
Im at day 5 SS and by midday today I was mega bloated, my stomach was like a baloon, is this normal? I am still drinking my 5 - 6 pints of water a day and spreading my shakes throughout the day. Any advice gratefully received.
Sorry to be graphic...but have you been to the toilet?

Sometimes your body takes some time to get used to CD and can cause constipation. This leads to bloating which is often painful. I've been lucky not to suffer but others on here have reported it. I'm sure someone will recommend a good remedy you can buy.
Thanks for your quick reply. Ive had no problems with constipation, in fact the reverse! A couple of times I have had to resort to Imodum, but not today, so far:eek:
I had terrible bloating for years because I suffer from IBS, but since starting CD this has virtually gone which I'm so pleased about. (My tummy used to be like a hard balloon, but now it's soft.)

I'm sure your bloating will sort itself out in time - bodies have to do loads of 'rearrangement' and 'retraining' when CD is started (you'll probably get backache and legache) and I suspect that this may be part of your particular introductory process. But I would still speak to your CDC anyway.
Hi Jaycey

Thanks for the info. I have IBS too. With luck in time it will settle, I will talk to my CDC, she is on hols, but back in 2 weeks. Thanks