Blue's exante journey

urgh the guy yesterday was totally crap! He used to be good, maybe over the years he's lost it lol

Anyway today I feel great :D Been 100% since I started and food doesn't even bother me right now. When I've done exante before I've not been able to be around food or anything but I just dont want any of it....makes a change for me!

Didn't do so well with my water yesterday, only 2 litres down but that's because I was out all day.
Will do 4 litres today to make up for it.
I'm knackered! Today I had a major move around of the animals cages as a few of them needed to be upgraded and some moved to smaller accom!
Well I've managed to get them all moved and settled and have spend all day lugging massive great cages about.
The mice are all happily exploring their new abodes and Carter the bald hammy went straight to bed lol I love my pets to bits :D Right now I have 4 bunnies (all indoors) 7 mice, 4 gerbils and 2 hamsters.
Good Luck for friday xxx
Ditto! Good luck for Friday......

Thank you both :D I'm getting really excited!

This is going to be quite long and rambly so feel free to skip this part.
Feel quite horrible this morning :( Not because of the exante I have to say.
I suffer from anxiety and have panic attacks alot, it sucks and as I am having to go out in 30mins I'm already panicking and am starting to shake and feel my chest getting tight :(
I'm off to the doctors because ever since I was 14 I have had this weird thing where I am dizzy 24/7, it lasts for months on end and then goes away. Well this time it's been here since January and has just gotten worse, so much that I am frightened to leave my house alone. I cant even walk straight because of it!
On top of that I have something wrong with my throat and am finding it hard to swallow. I started exante this time because I pysically couldn't eat proper food, I would just gag and panic when food got stuck in my throat.
So I'm a wreck at the moment and I'm hoping this doctor can help me.
I've seen 2 others about it in the last month but they just told me they cant find anything wrong so there obv isn't anything wrong and I'm making it rude!
I have a cpn (community psychiatric nurse) and she is the one who is making me go to the doctor for a 3rd time.

I'm going away in just over 2 weeks, only for a long weekend but I'm going with my family and I'm looking forward to us all spening time together and also looking forward to taking my mum away for her first holiday in about 20 years.
But as my panic attacks are getting more frequent and my dizziness is there all the time I'm starting to feel like I dont want to go because I'll just feel rubbish and not want to leave the villa.
I'm miserable because of how I feel and no one will do anything about it. Ggrrrrr.
I had my doctors appointment 2 hours ago and I feel worse than ever!
She thinks I have something called Benign positional vertigo and it's something to do with your inner ear. So I had to lie down while she moved my head this way and that, apparently this is how you treat it, something about putting something back into place in my inner ear.
Now I feel dizzier (is that a word?!) than before but she said I'd feel worse before I felt better.
So for now I just have to keep my head really really still.

Diet is going well still. I'm not hungry at all which is so odd! Usually when I do exante I'm still starving, especially by the evening.
Just wanted to pop in and say how brilliantly I think you're doing at the moment :) It must be really difficult to cope with feeling dizzy all the time, it must be very disorientating, and I'm sure it doesn't help your anxiety either...

On a positive note - it's great that you've finally found a diagnosis for the dizziness, and that it is treatable :) I just hope you start to turn a corner and feel better soon.

Good luck with your weigh-in this Friday. I read your thread about your STS last week, so I'll be hoping, along with everyone else, for a great result for you this week.
Take care...
Oh I feel terrible today :( I didn't sleep last night as my head was just spinning and the dizziness was so bad I felt physically sick, I know the doc said I'd feel worse before I got better but this is horrible.
Still got the dizziness and pressure in my head this morning and I want to cry :(

On a happy note though I am not hungry AT ALL and am finding things easy so far, weigh in tomorrow which I am a little nervous about especially after last week!
And it's just 2 weeks to go until I have my lovely long weekend away to centre parcs, I really like it there. I am going to be swimming lots...well trying to as I cant actually swim very well yet and I'm going to have a go at archery too :D
Still as dizzy as ever :( So need to go see the doctor again next week.

On the diet front though I lost a wonderful 10lbs on the weight is coming off at last, yay.

Boring, long winded part about my animals feel free to skip this bit!
Been a nightmare last couple of days though. My animals are my babies (sad I know but they are!) and I hate it when anything is wrong/happens to them.
1 of my mice (Mila) has a tumour. Mice are prone to tumours and it's what many mice die from :(
As Mila's is on her chest and around her front leg it cant be removed and even if it could it would just come back again.
As she's so fit and healthy other than the lump I wont have her put to sleep yet, when it starts to bother her/affects her quality of life then that'll be time. For now she is still running riot with her 4 sisters so she's fine for now but she's only 7 months's just so unfair that these gorgeous little creatures have short lives already but then they suffer from tumours too :(

Oh and on top of that my new boy hamster (Loki) escaped friday night, I only found out this morning and I was in a panic because I have my group of 4 bunnies that live in the house and my room is where they mostly stay and that is where Loki's cage is so he was loose with the bunnies!
Luckily I found him after a couple of hours but he did scare me!
Blue Butterfly said:
Still as dizzy as ever :( So need to go see the doctor again next week.

On the diet front though I lost a wonderful 10lbs on the weight is coming off at last, yay.

Boring, long winded part about my animals feel free to skip this bit!
Been a nightmare last couple of days though. My animals are my babies (sad I know but they are!) and I hate it when anything is wrong/happens to them.
1 of my mice (Mila) has a tumour. Mice are prone to tumours and it's what many mice die from :(
As Mila's is on her chest and around her front leg it cant be removed and even if it could it would just come back again.
As she's so fit and healthy other than the lump I wont have her put to sleep yet, when it starts to bother her/affects her quality of life then that'll be time. For now she is still running riot with her 4 sisters so she's fine for now but she's only 7 months's just so unfair that these gorgeous little creatures have short lives already but then they suffer from tumours too :(

Oh and on top of that my new boy hamster (Loki) escaped friday night, I only found out this morning and I was in a panic because I have my group of 4 bunnies that live in the house and my room is where they mostly stay and that is where Loki's cage is so he was loose with the bunnies!
Luckily I found him after a couple of hours but he did scare me!

Oh I'm sorry about Mila, only 7 months old :( how sad for you x
My mum has a dog called Loki, she's so lovely :)
Well done on the 10lbs that is great :D
Well done on the 10lbs, that's great. What type of bunnies do you have? I lost one of mine last week, now I'm down to 4. 2 lionheads, 1 mini lop and 1 mini rex. I did have lionlops, harelquins, dalmations. My mini lop loves bouncing round the garden, the cats are scared when she hops near them lol!
Loki is a great name and apparently Loki was the norse god of my hammy is living up to his name already!

Less than 2 weeks til my long weekend away, very much looking forward to it :D That means it'll be a weekend of swiming and pushing my mum about in her wheelchair so lots of exercise for me.

My little brother got engaged a couple of weeks ago and now my family and his gf's family are organizing about a zillion celebration days out! Plus it's his 21st birthday in 2 months so yet more meals out.
I have to keep saying no to all of them as I dont want to sit around a table and not eat, it'd feel weird.
My brother keeps getting upset that I wont go out though and I'm starting to feel bad!
Well done on the 10lbs, that's great. What type of bunnies do you have? I lost one of mine last week, now I'm down to 4. 2 lionheads, 1 mini lop and 1 mini rex. I did have lionlops, harelquins, dalmations. My mini lop loves bouncing round the garden, the cats are scared when she hops near them lol!

Lol my mum has a nethi and a cat and the cat is scared of the bunny!

Right now I have a dutch boy, a dwarf lop girl, a rex cross girl and a random mixed breed girl.
I have so many buns on my 'want list' but I just take whatever is in rescue.
I would love a lionlop, a continental giant, a german lop and some nethis...oh and an english spot (I think that's what it's called)

I'm sorry for the loss of one of your bunnies :(
Maybe you could go to one of your brothers celebrations, and fill up with a pack before you go and nibble on keto food while you're there, salad, cold meats etc
Lol my mum has a nethi and a cat and the cat is scared of the bunny!

Right now I have a dutch boy, a dwarf lop girl, a rex cross girl and a random mixed breed girl.
I have so many buns on my 'want list' but I just take whatever is in rescue.
I would love a lionlop, a continental giant, a german lop and some nethis...oh and an english spot (I think that's what it's called)

I'm sorry for the loss of one of your bunnies :(

LOL! It's so funny to watch the cats on the garden just chilling out and she hops near them and they quite literally freak out and jump in the air lol!

My lionlop was gorgeous, she was all white and looked like a fluffy cloud. My mum has a minilop, it looks more like a chinese crested dog with floppy ears!

My mum used to keep New Zealand whites when she was younger, they were more of a meat rabbit due to their size, but they kept them as pets, and they were quite big rabbits :)
Blue Butterfly said:
Loki is a great name and apparently Loki was the norse god of my hammy is living up to his name already!

Less than 2 weeks til my long weekend away, very much looking forward to it :D That means it'll be a weekend of swiming and pushing my mum about in her wheelchair so lots of exercise for me.

My little brother got engaged a couple of weeks ago and now my family and his gf's family are organizing about a zillion celebration days out! Plus it's his 21st birthday in 2 months so yet more meals out.
I have to keep saying no to all of them as I dont want to sit around a table and not eat, it'd feel weird.
My brother keeps getting upset that I wont go out though and I'm starting to feel bad!

Lol yes that's why we called her it very mischievous little monkey :)
Where are you off to? Anywhere nice?
Oh that is hard :( family dos are the worst to get out of :( could you say you'll meet them after for a drink and just have water?