BlueCow's moos

SO glad the week is over... have a week off now :D

Had a very exciting phone call last night about a job:D (I actually missed the call and ended up listening to the voice mail at about half 11 and consequently was too excited to sleep LOL)
Anyway, i'm really, really, fingers crossed hoping I'll have a new job come Monday, as I had phone call from Waterstones whom I went for an interview with in September, they didn't hire me but they rang me up yesterday asking if I was still interested in working there... trying to think positive:D

Also handed in my maths coursework today, which despite it's overall crapness is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders:)

Have a good weekend all! I am going to a party dressed as a tiger tomorrow:D FUN!!:D
Oh that's great news luv, will keep everything crossed for you with that job, I would think Waterstones would be pretty good to work for

and have a great party too!

Shall be going to one too, tho not dressed as a Tiger, but shall wear new skinny jeans (which have TWO buttons at the waist) So fingers crossed no accidents
blossums I got offered the job today!! woohooo and immediately accepted of course:D hours are perfect and all on a Sunday which is great as it means i can continue doing my volunteering at Oxfam:D

Thanks have fun at your party too!! LOL make sure you take a plastic bag just in case;)
Oh luvvie am so pleased for you :D

When do you start?

Hope the party was good, also was meaning to ask why you were dressing up as a Tiger?

Am very happy to say that no plastic bags were needed in the course of my w/e ;)
Paris is awesome RR!! It really is expensive in France now though isn't it!! Did you have good weather?

Thanks blossums:D I have a couple of hours training this Friday and my first shift next Sunday:D Last day at work was lovely, was in a good mood as I knew it was my last day working there (LOL)... no one knew iI was leaving though as I'm very quiet at work so only some people who I work with that I know out of work, my mamanger and one of my supervisors knew (don't know how he knew, lol). But when I was leaving I did tell everyone I wouldn't be back and someone said he'll miss me which I thought was very seet seeing as I've only worked two shifts with him, haha! Also one of my favourite supervisors said 'see you next week' and I said 'oo i wont be here, this was my last shift!' and he was so sweet and lovely:) I really did work with a bunch of sweeties but the job was really inconvenient... Only thing that made me sad is my favourite supervisor who is always SO lovely to me doesn't work Sundays any more, so I didn't get to see him before I left:(

The party was okay... It was my cousins birthday and she is a couple of years younger than me, meaning all her friends are also a bit younger... managed to keep myself entertained though;):p I was dressed as a tiger because the theme of the party was 'circus' and I reasoned you may get a tiger at a very adventurous foreign circus;) really I just wanted the Primark onesie though haha:p

LOL I am very glad to hear it:D
Loss of 0.7lb's this week... usually I round to the closest 0.5 but not this week as I don't think I'm going to make my October goal and if I round I'm less likely to :L

Got back to the gym today though after not going for the whole of last week (yes, i am an awful person!!)
Well done aon the loss luv and good gor you for going back to the gymn, it does make a big difference I think - I wasn't exercising much last week either but will be back on it tm!

Really glad you had a good last shift luv and hope to hear all about the new job when you start there :)
lol don't worry blossums I will give you a blow by blow account of my training on Friday, and my first shift on Sunday;)

Ohhh I should probably go to the gym now... I'm not doing anything productive!! Hmmm... later:p
Look forward to hearing all about new job BlueCow :)

yes Paris was lovely, but very expensive! weather very good, sunshine and only one day of rain :)

Hope you've enjoyed your gym session :)
Hello, hello, hello, hello :)

Back from Waterstones which was great:D Everyone there was soooo lovely and nice to me even though i was super slow on the tills:p
I was working next to this really hot guy and he smelt amazing but he sent my gadar off:p

Looking forward to going back in on Sunday!! There's a lot to take in, especially as I've never done till work before but I think I'm going to enjoy working there:) Much nicer atmosphere than McD's:)

Driving down to Derby tonight for a uni open day tomorrow!! Hope you all have good weekends planned!!!
That's great luv, it sounds like a really good place to work and you'll pick up the till skills in no time

LOL nice perfume can scramble a gadar hey :D

Hope you have a good day today in derby luv, don't think i've ever been there - Is a nice day down here so hopefully it is for you too

Got a Halloween party tonight, looking forward to it!
Oh and finally settled on a rather cute duffle coat - is quite smart and the hood is really cute, also it makes me think of Paddington :D
Hope you have a great shift today, i look forward to hearing all about it! a job you enjoy, no restictive uniform..and hot guys????..woohooo :)

when I first tried till work, someone said you'll pick it up in 2 days!!!..i thought, no way!!!..but I did :) so don't worry!..also customers prefer a wary cashier, as it gives us plenty time to pack, instead of rushing and throwing all the heavy tins on top of bread and eggs etc!!! :)..or is that just me?..when I feel rushed? hee hee
Hiya! Work was great, I got to use the tills all day which was fun:D One man came along with his daughter who paid for a £7 hello kitty stationary set with 1/2/5p's:D bless:D me and him spent about 5 minutes counting everything out, and I still think they may have given me slightly too much money!! Also I sad someone had given me a thousand pounds cash instead of a tenner... lol woops:p Sundays are great for me, seeing as I'm new to the whole retail thing, as they're quite quiet and most customers don't mind that I'm a bit slow:p
Hot guy doesn't work on Sundays!! Booooooo:p Was working with a lovely girl though who was wearing shorts and a t shirt(!!), but I am the person replacing her, so it was actually her last shift... shame as she was so lovely!

Hope you've all had good weekends!! I've had a lovely week and am expecting to gain tomorrow LOL, gonna be super restricted like I was at the beginning of my diet this coming week, think I need to give myself a bit of a kick up the bum after the week gone:p Not going to make my October goal though - never mind:)

How was your Halloween party blossums?:D Coat sounds lovely, Paddington is adorable:D
Glad it all went well for you! aww bless the wee one paying with her savings!..not so cute when 2 20+'s males came to my till to buy their groceries, with bags of 1p, 2p's and 5p's!!!! I think the bill was around 14.50 :)....I made a joke about it and we all laughed together counting it all out, i told them it looked like the contents of my purse :) they had enough money and some change left over..bless them! they left smiling and waving to me, rather than cringing with embarrasment :) Must have been my mothering instinct hee hee

Hope your next shift is a good one too :)