'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

Im exactly the same.. I have always had to clear a plate! I used to just eat really fast and clear it and then end up feeling uncomfortably full.. Im actually starting to slow down eating and find I actually leave things nowadays, theres still that urge to eat when im full when im tempted but Im getting better at stopping ot at least wait and then if im still hungry I can have something else. Ive always wondered if it went back to school days when the dinnerladies would always make us clear are plates.. if you didnt it was a bad thing.
Good luck with this week Nee, I think its good after a setback to just get back on trackandnot dwell, im sure you will rock it this week :)

Had a pretty good week, althou a little worried Ive gone to far inthe other direction as have been experiencing a bit of lightheaded-ness.. im not eating any different than usual so im not sure what that is. Lost 3 1/2 tonight so very thrilled, Finally in the 16 stone bracket..I havent been there for so long I kind of want to cry of happiness!
Everything has kind of hit me this week -im finally starting to notice I look so much better and went clothes shopping and everything fit so much nicer..it wasa good feeling.

I think its a combination, my mum always used to make sure we ate everything and the same at school you were always told to eat it all up. Then between being 10-16yrs old my brother always used to call me names about being fat and I would always say no im not and go to the cupboard and eat 6 sandwich bars :( I dont know it really annoys me cos not only are we trying to sort out the weight problem were also hunting for triggers so we can recognise where we have been going so wrong.

Well done on the 3.5lbs thats AwEsOmE :) xx

I think I'm crying for you. Well done. Its not about losing weight alone, you are making your goals come true and I am really proud of you- your weight loss has been truly amazing! You are already very beautiful ( I would kill for your skin!) and the weight loss will make you more confident and energetic to achieve anything you put your mind to.

Mind the light headedness. Maybe get your iron and blood pressure checked to be on the safe side?

Nee- the rebel thing sticks with me- I totally do that- its like the devil in me says "you say I cannot have this" or " you say I should go to teh gym, well then I';ll show you " and he uses my body to fatten up on teh couch!!

I'm feeling really emotional today, up adn down, good and bad.

I'm trying to work out where I'm going. Still lost, but tonight I think I;m happy being lost.

Hope your ok hun, lets not be rebels and keep on it YAY xxx
I've stayed the same this last 2 weeks, I'm happy with that so I'm still at 266 lbs!

Well done you. And well done for sticking with the plan even when its frustratingly slow. xx

STS !!

Here's hoping -2lbs next week!

Well done to you too. I'm sure you'll hit that 2lbs next week. xx

I'm feeling really emotional today, up adn down, good and bad.

I'm trying to work out where I'm going. Still lost, but tonight I think I;m happy being lost.

Sometimes feeling emotional/lost is associated with change. If you haven't got a change planned, maybe your subconscious is saying it wants something different. So keep your eyes open for new opportunities (gosh I sound like a stupid horoscope!)

I think its a combination, my mum always used to make sure we ate everything and the same at school you were always told to eat it all up. Then between being 10-16yrs old my brother always used to call me names about being fat and I would always say no im not and go to the cupboard and eat 6 sandwich bars :( I dont know it really annoys me cos not only are we trying to sort out the weight problem were also hunting for triggers so we can recognise where we have been going so wrong.

Gosh, growing up I was always hungry and couldn't imagine not eating everything on my plate. My mom wasn't great on portions and didn't notice that a 15yr old needed more than a 5yr old. So my triggers are always about being to eat as much as I want.

* * *

Yesterday was WI and I stayed the same. I'm ok about this after the weekend. No reason I shouldn't lose this week other than usual one of being useless at dieting :( . But I will try to keep on top of things. Got a friend coming for lunch today and I've made a bacon and leek quiche with salad and home-make coleslaw (with low fat mayo and yoghurt). Poached pears for afters. Just must try not to finish it all off after she goes :17729:

Have a good day everyone. xx
Hello all.

Just wondering if its too late to join in?
I've had a good few days! I'm counting every calorie. Just had a BLT for lunch... yum! :p

On the flipside, I also did 2 hours of exercise today, so now I'm exhausted! :eek:
I think I'm crying for you. Well done. Its not about losing weight alone, you are making your goals come true and I am really proud of you- your weight loss has been truly amazing! You are already very beautiful ( I would kill for your skin!) and the weight loss will make you more confident and energetic to achieve anything you put your mind to.

Mind the light headedness. Maybe get your iron and blood pressure checked to be on the safe side?

Nee- the rebel thing sticks with me- I totally do that- its like the devil in me says "you say I cannot have this" or " you say I should go to teh gym, well then I';ll show you " and he uses my body to fatten up on teh couch!!

I'm feeling really emotional today, up adn down, good and bad.

I'm trying to work out where I'm going. Still lost, but tonight I think I;m happy being lost.

Thanks hun that was the sweetest message and made me smile today! :) I think loosing weight is a crazy emotional experience! (I dont think I realised before how bad it would be.. :devilangel:) but it does bring up all these food issues which is a good thing to get all these demons sorted out.
Good luck this week and get that 2lb! :winner:

Hello all.

Just wondering if its too late to join in?

Heya Louisa! Come on in :D
oh lots of activity- very good!
Louisa welcome, feel free to rant, talk, and give out, give advice adn ask questions- this place is like my confessional (is that blasphemy?)

Wasted Ink- well done on activity! I too did a lot today adn I am goign to bed tired and happy!! We'll be happier next week with less weight to carry around!

Judith- how did lunch go? Poached pears- how do you make them? I hope you enjoyed, i love eating with friends. If i ever have kids i will be making buns and cookies the whole time!

Nee- maybe we should become rebellious in another part of our lives?? I would love to be a rebel! a proper rebel, someone who speaks up against the worng doings and all that- is that my problem- am I overeating because I don;t speak up when I should.....

In Glamour this week (it costs a pound, I am still being very economical) some supermodel's daughter (Aman somehting?) spoke about being 23 st adn losing it, she;s now a size 12, having had her stomach stapled. It was a good read, about loving who you are, fad diets and extra skin adn droopy boobs after losing the weight. She was 28 when she turned it all around- my age. Now it wasn;t life changing but it did re-affirm that this year I will be healthy weight, and I will keep it. I will not be fat and thirty.
After 4 weeks off, I have to go into teh office for a few hours tomorrow, and then back properly Monday. wow, the time flew. GOd i loved being off!!(and not unemployed!)
It's interesting about the emotional aspect of eating. I don't think I've particularly suffered from that in the past. What I do notice though, is that when I was younger, I saw every "diet" as a short-term soultion. I didn't have the will-power to resist that ice-cream in the park or the cakes my grandparents would give me. As I've got older, I now know that I have to control what I eat AND exercise for the rest of my life. And I am actually OK about that. :) It feels good to be in control.

This week isn't looking too good though - I just had a peak at the scales and I'm stuck at the same weight. :rolleyes: Considering the huge amount of activity and the fact I've stuck to plan 100%, that's annoying. I'm hoping it'll be one of those situations where I suddenly drop 2lb in one day on my weigh-in day (Saturday!) Let's hope so.
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Hi Guys!

Nice to see some more posting going on - it cheers me up to know we're all in the same boat: having good days and bad days, finding new ways of managing and learning something new every day.

Welcome Louisa - hope you get as much out of it as I do.

Kellie - well done on all the exercise. Good stuff! As for not wanting to be fat and thirty - use this as good motivation. I said I wouldn't be fat and 30, fat and 40, fat and 50 and I failed every time. Don't spend your life being overweight - I regret so much not getting a handle on this when I should have.

Poached pears are peeled pears (left whole), simmered in red wine/sugar/water/cinnamon sticks until soft (about 30mins). Then thicken the syrup with arrowroot or corn flour before pouring over and adding vanilla ice cream. I was pretty good and had just a snack for supper to compensate for the big lunch. Oh and I didn't have wine either.

Today had the left over quiche and coleslaw for lunch and will have a slimfast shake for supper if I'm hungry. I'm off out playing cards so will see how I feel later. Can't believe I have another cold - thats my third since Xmas. At least I can stay in bed all day if I want to - its just that I thought not working would mean I would be healthier.

Hope you're all having a great day. xx
Morning all,

how are we all doing?

I have been better this week, feeling low and not really a 100% sure why?! ha ha silly me!

Food wise have been better and when I weighed this morning a pound had gone but not counting till Monday! but now know I have 3 days to try and get rid of what I gained arrghhh

Going Doctors at 9am to discuss my weight and sort out this crap cough I have had for 5 weeks!!
Wasted Ink- that sudden drop happens me all the time, and the opposite happens too! I take do drop seriously anymore unless it is WI day and thus official!

Judith- must try the poached pears! Sounds lovely, I would love to be a good cook, so I'm starting with simple stuff

Nee, don't dismiss ur feelings so easily. If you accept ur feeling low, maybe ur body will start telling u why- I know it sounds weird but it works. Sometimes our mind blocks out stuff ti doens't want to admit, and it takes work to uncover it. As well, u've lost a lot of weight and maybe this is way of ur body responding. Don't bury ur feelings- they just build up and bite you (and sometimes make you sick).

i had a big meal out last night , 3 of us shared 2 dessert and starters and I had stuffed courgette with very little potato with it, felt ver very very full though, so definately over did it. I have ben very good otherwise but scales seem to be going up- just gotta stick with it i suppose.
I have been better this week, feeling low and not really a 100% sure why?! ha ha silly me!

Food wise have been better and when I weighed this morning a pound had gone but not counting till Monday! but now know I have 3 days to try and get rid of what I gained arrghhh

Going Doctors at 9am to discuss my weight and sort out this crap cough I have had for 5 weeks!!

Well done for losing the pound. I know the experts say we shouldn't weigh ourselves every day but I find it can give me a boost if I think the extra effort is working. Good luck with doc and hope you feel better soon. xx

i had a big meal out last night , 3 of us shared 2 dessert and starters and I had stuffed courgette with very little potato with it, felt ver very very full though, so definately over did it. I have ben very good otherwise but scales seem to be going up- just gotta stick with it i suppose.

I'm sure its just water retention or something. Just stick with it and trust the maths. You'll suddenly see a nice drop. xx

* * *

Had a poor day yesterday in that I drank too much lager even tho I didn't exceed my BMR. Got a bit of a hangover tbh. I went out but main reason is that I felt really sad as I've realised my son will be going away to uni at the end of the summer and I will miss him soooo much. Its always been just the 2 of us and we are very close. We drive each other nuts sometimes and he has a girlfriend that he spends a lot of time with but I still struggle to think about not seeing him everyday even if it is just bickering over the state of his room. And I need to get my head round the fact that he might never come home to live again (I didn't after I went off to uni). I need to try to make the most of the next 3 months and not be miserable about it as it wont change anything.

Anyhoo, its a lovely day and I'm off out with the doglet. Take care all, xx
Wasted Ink- that sudden drop happens me all the time, and the opposite happens too! I take do drop seriously anymore unless it is WI day and thus official!

Judith- must try the poached pears! Sounds lovely, I would love to be a good cook, so I'm starting with simple stuff

Nee, don't dismiss ur feelings so easily. If you accept ur feeling low, maybe ur body will start telling u why- I know it sounds weird but it works. Sometimes our mind blocks out stuff ti doens't want to admit, and it takes work to uncover it. As well, u've lost a lot of weight and maybe this is way of ur body responding. Don't bury ur feelings- they just build up and bite you (and sometimes make you sick).

i had a big meal out last night , 3 of us shared 2 dessert and starters and I had stuffed courgette with very little potato with it, felt ver very very full though, so definately over did it. I have ben very good otherwise but scales seem to be going up- just gotta stick with it i suppose.

Thank hun :) I dont know just makes me angry when you work so hard then go mad eating but its all a learning curve to eventually put us on the straight and narrow... I hope !!

Your meal sounds yummy :) and of course you can stick to it :) xx

Well done for losing the pound. I know the experts say we shouldn't weigh ourselves every day but I find it can give me a boost if I think the extra effort is working. Good luck with doc and hope you feel better soon. xx

I'm sure its just water retention or something. Just stick with it and trust the maths. You'll suddenly see a nice drop. xx

* * *

Had a poor day yesterday in that I drank too much lager even tho I didn't exceed my BMR. Got a bit of a hangover tbh. I went out but main reason is that I felt really sad as I've realised my son will be going away to uni at the end of the summer and I will miss him soooo much. Its always been just the 2 of us and we are very close. We drive each other nuts sometimes and he has a girlfriend that he spends a lot of time with but I still struggle to think about not seeing him everyday even if it is just bickering over the state of his room. And I need to get my head round the fact that he might never come home to live again (I didn't after I went off to uni). I need to try to make the most of the next 3 months and not be miserable about it as it wont change anything.

Anyhoo, its a lovely day and I'm off out with the doglet. Take care all, xx

Ahhh bet its hard letting go of him, whats he going to study and where?


Well been docs about 5 different issues...absolute waste of time ha ha when it came on to the weight subject I didnt get another presciption of Xenical...not overally happy about it but not much I can do about it.

On a positive note, the doc said I have lost 10KG since I last went in so WHOOP... still works out the same but was nice to hear a big number screached at me...

I also heard from a Drama School in London for a Stage Management & Technical theatre Foundation Degree and I have an interview on the 16th June ARRGGHH

So although still feeling abit low, I do feel abit more positive, hopefully me and the Boyf' are going to head into town and have a nosey around some shops, its sooo sunny here I love it!!

happy Friday peeps

Ahhh bet its hard letting go of him, whats he going to study and where?


Well been docs about 5 different issues...absolute waste of time ha ha when it came on to the weight subject I didnt get another presciption of Xenical...not overally happy about it but not much I can do about it.

On a positive note, the doc said I have lost 10KG since I last went in so WHOOP... still works out the same but was nice to hear a big number screached at me...

I also heard from a Drama School in London for a Stage Management & Technical theatre Foundation Degree and I have an interview on the 16th June ARRGGHH

So although still feeling abit low, I do feel abit more positive, hopefully me and the Boyf' are going to head into town and have a nosey around some shops, its sooo sunny here I love it!!

happy Friday peeps


He's going to do Film Studies. He makes lots of films now and posts them on his channel on Youtube - if you looked at my Poker video you can see other stuff he's done. We came down to look at Bournemouth but they turned him down :( .

Well done on getting the interview and good luck. Did doc give you a reason why no Xenical? Especially as you have done so well on the weight loss. I was thinking of asking mine for some rather than buy stuff over the counter just to give me a boost.

Enjoy the shops and treat yourself to something nice. xx
He's going to do Film Studies. He makes lots of films now and posts them on his channel on Youtube - if you looked at my Poker video you can see other stuff he's done. We came down to look at Bournemouth but they turned him down :( .

Well done on getting the interview and good luck. Did doc give you a reason why no Xenical? Especially as you have done so well on the weight loss. I was thinking of asking mine for some rather than buy stuff over the counter just to give me a boost.

Enjoy the shops and treat yourself to something nice. xx

Ahhh thats an exciting thing to study..possibly a little similar to me but mine is Theatre rather than TV/Films, you'll have to repost the link for you tube and Ill have a look at what he's done.

I dont feel there was any reason to not re-prescribe the Xenical, I certainly fit into the criteria... I admitt I dont use it that often (only when I have been stupid like last week for example) but knowing its there makes me feel so much better I now only have 4 pills left! Maybe its due to the length I have been using them as it would actually be a year now?!?

Personally, I dont recommend buying over the counter - purely as I assume you would have to get Alli? which is actually 50% less dosage - 60mg, where as Xenical is 120mg, I would definately recommend you going docs to ask about them, there are some evil side effects but it certainly makes you think what you have done wrong :8855: and although I still do make mistakes (as we all know I do) when ever I pick something up to eat now I know just by the food choice or how much etc what is good or bad... obviously that doesnt always help me ;) and I then spend alot of time in the ladies area for proof of it ha ha ha :eek:

Also, went shopping had a really nice time, went for a coffee at this place called Simple... and had the most amazing photo's all over the walls - was like a gallery with a cafe type thing :) treated myself to a 'boob tube' to avoid strap marks, got home and guess what...doesnt fit :( so might take it back today boo hoo
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Nee that cafe sounds lovely- i love little places like that.

I took alli until recently, twice a day. Its supposed to be 3 but as I have porridge for breakfast there wasn't enough fat to justify taking one.
Do think they helped me shift weight. I gave up because running stimulates my bowels enough without taking alli (sorry just wanted to be honest!)
I had no side effects with alli, even if I had a massive pizza and chips, and took one, I never had really bad runs or anything.
Nee that cafe sounds lovely- i love little places like that.

I took alli until recently, twice a day. Its supposed to be 3 but as I have porridge for breakfast there wasn't enough fat to justify taking one.
Do think they helped me shift weight. I gave up because running stimulates my bowels enough without taking alli (sorry just wanted to be honest!)
I had no side effects with alli, even if I had a massive pizza and chips, and took one, I never had really bad runs or anything.

I definately think they asisst with weight loss, but I also think for the amount of side effects I had which sometimes wasnt any, taking Alli would be pointless as they are a lower dose compared to Xenical.

I started back last May with Xenical and initially found them great, since Oct last year I only really took them when I had over 5g fat per 100g of food to keep me on track and sometimes I would get bad moments and others nothing.

To me the main thing of using them is to make you think about what you eat and the fear of having an accident too makes you really dread the consequences, hence why i took them even if I knew I was massively overloading on fat like having a pizza hut/indian/chinese hee hee

Now I only have 4 left concerns me as they were my saviour should I be stupid as they often put my head straight arrrgghhh


have had a lovely day, Mum and Dad have come to sunny Bournemouth for the weekend and went for a nice pub lunch, they had a nutrition guide which was good and I had sweet chilli noodles with chicken (498 cals) and a mango flavoured frozen yoghurt whilst walking along the seafront YUM

Have caught the sun a little today, burnt a little on my back oops hee hee

Feeling ok at the min, had a massive cry last night, and not even sure why!! but got more emotional when I talked about dieting!

Been ok foodwise today and just about to have a homemade lasagne (by the mother :D ) with salad - apparently the lasagne is 8 WW points - not sure what that is in calories ????

Hope everyone is having a nice day and making the most of the sun :silly:
Morning peeps :)

how are we all on this gorg' weekend of sun??

Im ok, think I did ok yesterday with food but weighed and still showing the same weight as I did on Monday!! Gonna try to be especially good today to boost it all then EXTRA strict next week to try and get some of this shifted, at this rate Ill never reach my first big goal of 4stone by Sep!!

Going out for lunch with the parents again today but think Ill have salad or something :)
I am fine! actually my legs only hurt a little, but last night I did think I was going to die (throwing up I am not good at)
Its only now I realise how amazing that was!! In my diary for goals this year, I said if I didnt do a marathon, I;d definately do a half marathon- and look, I ahve that done!! One part of my life that is going well.

Nee How did today go- did you have salad?
I was at my parents today adn I had a big dessert but I figure I deserved it. I might skip evening tea tho.. or maybe have something light......