Brittany aka babytreetrunk 25lbs to lose for my 25th birthday!!!! join me!!!!!

Im only going for fruit and bread etc, the boys want some beers too so I said well if you want em one of you has to come as Im not carrying them :D
Hey Brittany, brekkie looks fit! I always forget bout onions on a brekkie.

I'm not venturing out today , too bloody cold!I'm gonna stay in my pj's and slippers.

Ive just had my poached eggs on toast, gonna go back to the kitchen and carry on cooking. So far made a chicken and veg broth and a pasta salad for lunch tomorrow. Gonna make a veg and chickpea tagine and some jellies.

Dreaded ironing later. Hopefully I'll get a call for work tomorrow so wanna be prepared. Will have to make sure that my bags are ready too.

Well done you goin the gym on a Sunday !!

! X
Wow you have been busy Kitty well done. The lads are sitting tucking into mince beef pies and peas, ive got leftover curry and rice nom nom
You girls are making me wanna get up and cook... I'm thinking cheese broccoli and potatobake.... depends how much tupperware is around (spare tubs are a rarity in this house)

Well done on making all the food thats what Sundays are for gym... I'm crap just guna exercise here.... 2PM is "brits class" haha

Are you back at work permanently now????

Sheila just get the lads to get ya bread and fruit....:) x

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Lol I couldnt trust em to get my fruit if I ask for grapes they would probably come back with raspberries or summat lol.

If I go I can have a nosey around the shops :D
I was made redundant at the end of aug. I signed on with an agency but haven't been able to work cos of the arm.
I told them I was available for work so hopefully I'll get a call in the morn. I've worked for them before a few years back and normally you get your daily work in advance but there are times when you just have to wait for the call that morn. Its not ideal but its work. I like to get my head in the right place so I know what I'm doing.
Ask for a pineapple comeback with a courgette I totally understand... I love looking around the shops... tomorrow I get 50% off in body shop because I work in Liverpool one :) and tomorrow its half price in George ahhh if only I had lots of cash hehe xx

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I totally understand I did agency work for a bit and it just waiting and hoping isnt it...
Hope you get a call :)

Right "brits class" is over ... I wrote it out...
Took an hour
I dont know how many calories I burned (disadvantage of not going gym) but im guna gesstimate at 300 ive sweated loads and I usually burn 400-500 in the gym which is also an hour so who knows haha

My housemate locked her door so I had to use tins of beans instead of weights haha

Right off to dye hair...

Ps.. if anyone sees anything wrong in the exercises im doing please tell me cz im just guessing... so it could be doing nothing body haha x

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Woop! Any work out is better than non! And you know you've worked hard cos you sweated loads. :D
Good old tins of beans !

Im just trying to sort some folders out. I'm a primary school teacher so need to take stuff with me to school in case there is nothing left or prepared for me. Hope I do get a call tho cos with summer holidays and off with the arm it's been four months!! Feel like I've forgot what to do. I prefer it if I know how old they are to prepare myself , - wether its gonna be nursery rhymes and counting to ten or decimal fractions and the Victorians !! :eek:

Hope the hair dying goes ok?! x
I wouldnt have a clue regarding exercise lol I dont do any at all :eek: but as Kitty says you worked up a sweat so its gotta be good lol
Thanks girls :)

Wow thats crazy not knowing what age... when do u find out or do u have to take everything ??? 4 months is a long time but I'm sure you will remember everything :D
Yeah tins of beans are fab might go wild and up to tins of potatoes hehe

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Dinner looks good!

I suppose it like riding a bike !! I do tend to fall off that two wheeled mode of transport now and again! :eek:
They tell me the age and school location when they ring up. I used to have folders of stuff ready so once I knew what age I'm teaching I just pick up the one I need.

That reminds me - I need to find my whistle !!?!
Just about to wash it off...

This is lunch/dinner

View attachment 113423
Pasta bake with peas yummy :)
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Hi Brittany, that looks both healthy and tasty. Yum Yum Yum :p . All these food pics on here are making me hungry lol .

Kay xx
Dinner looks good!

I suppose it like riding a bike !! I do tend to fall off that two wheeled mode of transport now and again! :eek:
They tell me the age and school location when they ring up. I used to have folders of stuff so once I knew what age I'm teaching I just pick up the one I need.

That reminds me - I need to find my whistle !!?!

Well thats better than having to take everything I suppose :) whats the whistle for???

Thanks kay :) im trying my best to take a photo of every meal from now on so I cnt cheat :)

Ive ran out of bananas does anyone put frozen fruits in porridge??? X

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I don't really do frozen fruits, find them bit mushy, but I don't see y not.

my whistle- needed for PE lessons, yard duty etc

ah !! I'm forgetting all kinds - I'll have to write a list.
Lots use the frozen berries in their porridge hun - personally I dont like frozen fruit as like kitty find it mushy and ... I dont like porridge lol
Well your no good Sheila hehe..... I might eat them separate then... I need room in my freezer thats why need to eat them and I couldn't bring myself to just bin them hehe

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