

just wondering if aonybody knows any really good blogs to read on the internet, and to subscribe to?
i like a bit of humour but i rally wanna find a blog with someone just writing about their everyday lives. my friend has found a blog from a guy that travels around the world and he cant stop reading it and i want to find a blog like that!
ive looked online but the only ones i can find are ones with ust pictures of cats and stuff lol
any help i would appreciate!
They may not be quite what you're after, but I really enjoy the Domestic Sluttery blog:

Domestic Sluttery

I also really like reading through the She Cooks, She Eats blog:

She Cooks, She Eats

As a bonus, the second blog has lots of SW recipes, and very yummy looking they are too!
thanks for the replies!
im going to have a good look through them later, really wanna find something that keeps me reading everyday!
:) xxxxx
love "she cooks she eats"! i emailed her a picture of my malteaser cupcakes and she said they look amazing so shes goin to put them on her fb website :D
yummy recipes on there :) xxxxxxxxx