

Silver Member
Hi guys do you have to take th break after 12 weeks?
Officially yes. The reason is that the longest trial NICE have looked at for VLCDs was 12 weeks long... It's your choice. I did it the LL way by still having the 4 packs but also adding half a pint of skimmed milk every day in order to increase the calories a bit. Worked for me rather than having problems getting back to it after a break.
Thats what i'm worried about haven't even started yet but I like to do my research lol thanks
I'll be doing a milk week too when on holiday in three weeks, then cracking on till September :)
Can I have 1/4 pint of semi skimmed instead on week off?
Yep - on LL you can have any type of milk - just vary the amount according to the calories. Not sure of the actual amounts offhand...
Cool thanks