BF doing WW but has way more points than me...


Silver Member
My BF and I don't live together, but find that during the weekend or nights together during the week we're at odds about meals.

He's on about 36 points a day and I'm on 25. I feel as though I'm eating nothing all day so I can justify the huge (in relation to my other dinners) meal we have in the evening because he gets so many more calories. Similarly, he's feeling guilty that he can snack and eat during the day when I can't. This doesn't really bother me because my appetite is much smaller but it's obviously affecting him.

Another problem is that he's pretty much 'guesstimating' his points. He'll make a meal and think 'that is probably around 10 points', whereas I'm very strict and weigh things out etc.

Does anyone have any advice for either of these issues? In the grand scale of things they're not important but I'm worried I'm going to start eating over my points!!
With the number of points he has theres no excuse for guestimating. He has loads for a large meal and snacks. Hes not following it properly if hes just guessing the points. Can you maybe show him the 'error of his ways' let him guess but then you work it out accurately?

Why do you have to have a huge meal with him??? If youre both on the same diet you can have the same meal but a smaller, lower point, portion.
Its not so much its huge, more than they're generally huge in points. So something with quite a bit of meat or pasta etc. So even if I have a relatively small portion, its still maybe 8-10 points.

And I've tried what you suggested by saying the difference in his guesstimate but he thinks I'm taking it too seriously and I'm getting the 'roll eyes, humour her' face when I ask him to count out points in the food...
If he's not going to take it seriously and in the process is apparently undermining your own confidence in doing it the right way, I'd be inclined to just bother with your own diet, eat seperately and ask him to prepare his own (or put up with what you happen to put in front of him). It's hard enough dieting without dragging a passenger along with you!
Thanks girlies. I think I'm going to sit with him and say we either eat things that are appropriate for both of us, or we're going to end up making seperate meals. Since he's the chef out of both of us, I hope he understands and we can split better meals out more evenly. :)
The other option is you take control in the kitchen, make a meal for two work out the points and split it down the middle. That way you know EXACTLY how many points you are eating and you can tell him how many points is in his meal too. My hubby is lucky, he's naturally thin but I don't make different meals he gets bigger portions of what I make x
Oooh I don't think anyone would benefit from that Hazykay lol. I'm an awful cook! I bake very well but unfortunately that particular skill will probably not get used much while I'm dieting (although it did help me get to where I am today ;)).