighed yet?
Sorry if you've put this info up already, I literally have just jumped on here to catch up and apologise for being away, I really have missed you all! :)

Crazy mad here! Max has (had) Rotavirus!! I've been worried sick, am still fretting and will do until I know he's better! His eating has never been brilliant, so we're now going twice a month for a weigh-in and if he's not gaining properly he's got to see a Dietician! I feel like such a failure!
Anyway, as he's not eating much at all, I'm sneaking cals in to his milk in the form of double cream (140 cals in 30mls!) - I've managed to get nealy 800 cals down him today, and based on his weight, he should be having around 850-900, so I'm not far off.

God, it's an obsession - me losing it, Max putting it on!!

I am already down 3.25lbs this week (since Tuesday), and that's not even on a diet! That is pure stress and the fact Max decided to share his virus with me! I cannot eat - even looking at food makes me feel yack!
Still, this is good because I was seriously starting to slacken off. When I start to eat again, it will be on the SnS diet, and I can FOCUS!! I never thought I'd get down to what I am in 6.5 weeks, so have to focus on how much more I can achieve in the next 3 weeks!

Sorry for rambling, just wanted you to know why I've been awol!!

Hoping to be regularly posting again over the next day or two max.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend lovely! :) xxx
Just a quick one...

5lbs off this week.

Having the weekend (sun/mon) sorta "off" plan. I have a week's VLCD stuff which I will get back to tomorrow - 5 packs a day.

Then, been looking into low GI. Ordered a book on amazon yesterday and going to have a go at that. Also going to have a trip to the library this week to see if they have any of the books that im interested in getting, but dont want to shell out for yet, until ive had a good look at the inside. lol So...this Low GI looks healthy. And great for veggies because I can have beans beans beans! Whereas paleo wont let me. And Im going back to being 100% vegetarian again as well. I decided I need to be happy and do something sustainable. Tried on a pair of shorts from my hols to Greece in 2011 and i can get them on but not buttoned - YET. My goal for my hols in May was to get back to where I was on my last hols in 2011. So Im very nearly there. I reckon not 2 months ago, I wouldnt have even been able to get them over my hips. So Im really pleased.

Ok.Gotta dash. Going with a friend and her 3 kids and my Tabby to the farm today. I gotta find Tabby's wellies and pack our bag and get her fed etc etc etc.

have a great day everyone :D
Ok. We didnt go to the farm. My friends sons were coughing and I really didnt want to risk Tabby catching anything else, especially as she still has a bit of a leftover cough at night from her last bout of cold. And its freezing. We had snow this morning :(

So. As I said...Im going to start back on 5 packs a day tomorrow to finish off my packs. Im not sure what I will do from there but I am looking into the low GI lifestyle and thinking that really may be perfect for me. I am going to get Rick Gallop's book from the library to have a look at it...and then I may buy it. In the meantime I have ordered, on amazon, a little Collins Gem pocket guide to GI. It got rave reviews and was only £3.75(ish). bargain! lol.

Im also going to get back to seriously working out. But not until the packs are gone. I really dont know how some people manage to workout while on VLCDs but I certainly do not have the energy for all that.

I talked to my mom yesterday. I realised it was the first time Ive called her in about a month...maybe a bit longer! eek! So that was nice, even if it was short. I wanted to check that it was ok to order the car seat and booster seat for the girls to be delivered to her house. And of course she excited said "of course!!" so it will be there within the next week or so...and she can stick them in the car for when she comes to get us at the airport. :D So excited! 5 weeks from TOMORROW we flyyyyyy. :bliss:
You're doing really well Bee :) Well done on the loss.
Low GI plan is a good one to follow, it can be a bit tricky to get one's head around on a practical every day level though! I tried at one point, but it required too much planning ahead...! :p


Back on it today. Having some much needed water....its not even 7:30am yet but Zoe wanted to get up. Bleh. lol

I didnt bother to weigh myself to check the damage done over my 2 days "off". Just going to crack on with it for the week and see what I can get off. My 2 books have dispatched from Amazon so should be here in a couple of days, I think. I ordered the Rick Gallop one too since the library didnt have it. Boo. lol

So today

B: Shake (still have 4 packs of oatmeal so will have pancakes on those days)

L: Shake

S: Shake

D: Meal pack w/veg (still have that pack of zero noodles too so 2 days I will have those)

S: Shake

This will be the plan for the week or until the packs are gone...possibly longer than a week...need to check how many packs I have.

I may throw a boiled egg in there or a small bowl of salad with vinegar...if I feel like I need it.

Have a great day :)
Oh you are so creative with your packs. I can't be bothered to be honest. Still haven't tried the pancakes. Might do tomorrow.
Hope you're enjoying your day x
I couldnt be bothered the first time I did SnS either. But this time...Im kinda just trying to get through the packs and since I have at least 3 shakes (sometimes 4) a gets..old. HAHA. So I figured I would try a few of the easy little "recipes". I wouldnt sit and try to construct "lasagne and chips" out of packs or try to make something "fancy" but the pancakes and the "brownie" ...I figured I would hav a go. Theyre really easy and will give me a bit of variety. lol Im going to try the brownies now, actually. Will post
Ok. I must have done something very wrong. lol. I think maybe not enough water. It was rubbery and very odd texture. LOL. I had half and the other half went in the bin. I may try again tomorrow, with a bit more water. If that doesnt come out right...I wont bother again. HAHA.
Honestly girl! Respect for trying! I absolutely do not have the urge to start experimenting like that but maybe that's just because I'm not really a keen cook in 'real life'.
Let us know how tomorrow's attempt goes though :)
If you're totally bored with the packs - while this isn't *strictly* on plan - you could have a little bit of sugar-free jelly. :) Vanilla pack (smooth creamy consistency) + jelly = tastes a little bit naughty, but totally 'legal' !

Luckily I'm not too bothered with having the same things everyday, but you can always put in an abundance of different herbs and spices to make them all taste more exotic? I accidentally put WAY too much parsley in my pack the other day and it tasted totally different. Or lots of Sage in a tomato based one.. or basil ...
The curry pack can be accessorised with different strengths of curry powder or garam masala, marjoram, turmeric... :)

A super heated thick vanilla shake can become a little bit like custard too, which is quite soothing at times.

Im not really bored as such. Its just 3 or 4 shakes a day is a bit....repetitious. lol. So I thought I would try something new. The meal packs are fine. I still really enjoy them. I add a little salt and some hot sauce (ive got chilli packs and spicy spag packs) and pour it over broccoli or cauli and im very happy with it. Yum! It was just trying to get through a mostly liquid day that Im struggling with. I think its only because Im already moving on to low GI in my mind. LOL. Its not a big deal...figured I would just have a play about. Haha. The taste of that brownie was nice....didnt taste fake or anything...but it was like rubber. HAHAHAAHA. Rather amusing. I still have a vanilla shake and my meal pack tonight. And I have no idea how to make the shakes hot....I dont trust myself to wing that without direction..lolololol. So I will have my dinner at 5(ish) as usual and then my last shake later tonight around 7.
If you're struggling with the amount of shakes, just double them up. :) I double my dinner packs, so I only eat 3 times a day.

Having heated shakes - what I used to do with them (because cold shakes would NEVER fill me up); is boil the kettle, have my powder in a small bowl and add water very slowly, mixing as I go along. That way I'd stop at a nice 'porridge' consistency which I liked. If I wanted it to be more warm/textured I'd put it into microwave for 30 seconds or so on full. Becomes like a thick velvety porridge thing, to eat with a spoon! :D
Works very well if you're doubling up and finding all the liquid a bit of a struggle. x