Breanne will be fit =] diary

hmm well i've just woken up at 12:30 oh dear lol well i'm sure thats ot too bad saves me eating extra right : ) .....unfortunately though it's such a nice day and i am skint!!! =[
Hi Brewanne,

You can do it! I don't think you lack willpower I think you lack food. You have to be sure to eat proper meals, that will stop you from snacking.

If you skip lunch you are very likely having a binge later. Please try and eat on normal times and eat properly. Without the shakes and stuff I don't think you should go under 1200 calories anyway, but that is my opinion.
Hi Brewanne,

You can do it! I don't think you lack willpower I think you lack food. You have to be sure to eat proper meals, that will stop you from snacking.

If you skip lunch you are very likely having a binge later. Please try and eat on normal times and eat properly. Without the shakes and stuff I don't think you should go under 1200 calories anyway, but that is my opinion.
hmm its probably true, i just feel bad when i go over a hundred, coz i'm so desperte to reach my goal, oh well lol.....i wil try and eat more, i havnt today as i only woke up at 12....lazy me haha so all i've had is breakfast and waiting for dinner wich is pie veg potatoes and gravy yum yum yum.....i'm not really cutting down on bad food can you tell hahah
haha aww thank you, got some great support too help me now haha =] i love it love this website haha.....well just had dinner,
potatoes= 200kcal??
carrots= 30kcal??
cabbage= 30kcal??

total = 860kcal (whoah)

total for the day= 1,160

whoah thats more than expected, maybe next time i won't have the roasties, i had dinner a little late today as OH'S mum was making it so i had no control over the timing and ofcourse had to eat it all being at someone else's house aswell but hey ho, i think my mums brought me some fruit to snack on when i get home ......=D
oh god naughty naughty me!! what a time to snack ey!! well i was making my bf a cup of tea and when i went to get the milk i saw this lovely looking coronation chicken sandwidge filler aaaargh i just had to try a i just had some 1 sice of bread and no butter just some filling, i'd say that was about 150kcals.......anyone know, well i still havn't gone over 1,400 which is my limit....i also did some exercise today did you know if you do the skipping rope for 12 mins you burn 200 calories i did it for 2 mins and man it killed, and still does now, i also used the dumbbells and did a few workouts i found on the net so it should be good =]
ok i think your having problems, snacks dont help and you do have to really stop the junk food especially biscuits! also its best if you have 3 meals a day otherwise it could be harmful for you not to, i always have something to make up my three meals a day, sometimes it is just fruit for lunch but i dont do that everyday and if i do need to snack, some days, i make myself a cup of tea instead or drink water or i sometimes have some fruit, i do this some nights because thats the only time when i want to snack, also i have my main meal early because i get hungrey and i read that its best to have your main meal in the day, i dont calorie count though its not for me but it might be for you but if its not working for you maybe you should start a different diet plan. keep on going though.
ok thanks for the advice i will try harder had a lecture from my boyfriend about i'm never gonna be able to do anything lol but yeah yesterday, i didnt come on here as i was out almost the whole day, and i must admit i had a day off last night as my nan took me out for lunch and in the night was at a big party so basicly what i ate was

sandwidge for brekkie = 300kcal
baguette for lunch= 500kcal??
chips for tea = 500?? not really too sure on the last too as i ate out

but anyway back to today i have eaten nothing as of yet as i have a singing competition tomorrow and i have been practicing all morning for it
argh i'm so nervous haha =]
right today was rubbish as i ate out all day, so i'm gonna start a fresh as of from next week as i know i have had no wight loss at yay tomorrow start a fresh =]