Big Brother!

They usually give pathetic reasons in face to face nominations though, they say something banal like, "She left her cup on the side and didn't wash up", instead of saying what they really think, like, "I just hate the way she talks, and walks, oh... and breathes!" :) I wish they'd be more honest when nominating.

I'm glad Jemima went, as unpopular as this might be, at the moment, Wolfy would be my next housemate to go. x
They usually give pathetic reasons in face to face nominations though, they say something banal like, "She left her cup on the side and didn't wash up", instead of saying what they really think, like, "I just hate the way she talks, and walks, oh... and breathes!" :) I wish they'd be more honest when nominating.

I'm glad Jemima went, as unpopular as this might be, at the moment, Wolfy would be my next housemate to go. x

Totally agree with this, I'm not a fan of hers at all!
What's the issue with wolfy? ??? She said she doesn't have a problem with being fat but didn't like what Charlie said. In that case she does have an issue.

Attention seeker wolfy. Trying to get the public vote I think.
I thought it was really mean of them to send Dexter in to the bedroom for a cigarette then all ganged up on him and said they didn't tell him to go in, BB should show them the footage to show them up, they made Dexter look like a liar.

They did this last year with Lauren, Ashley didn't like her because she was jealous, and they made her life rubbish until she left, bullying is rife in the BB house. :(

And they nominated Gina and Dexter... again, I even knew the words Dan would say just before he said it, "he's not changed enough"! Aren't they clever enough to realise that they've been up twice and survived?!

Last night's BBBOTS had footage of them talking post nominations and Wolfy was so cocksure, she was saying she knows she's not going anywhere and that she'll be in the final, I really hope she goes just to see the shock on her face if nothing else!

Wow, that turned into a proper rant! :) x
I think Dex is a gonner....but if Dan or Wolfy go its no loss either.

Save Gina - she is a great diary room chatter!
They haven't given out numbers to ring, I think (my own conspiracy theory! lol!) that they are finding a way to manipulate it so that wolfy doesn't go, sneaky beggars! I can't believe she's so confident she won't go, which makes me want her to go even more! :)
I am not sure Wolfy has anything to hide, she is just a student who has to mind her pennies and perhaps doesnt want to explain her income and outgoings on TV. Unless she is doing some benefit fraud of course!
Having said I wouldn't watch it at all, I did catch some of it this week. Frankly, I would cross the road to avoid most of them! Self-absorbed, self-obsessed moaners, the lot of them.

Having said that, if I were cross-questioned on television about my finances, I wouldn't be inclined to tell the truth, either!
Wolfy grates on my nerves, playing up to the cameras and wanting everyone to feel sorry for her :rolleyes:
I am loving the fake eviction idea! Reminds me a bit of when they had the secret room in BB5 (I think?) when Emma and Michelle ended up in the secret room. Who do we all want to go in there? I'm thinking Gina and Dexter would be best.
loving the secret room - and esp how excited Gina gets at most things.

Hazel flirting with Daley is a little off, he has a GF no? he is bad as well for encouraging such behaviour. Pah. Dexter seems less impressed too as he has to watch it all.

Could see Gina winning the show - shes crafty and sneaky! hehe!

Dan is a clever cloggs too suggesting they may be in a secret room.

Wolfy to go next? She seems to have lost the plot a bit - her faces when she got boos on 'eviction' night were horrible! x
Cannot believe Daley and Hazel! It's bad enough behaving like that when you have a girlfriend but on tv when everyone can see is even worse. Hazel turns every conversation into a sexual innuendo :(
Hazel makes me sick with her carry on. She knows the effect she has on Daley and she is enjoying it! He is a muppet for being so weak. Why couldn't he just say hey your a beautiful girl but ya know what I've got a girlfriend.... His ex girlfriend is a stunner. He will regret his actions big time...
Hazel is a gonner on Friday, I'm sure of it!

Loved the look on their faces when they discovered Gina & Dexter had heard their every move :D