Big Brother 2012

Oh and note to benedict please dont play wit yourself in a bath that is shared by 15 other people yuck cringe lol
I think its hilarious bring on even more drama and evil looks to th people they think voted for them lol
nikki 'who is she' grahame on bit on th side get her back in haha
Haha images and sound clips goin through my head lol
Sooo, what are we all thinking?

I really hope Chris stays tonight, he is great value! Think it might be quite close between him and Arron though as he will probably be quite popular amongst the ladies
At th min i'm a bit like aaron who tbh but really dont like chris think it would have been funnier if they'd failed th shopping task tho lol
can you imagine how Chris would have reacted had they failed the task?! Omg!
It would have been great for us haha hope this series doesn't fizzle out with having a bit drama in 1st weeks than normal
Me neither I cant put my finger on why but there's just summit about her
Omg i know i would of been rollin around laughing if had been in the could you not ? lol When chris got pied! that was epic