'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

well trying to get back on it, not gone too well so far ha ha
Hello lovely's

How are we all?

God, why do diets really getter the better hand sometimes, and the temptation to just divulge in horrible fats win over a healthy lifestyle??

Well, thats been me for the last 5/6 days, gained far too much weight thats its almost unbeleiveable!!

New day today (I keep saying this most days)

I know..I know

Just on abit of a downer this week...stuck in a rut!
My eating had pretty much gone out the window and been replaced with crazy stress! I felt so bad on vday,I totally had to cancel seeing the boy to instead spend my evening working like hell because the school inspectors came in this week (you only get like 3 days notice) :( I was gutted. I could only pop in and see him for a little bit,and he had beautiful flowers for me and everything! So we have moved our vday meal ness to friday night instead.. thank god its my last day of work tomorrow then I have half term off.

Awwh Kel, come get some Hanz love..its all you need! :D
Ahh how sweet hanz, Friday will be very special xxx
Morning all

How miserable is out outside meh!!

Neon, Yesterday was better but still nibbled ha ha

Hanz, how was last night?

Hanz- I am so jealous- a week off! Today is my 29th birthday. I'm annoyed . my friend and I have our friend from uni visiting- she stays with me as I have my own place. It's both our birthdays (born same day same place, and met 18 years later). But she is not spending time with our friend at all today,even though I asked so I could have time alone- really annoyed at it. I have accepted it now as there is no point in ruining our birthdays. I'd just like a couple of hours when I wasn't hosting. And I know our friend feels like the other friend doesn't care much and that I want time away! AHHHHH

Anyway, its parked, I will say it to my friend later in the week in a kind way. I plan to go for a run (if I actually get out off bed) lunch in a nice cafe, drinks tonight.
haven't updated this for a bit, soooo...

Nee - 18lbs to lose - 9lbs to go
Kell- 10lbs to lose- 8 lbs to go
Judith- 8lb to lose, 8lb to go
colly- 14lb to lose- 3lb to go.
Hanz - 8lbs to lose - 4 1/2lbs to go
Blue butterfly - 14lbs to lose - 14lb to go

yay! on track to hit mini target :)
Hanz- I am so jealous- a week off! Today is my 29th birthday. I'm annoyed . my friend and I have our friend from uni visiting- she stays with me as I have my own place. It's both our birthdays (born same day same place, and met 18 years later). But she is not spending time with our friend at all today,even though I asked so I could have time alone- really annoyed at it. I have accepted it now as there is no point in ruining our birthdays. I'd just like a couple of hours when I wasn't hosting. And I know our friend feels like the other friend doesn't care much and that I want time away! AHHHHH

Anyway, its parked, I will say it to my friend later in the week in a kind way. I plan to go for a run (if I actually get out off bed) lunch in a nice cafe, drinks tonight.

Happy birthday Kel! :D I hope you have a lovely day hun, you deserve it. o_O tricky situation hun, why doesnt she want to see your other friend? Impressed with the run on your birthday, I would totally give in and not do it hehe.

Miss Nee I hope all is well with youand still being good!

Last night was very nice :D had a lovely meal all cooked for me, lots of wine and a film so I was a happy girlie. Had an absolute nightmare of a week last week being so stressed out and that didnt put the boy off so all is good! Half term is the lovely perk of being a teacher.. it needs one! I spent all my time doing work all thinking about it. I actually cried at work monday evening after talking to a parent.. felt like a total silly person sobbing in front of the other class teacher :eek: but she was so nice. It was all a bit too much for me this week.
Anyway, Im a bit mushy happy today, I hadnt met someone in so long I was kind of thinking I never would you know.. Jeez this extreme change in emotions this week feels like im on a rollercoaster!
Kellie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY :candle1: Hope you have a fab day and night :D

Hanz, last night sounds lovely, enjoy the emotions they can be the best ever :) and enjoy your week off and relax as much as possible

Colly, Well done :D :D :D

Good morning all! I am up and ready to go running with JK- Hopefully I am now back in the groove- still finding it tough, but I know if I keep at it, I'll be pushing on those hills again by the end of March. Started making my lovely peanut butter smoothies again as an incentive! My birthday weekend turned out quite brilliant, friend A made effort with fiend B and I had a few hours to myself. Interestingly, I kissed biker boy. Hmmm, that was not expected. But quite pleasant. well more than quite ;)
Hanz, I am so jealous of teachers this week!! GRRRRR, how's the lie ins- I really hope the feet are up. there is nothing wrong with wide ranging emotions, life can be like that when your busy. Colly, well done on teh loss, I have to admit, i am getting nowhere fast, but hopefully this week I will be kickstarting again. Nee,how are you doing?
My birthday weekend turned out quite brilliant, friend A made effort with fiend B and I had a few hours to myself. Interestingly, I kissed biker boy. Hmmm, that was not expected. But quite pleasant. well more than quite ;)
Hanz, I am so jealous of teachers this week!! GRRRRR, how's the lie ins- I really hope the feet are up. there is nothing wrong with wide ranging emotions, life can be like that when your busy.

Yeay, im glad your friends got on a track a bit.. and biker boy gossip, spill! :D

Barely had a lie in actually lol! Spent yesterday and today up early doing things with my friend whos also a teacher so been shopping and chilling out, early start goin to doctors tomorrow so maybe thurs can be my lie in :p
Kellie, Whoop to the kissing...I need more info :D

Hanz, hope your enjoying your week off, try to do little and smile lots :)

Me, Im doing ok, been back on plan for 2 days now (Only 2 days but so pleased) worked today and will be there tomorrow, then tomorrow night, taking my mum and dad to watch the show :D

Yes Kellie it is quiet, shame really as we all used to post in here so much :(

Im much the same abit all over the place too, but everyday is a new day and keep on trying hee hee

What you up to today Nee?
I'm on a day off from work- bliss on a Monday, sitting at my conservatory door with teh sun shining in. think I'll go for a run. You know what- I actually miss the really long runs the 16 - 20 milers where afterwards I was totally spent, done in. Ha- the feeling of achievement. I enjoy my 4/5 milers now- they are hard work actually, i haven't got my stride back. But they don;t exhaust me for 24 hours and that was a good feeling. Hmm, maybe that's a sign....

You know that diet I was doing - I quit- I was constantly hungry and had no energy to run, after a few weeks then i had a total blow out, so I ma getting back on track. Bit annoyed as it said it worked on teh metnal stuff but it was their diet that drove me crazy. I know what my body , i just don't know how to care for it sometimes (you know- when I eat a pizza follwoed by 3 ready made cous cous things followed by been adn jerrys and a bottle of wine).

My mum is turning my bedroom into a sitting room- i've told her to for years, but actually bit sad!! I am goign to move home (??!!!) for a few months to save before travelling, hmm wonder if i could help her paint or somehting when I'm there.