Big Fruit Challenge


Full Member
If you are like me and HATE fruit (i really can't stand it) then i challenge you to do the same as me and force yourself to eat one bit of fruit a day, no matter how long it takes to eat it or what way you have to hide it (in a yogurt perhaps!)

Lets see if we can get more fruit in our healthy eating lifestyle :D

Today i have had: A Pear. It's was hard like an apple and didn't taste nice :mad: took me 15mins to eat.
I'm all for people trying things they haven't had before, but forcing yourself to eat things you really don't like?
Sorry, life's too short.
I want to be able to eat fruit, it's healthy and i think i need some of it! I've never ate fruit before cause i just don't like the texture so apart from apples pears and grapes i dunno what any other fruit is like. That is why i am going to be making myself eat at least one piece of fruit a day. I might even get to like it hopefully :)
It definitely helps! I hate bananas but they do fill me up and keep me from snacking lots. To be honest I've now grown to like them x
My first thought was why eat something you don't like but I can see where you are coming from.
I never really like aubergine and courgette but I kept introducing them into things, a bit at a time and now I'll eat them no problem!

Try finely chopped strawberries onto cereal - a good way of adding some sweetness and fruit!
I want to be able to eat fruit, it's healthy and i think i need some of it! I've never ate fruit before cause i just don't like the texture so apart from apples pears and grapes i dunno what any other fruit is like. That is why i am going to be making myself eat at least one piece of fruit a day. I might even get to like it hopefully :)

OK - I misunderstood your first post. I thought you were saying that you were forcing yourself to eat something that you knew you didn't like. But if you don't know what other fruit is like, then you have an interesting time ahead of you! The textures of different fruits are not the same, as you will discover.

And - a pear that is hard like an apple sounds under-ripe to me. So no wonder you didn't like it.

Good luck with your new discoveries. (Today I am having watermelon and physalis.)
I agree with Anna /\ you should have left the pear for a few days on the kitchen window sill. Love em when they are juicy, but hate the hard ones!

You could try frozen soft fruit, most supermarkets do them, blueberries, blackberries, etc. Good for breakfasts with yoghurt.
i dont know if you have a morrisons near you but they have a fruit counter with the salad counter and i have a small tub of ready prepared fruit and i try the stuff i have never had before to see if i like it and i ahve discovered i dont like most melons
i agree pears should be soft so when you bite into them the juice runs all down your chin yum
It definitely helps! I hate bananas but they do fill me up and keep me from snacking lots. To be honest I've now grown to like them x
I draw the line under bananas, no way! They disgust me, the smell the look the black bits....eugh!!
My first thought was why eat something you don't like but I can see where you are coming from.
I never really like aubergine and courgette but I kept introducing them into things, a bit at a time and now I'll eat them no problem!

Try finely chopped strawberries onto cereal - a good way of adding some sweetness and fruit!
Ill try, but the hairyness grosses me out, i can't touch them hahaha
haha hairy strewberries brilliant! banana's im sooooo fussy with bananas! they have to b yellow skinned no black bits and i never eat ther bottom! but if u get a good one, u might just love it! not a pear fan but i do like them in a tin! there r so many types of apples...braeburn r my fav. love red grapes. melon any type YUMMY!
as for ur stewberries...try go to a picking farm. my kids i think ate more than we actually paid for! lol
its good to try new things....i had never eaten lentils before slimming world and now i love them! ( i know lentils are not fruit! :eek:)
keep trying, you will find things you like.
Lentils are too sweet for me, and i put sweetner in my pasta! lol

Ate a strawberry yogurt with bits instead of the smooth one...does this count? :p
i cant eat yogurts withe bits in either makes me gag
and no dont put your pear in the fridge leave it on the side