Extra Easy Bored and need motivation


New Member
Hi Everyone

I have been going to a class since mid September, and I am really struggling at the moment. I don't want to give up, but come the weekend it all seems to go out the window when I eat out, or go out for a day.

I gained half a pound last week, and I will be lucky if I stay the same this week. It gets me down because I want to do it. I am finding it hard to keep within my syns. When I go to group so many people say they find it hard to have the syns! I wish I was like that.

I like having a treat in the evening, but the problem I suppose, is that I'm not really saving syns for the weekend, when I really need them.

I take a mug shot to work every day for lunch, because I want something hot, and it's quick and easy, as I only have a half hour lunch break. Does anyone have any other suggestions. I have been having mugshots for weeks now.

I go to class tomorrow night, and I know it won't be good. Think I just need some support and motivation, and people that understand what I am going through.
Do you have a microwave at work? make bulk meals and take one with you rather than a mug shot and zap it in the microwave.If not i would just eat something cold rather than have a mug shot myself. I have chicken breast chopped up and spiced with cajun,piri piri,tikka etc spices but i make a big batch of different flavours for the week and mix them up so its like a surprise and get loads of different flavours haha. I also hard boil a load of eggs for the week and take a couple of those every day and then just do some veg sugar snaps, brocolli, fine beans, peppers etc every couple of days to have with it as im not a big fan of salad but do have it once a week.

You could try making a big chilli con carne to and take that with you i dont mind eating that cold either. I also have cottage cheese with chopped up peppers a chilli and pickled red cabbage in, might sound horrible but i love the taste of it haha.

And i understand it is hard at the weekends as if you dont work it takes you out of a daily routine but you need to stay strong mentally thats the key. If i go out i dont drink alcohol anymore i just have diet coke or water its hard at first but i find it doesnt bother me and i can laugh at everyone else making a fool of themselfs getting drunk why im saving a load of money to get new clothes or buy some decent quality ingredients for my food shop.

If you eat out you need to be wise where you go. I go to wetherspoons and have a 5 bean chilli and a plain salad, thats only 6 syns. I dont see how people have a problem with eating out as i would like to think 95% of eating out places would have something healthy on the menu nowadays. And i dont count pizza shops chippy's or kebab shops as eating out places haha.

Also if you like going to coffee shops just have a black coffee with sweetner or coffee with skimmed milk, just dont have any extra's.

I was speaking with one of my friends last night and he put it quite simply "if you struggle with going to the pub and not drinking alcohol then dont go to the pub and find something else to do" and its so true theres so many other things to do other than go to the pub (not that im saying you have been going to the pub) and i must admit its been a real eye opener for me.

If you wanted to go for a drink of alcohol just go out every 6-8 weeks thats what i did and i enjoyed it alot more but now i can take it or leave it. By the way i did used to think nothing of drinking over 100 pints of beer a week.

You just need to get your mind focused and you will be fine and keep mixing up what foods you are having as it can be easy to stick to the same meals day in day out but theres 100's of meals you can have so things should never get boring.

I find if i sit down for 5 minutes every day on my own and just think about all the good that comes with losing weight and being healthy and what things i can be doing with my life in future because of what the weight loss has done for me. I also try and set mini goals and think about those, things like what exercise im going to be doing for the week and how im going to achieve it, what new things would i like to try next week and how am i going to achieve it. You can also write these things down keep a diary if you like.

Hope some of this helps.
If you don't have a microwave at work then buy a flask and take in homemade soup, lovely in this cold weather, or if you buy a food flask you can take anything which you'd normally warm up in the mic, jackets, chilli ect. just make extra on an evening and then you have loads of lunches sorted.

You will have to decide what's more important syn wise, the weekend or evening ones as you won't be able to have both unfortunatly its either save them or have them on an evening
Thank you both for your words of wisdom. I do have a microwave at work, so I really must try at the weekend to make a chilli or bolognaise or something that I can divide into portions to take for lunch. Boiled eggs are a good idea, and I sometimes boil up a couple to snack on in the evening. I tend to go straight to the fridge for some slices of wafer thin chicken when I get home, to see me through until dinner. I do take plenty of fruit to work as well. I have just been getting bored of mug shots (although I have a cupboard full of them, lol).

You are absolutely right when you say I have to choose either having syns all week, or not during the week and saving for the weekend.

Craig, wow, your weight loss is amazing. :)

Thank you both for taking the time to give me some help and advice.

I am starting to struggle with sw because of weather/mood change but I am looking at the light at the end of the tunnel. I think about how i will feel in a couple off months maybe even the year when i reach target and than how i will feel in a few months after going off sw and gaining most or all my weight back. The first thought always wins and i stay on plan x
I agree with all of the above - well put.
Depending on what im making for tea I always make an extra portion for lunch the next day to take to work. I also keep half a dozen hard boiled eggs in the fridge to snack on when im peckish.

You could make SW quiches, i tend to make small ones in my muffin tins which makes 12, nice to take to work with some salad or some beans. Zap in the microwave and shazzam you have a hot meal.

Home made soups this weather are fab.

Pre cook jacket pots at home the night before - put it in the microwave at work, then put your filling on top. I like mine with tuna and red onion with a little ex light mayo mixed in.

The lists are endless - just plan ahead
How about couscous salad? It's really easy for in the office. Just bung a bit of couscous,some spices and some pre cooked meat and veg into a Tupperware. Cover with boiling water and put the lid on. Leave for a bit. Fluff with a fork and voila. I use pre cooked chicken bits and a steam fresh veggie bag coz I'm that lazy loooool