"Biggest Losers" Team 32!

lol indeed we will, eventually!!!
i got 3 assignments this week, 3!!!!! not impressed :( but i will survive!!!

what are you studying at college? mine is access to nursing & allied health professions, i want to be a nursey :)!!!!

K x

I'm back :) Landed back v early Wednesday morning, about 1am, then spent all day collapsed on the sofa, watching telly, drinking tea and wading through emails, and now today I'm back in work and back on minimins.

Crete was fab, really enjoyed it, don't want to be back but hey, can't help it. We hired a car and I got to drive on the wrong side of the road for the first time ever :) I also got older whilst I was out there so I'm now 30 (and still fat!). I chose a lovely ring for my birthday pressie.

Had lots of nice meals, but on the whole didn't eat too madly, didn't binge and stuff myself anyhow. Am seeing my CD lady tonight, I hope I haven't put it all back on. Will be easing myself back into CD over the next few days, having my shakes and some protein until I'm back into ketosis, I'm not willing to make myself ill over it.

I will have some pics of me and the holiday to upload once I've got everything sorted. Gotta run, got loads of work to do, glad you're all still here and didn't boot me off in the meantime, will post more after my weigh in tonight :)

Em xxx
Hey ladies how are we all, katy,emma, jackie??
xx all having ok ish weeks?? I have been having a good week, but keeps smelling nice food and cakes everywhere, although its not made me give in at all!! xx havent had much water today as been so busy,so catching up now, emma i hope you enjoyed yourself and definatly back in ok, how did your weigh in go? whens everyone else's weigh ins? xx
Hey girls,
My brother bought me a blender and i made a smoothie with my chocolate shake its YUMALICIOUS!!!
Welcome back Emma glad you had a great time and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You are not fat either! I hate that word lol! I say im not fat im pleasantly plump!!! Lol!
Cant wait to see piccies from your hols!

Katy im doing a teaching assistant course, then will be doing an early learning degree course next year if i get in lol!
Mine isnt as intense as an access course, i was going to do one but cos of work and Arianna (daughter) i couldnt do it!

Mel mel mellll! Lol! My week as been awful its so hard getting back into it but i think making smoothies is going to help me loads!
My weigh in day is monday and my brother is going to join aswell so having someone doing it with me will help so much! Thats if he dont chicken out! Hows your week been hun? Hows Ridders???

Shall we all set ourselves a goal for the end of the month, just to get us back into it??? Or see who can be the "biggest loser" for the next 3 weeks!??Just an idea let me know!!

yay noce to see you back, even though i did talk to you before em :) glad you enjoyed your hols :D

well what a div i have been, i fell down the stairs this morning, i think i have abroken rib as well as massive amounts of bruising all over my body :( i feel really grim...

i am on the same boat as emma, slowly easing my self back into things as i had a massive blow out, all though i am aiming to back on fully by wednesdayish, as i am on monthly WIs now i want to loose damn near 14lb by the 30th ive only been having chicken and a bit of salad so i am all right.

if i can go all weekend without eating i will be happy, and just have my packs...

that sounds good jackie, i contemplated teaching but i dont think i could handle it, some times i wish i want doing the access course but needs must really and i need it to get in to uni :) so i must percivere!!! got my forst 3 assignments, all though i have nearly finished 1 of them :D

Mel. sounds like you have been the only one to have a good week!!! must take your will power away from you and share it out :) we all need some!!!

well anyway, bedy time is calling

night night and heres to a new day!!!

K x
Hey guys!

How are you all? Things over here have been crud. We have started getting things going to extend our visas, and now it turns out that we may have left it a little late and may have to stay here as (unlawful) overstayers until our extension get approved or not. Plus, I knew that my weight may cause problems as NZIS are strict on their BMI rules, but the more I read and/or think about it, the more I think that they are going to refuse my application. So I am stressed!! And then this morning we had a phone call about our blood tests. Well it turns out that my liver tests have come back as abnormal. The nurse was like "cut back on the alcohol and we will retest at your medical next week". But I don't drink. I mean, I do drink, I'm not teetotal, but I have not had a drink for ages. So it's obviously another factor. Fatty liver due to my weight probably.

Anyways, the diet has just been a total no go for about 10 days, but the phone call this morning really got me thinking about what kind of damage I may really be doing to myself. Generally I feel ok, but who knows what could be going on? I have my medical and more tests on Wednesday and I am bricking it. It's just all so arrrrrrgh!!!

I have managed to stay the same, which is awesome. And today is my second day back on the plan. I am currently swigging a vanilla shake and have consumed nearly 6 litres of water.

Hope everyone is having a good week! x
Hey girls, well I weighed in last night and I've gained 6lbs in 2 weeks. That's not bad at all, probably glycogen weight, and considering I can gain 6lbs in a weekend I'm actually quite pleased :) But I didn't overdo the food, didn't have loads of puddings or ice creams or anything like that. I did loads of walking and swimming and it seems to have paid off.

So it's back on the shakes today, am going to allow myself to have 4 or 5 today if I need them, better than falling off the wagon. It's going to be a hard journey but I'm ready to start again.

Rach - glad to see you're getting back on the wagon, eating won't solve the fatty liver problem but you're young, you can turn this around, and you're doing it the right way. Sending you much willpower and determination to keep you on the straight and narrow xx

Congratulations Mel, you're doing so well and you're an inspiration to all of us as we get back on track.

Katy - oooowwwwwww!! You poor thing, that sounds horrible :( Have you got some painkillers? I think broken ribs have to heal themselves but watch out for shortness of breath incase your lung is being pierced by a broken bit. You can get back on track, we can do it together, I will text you later.

Jackie - sounds like your smoothie maker was a good idea :) I keep chopping and changing what shakes I have, this week I've bought 7 choc mint ones, before I went it was the cappuchino ones but now I've gone off those. Funny eh?

What's everyone up to this weekend?

Em xxxxx
Ouch Katy that sounds so painful have you had it checked out hun and make sure you get some meds in you!
Emma 6lbs gain is good for 2 weeks they always say you gain about half of what you lost in your first week when u start introducing food!
Good idea about more shakes your body needs to get used to it!

Rachel hope ur ok just keep on going with the diet hun it will defo work out for you in the end!

How has everyones day been? xx
im not too bad now, lots of pain killers and rest, well, sort of! i have just got in from work at 3 am and i have to be back at work at 10 am... ho hum, more money for me :) i likes money :D :D :D :D

i am getting sick of eating, i really need cold turkey, starting tomorrow!!! i desperatly need to control hand to mouth syndrome, must stop and i have to do it now! or i am coming off the diet as i am wasting too much money on it for it not to work...

ah just ranting!!!!

K x
Hey girls i have decided im going to come off CD but am going to be calorie counting for a while i cant afford it at all and ma mum cnt really afford to be helping me out anymore! Hope i can still stay part of the team if thats ok i will still be losing i hope!!
I know it will take longer but i do love my food so im just going to be sensible about it and keep up with the gym also got the biggest loser dvd for days i cant make it!!

Hope ur all ok!!
Jax xxx
Jackie, thats terrible news, but its for the best, when you come back i am sure you will attack it with a vengence :)

well any way, tomorrow is another week, and this week has been a bad one! so start a fresh next week, who else is in with me on this one? cold turkey all the way!!!!

how has everyones weekend been?

mines not been too bad, apart from catching a bug of sorts, lots of vommiting and runs :(
but ho hum never mind :) another day another dollar :)

K x
You're doing really well Katy :)

I'm fine, tired, but fine. Am getting back on track well and truly now I'm at work, I'm always fine at work. Today is day 4 of my restart after my holidays. I know that with all this messing about I'm only 8lbs lighter than when I started in August, but still, at least I'm lighter than I was, and at least I had a fab holiday.

Am weighing in on Thursday night so am hoping for good things :)

How's everyone else?

Hello everyone sorry to hear your not doing this jackie :( but i hope you still pop in every now and again did you say your healthy eating? how is everyone elses weeks going, i had a rubbish weigh in this week lost 2.25lbs am gutted i dont know what i have done wrong, although it is TOTM ...but i just feel its going too take forever to get to my goal ... xx
had a rubbish start to the week, was in college on monday and someone asked me about shakes, totally off guard i let slip it was CD and the response was stupid, i got told to "just eat salad and go running or summat"!!!! i was gob smacked i really was, if it was that easy i wouldnt be spending over £200 a month on a diet, would i??????? but they were happy to lay into me but another girl in our group is having a band in 6 weeks and i totally open about it, and they dont say nasty comments to her....
then to top it all off i had an argument with another student, because he is a lay about lazy bum, who does nothing after college except socialise, complaining that he had too much work to do and not enough time to do it, and heres me, doing the same college course as him and also working 32 hours a week over 6 days... i feel so sorry for the arsehole, i actually wrote about it on here... ho hum, i hope he fails :D yes i know its mean but its a harsh world!

anyway rant over

K x
Hey Mel, you're doing so well, you're the only one of us who is really losing weight, 2.25lbs is great because you're well into the diet now and the losses will slow down. You couldn't hope to lose as much on another diet, could you?

K - you know what I think about your college people, tell them to shove their opinions!

I'm a bit fed up. Went to the gym Monday and Tuesday and have been 100% except for the addition of some cottage cheese after the gym which my CDC suggested as there's not really enough energy in 3 packs to sustain a gym workout too. I know I only started back on plan on Friday and I wasn't absolutely 100% over the weekend, but I have been since then, and still the scales are stuck. They're stuck at 219lbs. Also I've been at this diet since August and so far overall I've only lost 8lbs thanks to struggling before I went away, and then going on holiday for a week.

I'm fed up, I wish I could just "eat less and go running" and lose weight. Why do we have to have it so hard? Even with the cottage cheese I'm still eating well under 1000 cals a day and exercising, and yet I've not lost anything. How can that be? My OH keeps telling me he sees it with his own eyes but doesn't believe it, he says I should be stick thin with what I'm eating. It's so annoying. I want to be able to go to the pub with my colleagues at lunch time and have lunch with them for the guy who's leaving but I can't cos I know I'll gain weight. I want to be able to go to my friend's birthday drinks at the weekend but if I go I can only drink water or coffee, not booze like the others, or I'll gain weight. It's ridiculous and I'm sick of it :(
AAAaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhh Emma (hugs), i am knowing that feeling too, the whole want to eat thing, it only gets me at home really when everyone is tucking into a nice roast dinner :(

college is rubbish too, other students answers to my problem, is to eat salad and go running.... so i know how your feeling!!!

OMG :D i have finally done nearly 1 whole day 100% apart from the coffee i needed!!! no food or anything, i am dead chuffed, day number 2 tomorrow :) i am just so happy for me, it is my first whole day since i started the diet all them weeks ago, so day one from now!!!!

anyhow, the group has been quiet, how are we all?

K x
Hello all,

Katy thats really really good I hope it continues for you and you get a good weigh in next week :D Emma I know what you mean Its very restricting, I go to families for meals and I would rather not go than sit there surrounded by fajitas and yummy food ! xx but the way I say it is its a short time of our life, once we get to our goal then thats it we can start eating proper food and making sensible choices, I think I will hopefully be done by xmas which was my original goal anyway! I think if you think of it like that then time soon flies, I think what satisfies me the most about this is that each week my clothes get looser, I am back into most of my pre pregnancy clothes now and am delighted, maybe get some photos of yourself and stick them everywhere, on the fridge everytime you go to get something yummy out and shouldnt, you need to think of things that will discourage you from being bad, think of the end results?? xx sorry just trying to help, whats everyone got planned for there weekends then? Me and my man are off too London tonight to see a show and stay in a hotel again, going to have a nice evening meal but thats it going to be good all day apart from that then straight back on it tomorrow hoping for a good weigh in this week!! xx chin up girlies ;)
Hey guys! Sorry I have not been about. Things have been crazy this week, traveling back and forth to Taupo having x-rays, blood tests and what-not. I had the results back and it turns out that I do have a problem with my liver. So today I had to have another bunch of tests to determine what the problem is, and on November 4th I will be having an ultrasound to see if I have a fatty liver or if there is any damage.

The good news is is that aside from the liver thing, I am in reasonable health. No chance of diabetes, low-ish cholestrol, good heart and lungs etc. And I lost 11lbs this week! w00t!! Managed to get through the whole week without a blip.

So, this week I have lost 11lbs, or 2.7%. Who do I need to give my info to again? Can't seem to remember!

I have not told anyone that I am on CD. I just canoot be bothered with all the agro. I really wanted to tell my Mum when I called her earlier to tell her about the liver thing, but I decided against it.

Hope everyone is ok. x
Hello everyone. Sorry I've been MIA. I've lost the plot as far as the CD goes. I was getting back on track after my holiday but by about the 4th day I felt so rough and tired and poorly. My OH even said to me that he didn't think this diet was doing me any good at all, and that's not like him, he doesn't interfere just for the sake of it or because he personally doesn't agree with something.

So I've come off it, this weekend has been mega stressful and sadly I have reverted to my old coping mechanisms of food, food and food. I've had to find somewhere to move my horse to, it's also been my Dad's birthday so I had to visit my parents, my OH has been away, and we're also waiting to hear about the brain tumour my Dad has, whether he needs another operation or not. So it's been a bit of a horrible weekend.

So anyway, I'm not sure what to do now. I think I just need to get in control of my eating. I've been going to the gym so I want to keep going with that. I know I won't lose weight like I would on Cambridge, but I have lost weight whilst eating food in the past, I just need to be consistent and honest with myself.

My horse is now out on loan with a different family, I'm hoping that they're honest and genuine, the mum seems incredibly scatty but I don't think they will mistreat him or anything. It's just really hard cos he's like my baby! I hate that I can't manage to keep him with me, but he's been quite ill over the last few years and the vets bills have racked up so I need to pay those off and I can't afford to do that and pay for his keep at the same time. I also work full time and so don't have much time spare for looking after him so he's better with someone who doesn't work full time. I'm also very heavy for him, so I prefer him to be with someone lighter who is easier for him to carry. You'd think that'd be a massive incentive to lose weight but sadly it hasn't worked so far!

So sorry everyone, I will still try and pop in from time to time. Katy I will text you, sorry we couldn't meet up at the weekend but all the stuff with Bailey happened and I had to leg it back over the motorway to get his new home organised and get him moved to Doncaster!

Hello ladies, hope your all ok and had good weekends, I had a naughty night away in London and had a bit of pizza, but I did go away for weekend, but I got straight back on it the next day, however I think the pizza took me out of ketosis, booo ! Sorry to hear about that Bailey, ladies would you be offended if I move to another team? it's just with a few of you stopping CD and it being quiet I feel I need a bit more motivation, your all lovely ladies and hopefully I will see you on the site lots anyway and good luck with your weightloss, I will keep an eye on all your progresses anyway.

Take care girls xx