

One last chance
Okie dokie, on refeed we can have bagels, rolls and sliced bread right?

Now, looking at the calories for bagels, they are in the 200's. Quite high eh? but we are allowed them, I've tried looking for alternatives besides weight watcher bread because quite frankely, their food seems quite, empty.

Instead of going for WW bagels, can I have either granery bagels or wholemeal ones?
The refeed sheet just says 'bagel' so you could have any old bagel. You're not really supposed to be counting the calories. I chose not to have bagels because I couldn't find any that i considered to be 'healthy' (ie. wholemeal/wholegrain) except for the food doctor ones and they seemed really heavy and i didn't fancy them.

Have ANY wholemeal bread - 2 small make a nice sandwich or 1 large, or a wholemeal pita bread.

If you could possibly not count the calories and just do exactly what is says on the refeed sheet I really feel you'd do much better - but obviously it's up to you hun xx
That's what I was thinking of doing this time Jan :), I may actually feel less stressed about it.

Food doctor, I saw those, seemed a little iffy to me though. Is there are waitrose near you? they sell wholegrain bagels :)
Unfortunately not - that's the only one we don't have! I'm happy with my soya & linseed bread and wholemeal wraps at the moment tho'. xx
I am so happy they sell wholemeal wraps, definitely gonna have that on my 3rd week.

Aww no waitrose? damn, they have such good stuff!!

Oh soya, I was wondering about that. Soya milk seems to have less calories than skimmed, are we allowed soya on refeed at all?
Yes I think you can have any milk except rice milk.

I can only get the wholemeal wraps in Sainsbury's. Don't fall for the ones that say whole wheat - doesn't mean a thing except they use wheat flour ... big deal :)
Oh I see, well, how can you tell if it's really whole meal?
If it says wholemeal it must be wholemeal - the ones I was talking about say whole wheat ... that could give the impression of wholemeal but it isn't xx
mmm wraps! I love them but cant wrap em to save my life!! lol
You're probably like me and put too much 'stuff' in them!! The they're ripped wraps HA HA xx
I got bagels from morrisons and am sure they was like 130 cals