BinkyBonk needs to lose weight...

I hope so am going to try on Monday and as i have physio it is a good day to start as i will be out and about, on tuesday i have work so as long as monday goes well i will try it at work too eek x

Am just hoping it doesn't hurt my stomach as milk doesn't always agree with me but it is skimmed so will try it and see x
Glad you liked the shake :) How much was it for a tin? Xx

I went to superdrug as they also had the bars and ready made bottles on offer, while on offer the tins are £3.97, the bars are 32p and the bottles are £1.03, I bought two tins, six bars and three ready made bottles for £12 and is enough for two weeks (I may get more bars if I like them) x
Also did it fill you up? Xx

I had my shake at 1pm while the bf ate pizza and wedges....meany lol x

I have had a litre of squash since and don't feel hungry :) we are at the bf's family so I had two sausages while they all had sausage sandwiches as they had already cooked them for when we arrived and felt mean saying no, am just taking them off my calories for dinner :)

I am now thinking of having a banana but not starving and happily turned down the chocolate birthday cake :D

It has been easier than I thought so far x
Slim fast/CC day one-

1pm strawberry shake - 230 cal

3pm 2x little sausage - 150 cal

5pm an apple - 46 cal

6pm 1/2 carton vegetable soup - 114 cal

7pm vanilla shake and 1/2 banana - 275 cal

9pm carrot sticks, Pom bear and a SF bar - 135 cal

Total - 1,078 calories

I also walked three miles burning 278 calories :)

So first day went really well, I really like the taste of the shakes, I have had my five a day, 3litres of squash and walked three miles :)

Hoping tomorrow goes as well as today...


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I thought it would be a good idea to strimmer my whole garden on my own as the bf is at work, the nice thing was enjoying the sunshine the negative is it took an hour and my arms are going to fall off lol x

Have just put my chicken in herbs in the oven :)

Going to wash up, bleach the kitchen and Hoover while dinner is cooking, will tackle the bathroom if I have time :)
Sounds like slim fast plan is working for you, how has today gone?

Today has been really good, I feel like I have lots of energy so sorted out the garden, bleached the kitchen and bathroom and can now relax for the evening :) I am pleased I don't feel hungry too x

How are you x
Day two slim fast/CC-

11am strawberry SF shake - 230 cal

2pm carrot sticks and SF bar - 135 cal

4pm 1/2 carton of convent garden vegetable soup - 114 cal

5pm chicken - 125 cal

6pm chicken in herbs with green beans, broccoli, onion and bacon lardons with garlic - 461 cal

8pm vanilla SF shake - 230 cal

Total - 1,300 calories

I have walked five miles to my physio appointment burning 544 calories :)

Am really pleased that it is going well so far as I am keeping to my calories but am eating far more healthy snacks than before x
The tricky part is doing the plan at work tomorrow as I am always on the go and do to want to feel funny so I am thinking.....

9.30am strawberry SF shake and banana - 300 cal

12.30pm chicken and carrot sticks 165 cal

2.45pm SF bar and apple - 150 cal

5.30pm chicken and cucumber - 165 cal

7pm 1/2 carton covent garden tomato soup - 114 cal

8pm vanilla SF shake - 230 cal

Hope I can stick to this tomorrow eeek x