Belle's Journey

10. What do you actually want from being thin or losing weight? And what if it was already here?

11. On page 62, Geneen writes that "Whatever it offers, the reality of your day-to-day life has to be better than the self-inflicted misery you are creating through the stories you are telling yourself. … What if what you needed was right in front of you and you were not recognizing it?"

Look around you right now. Right here. Notice the sounds, the colors. Pay attention to your breath, your arms, your legs. Make a mental list of what you already have. Of the abundance that fills your life. Notice how that changes everything.
10. What do you actually want from being thin or losing weight? And what if it was already here?


Wow, this is a mind twister. I actually went on Oprah where the workbook is in a main forum to see how others had answered the question, then realised- what am I doing!- its not other peoples answers I am looking for, its my own..
Inspirational woman of the day -Colette

Its funny, but I can feel that today is a cross road day. I will either go up a gear or fall back a gear. I spent all day in yesterday and when that happens its not a great sign...unless I am ill. Anyway forewarned is forearmed and it's still early .
here is what I think, I amin week 20, mid way through, if I feel uneasy about something there is a reason.

1- I have a fashion class today and all day friday. I do not like the amount of gossip ,celeb mag chatter and noise in the class, so I am going to withdraw from both, my priority is my health and peace and quiet, so I will ring the college when it opens and say I am not coming back.

2- I am going to get a letter from the doc -cos the uni willl need one , I am not submitting any theorectical papers this year...I do not need the hassle of travel across london and I do not want the stress of long rides.

3-I want a very simple daily schedule where I am not going anywhere I do not really have to and where I am going places, I might want to. While I am not a buddhist , the one thing about the Buddhist centre is that it is not noisey , and most people can and will respect the quiet around another person who is just reading or sitting in the shrine room .

Something is my psyche is just screaming for me to pull back even more
I am definately grumpy this morning, but things are fine, went to the gym and that was fine too. Ok the best I can do for me at present is find some really fabulous woman of the day..gotta think a bit about this cos its got to be a woman with va-va-voom:cool: