Binge eating


Full Member
Hi, im just looking for some support and advice. 4 weeks ago i was on here, talking about counting calories etc but feeling fairly positive. Since then I have binged for 4 weeks and gained a stone. I am literally beside myself. I feel horrific, I look awful and I am a complete mess emotionally. I don't know how to get out of this. This gym makes me cry because my fitness is dead. Iv gained pure fat and i hate my reflection. I have no control. Im now back on AD's and iv asked for help for my binging from my doctor but referrals take time and I need to stop this NOW. I feel like I have nothing left and just want to curl up and hide.

Any thoughts/
Sorry to hear you're feeling so down, I find it helps to have something to look forward to such as a holiday, my fitness level is 0 too but I've taken up the 30 day squat and crunch challenge, it's getting me out if breath and my legs are killing me so it must be good! Only on day 3 so it's going to get a lot harder but I'm trying to keep at it!

I also find reading the forums spurs me on so browse around and be motivated by how well others are doing, join a challenge maybe yourself, I've seen all sorts on mini mins, 3 fat chicks and even though I don't follow weight watchers anymore I still go on their forums too.

I also use my fitness pal app for monitoring my calorie intake and I really do think its awesome.

Good luck and hope to see you post more xxx
I know how you are feeling. My size is due to months and months, if not years, of binge eating. I fo it to hide emotion, hide loneliness and boredom.

I'm still struggling with it, times I find worse are times I'm alone. Could really eat for Britain then!

We can get through it, at least that's what's making me try, that my husband and the thought of kids doing the same.
Hi... Sorry to jump in on your convo...I'm so sorry your feeling so down..... We've all been there at some point I'm sure, I will say that browsing around the forums and seeing positivity spurs you not to eat rubbish...... Honestly it has for me. Last night I fancied a few glasses of wine to chill, read a forum with someone saying they were proud sticking to the diet, I thought sod it i can do that!!!! It's just a night!!! Felt fandabbydozy this morning!!! That's a few less calories consumed!!!. The evenings are hardest for me, I've never eaten much for breakfast or lunch only when I was pregnant!!! I keep myself busy a coffe, tea, some nuts etc.... Go for a bath!!!!!! Then like tonight I've chopped some chicken breast marinated in a tikka paste, and I'm having it it a pitta bread with salad and homemade low fat mint sauce.... Yummy.... Early bed then...hehe... Good luck and chin up... Here if you need support xxxx