Bostik's Finally Doing It :)

Got some sleep for once! Yesterday had one hours sleep about 12-1pm. Was determined not to sleep again soo that I would actually get some sleep before work! That's why I was too exhausted to do exercise last night. Went to sleep about 2am. Woke up at like 4am, struggled to get back to sleep, but managed to after a bit. Woken up too early, but it's better than it has been!

On the 3-10pm shift today. I know they normally eat dinner with the residents. But I dunno what they'll be having today cos it's my first day, and even then will not know the calories anyway. So think I'll just grab a ready meal from tesco before work to have at dinner. I know they have pudding with their meals too so will take some willpower to say no! But I will do it!
Good luck with your first shift, I hope it goes well!
Thanks lovelys :)

Been up for ages cos woke up early. Still got ages til work. Had lunch. Maybe have a banana before I go so I don't get hungry before dinner cos usually I might have a snack between lunch and dinner. Lol it is so weird I'm more worried about my change of routine affecting my diet than starting a new job!
Good luck i would be the same tho and the reason for about 14llb of my weight gain was changing jobs going from walking around all day to sitting.
I can understand that, I'm the same with school. With uni I have my set routine, school changes that, especially for breakfast. And it's the routine that makes us feel safe and secure in what we're doing so I don't think it's weird at all, totally normal. But you've done amazingly so far and I have no doubt you'll cope with the change of routine just fine.
Yeah, you'll cope fine. I think we're all the same. I sometimes turn down a trip to town or my Mums or something, so I can fit my work out in and not be tempted by naughties. :)
Oh gosh. Just got home and feel like eating everything and not doing kettleworx. Knackered. Hope i can resist.

Work was good though :)
Had a few cals left. Used it on far too many snacks but didn't go over at least. No kettleworx cos had to wait for the living room to be free and that just wasn't happening. Was gone midnight so just went to sleep cos needed to be up early. Back to work I go!
Oh weigh in today. Showing a gain :( Even though I KNOW I don't deserve it. And haven't done any exercise for two days? Grr!
Bostik said:
Had a few cals left. Used it on far too many snacks but didn't go over at least. No kettleworx cos had to wait for the living room to be free and that just wasn't happening. Was gone midnight so just went to sleep cos needed to be up early. Back to work I go!

How many calories a day do you have?
Bostik said:
Oh weigh in today. Showing a gain :( Even though I KNOW I don't deserve it. And haven't done any exercise for two days? Grr!

Feel really gutted for you. I'm sure next week will be a good one. x
Glad to hear that work went well. I wouldn't worry about kettleworx if you don't get the chance, you're on your feet at work anyway.

Sorry about the gain, I know how frustrating it is. Could you try maybe eating back some of your exercise calories, see if that helps? It could still just be all the exercise though.
Glad your first shift went well. Like Matt said, maybe the change of routine has thrown you off course a little. :)
Agh today i was meant to be 8-3pm. Ended up doing double shift til 10pm cos needed cover. Was Knackered and knew i had to be in at 8am again tomorrow so was feeling sorry for myself and the gain didn't help so ended up popping over the road to get sausage and chips. Apart from that days been alright. Just subway for lunch and toast at breakfast. Said no to the birthday cake at work.

No exercise today cos im way too tired. Not even turned laptop on. On phone on here.

Anyway my boyfriend rings me drunk on the way home from the pub... Ill kill him. Night night :)
Get some rest hun. Hope your day goes well tomorrow. All that running around at work will soon get rid of those chips! :)
Bloody hope so! Im doing one to one at the moment. Wish the guy was more active or even interested in doing stuff! Walked to the pub with him today, just down the road. Decided not to do that long walk again lol. Said hell get some cans from a closer shop instead! On Saturday im not doing one to one so hopefully being more active!

Woke up :( he didn't ring, he text, but it woke me up when usually doesn't lol. hope i fall asleep soon. Need to be up at 6 to go work.
Sounds like a busy day yesterday for you! I doubt you would have been much over your calories so I wouldn't worry about it, what's done is done. Hope you managed to get back to sleep and have a good shift.
Nah i didn't eat much of the chips or sausage. Gave most of it to the residents. Portion was huge even though i asked for a small! Just annoyed me that i even got it! Yeah i didn't know i was working so couldn't have got a light ready meal. But we have a subway opposite and an Indian place that'd do grilled stuff like chicken tikka. I ran to the chip shop!

Snowed last night :( hate the snow. Need to take the guy im one to one with to buy some fags so that'll be freezing and fun lol. Off at 3 though :)