ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

LadyB, I am so glad I found another knitter on here as well :D. We will have to exchange ideas and inspiration with each other as we learn new things!!! The Debbie Bliss site looked wonderful! The Rowan page I have to look a bit more at. I would love to live in the UK to be able to attend one of the workshops! Looked lovely!

I will definitely put some pictures of my knitting up soon. I will look for the photos of the things I have made and post them. And speaking of photos, you look absolutely amazing in your photos!!! And really slim too!!!

Zoe, I don't know much about bikes, I just have a regular one that I use for transportation. I understand you not wanting to ask the salesperson. But what about calling there? Or calling an online store (that you will not visit later), and just asking. And I am sure you can find that information online as well.
hello, im back,
film was fab, charlie was sooo good, i sat feeding him nuggats and chips then popcorn,i had water :waterbottle:, and im on ss lol. then he had ice :icecream:cream after tea.
bethan:wow:you look fab, and my you have big boobies to, if you dont mind me saying, fingers crossed :cross:i am getting mine done soon, got to wait for the doc to talk to his partners............
he put me on norithisterone ?(or something) to sort my totm.
what are you knitting now asa, xx
ooh zoe, just so you know the egg isnt really allowed but i added it cos it is a protien that i think may be being added at the next change, not sure though, try it but see how it affects your loss, you wont gain ... and it needs something to bind it, its lovely but i would'nt want you to try it without the full pic lol xxxx
bless they are cute, i can crochet a bit, i made charlie a blanket when i was pregnant, he loves it and sleeps with it now lol, xx
Don't worry Claira I know about the egg hun, I don't think it would make much of a difference especailly as it's eaten over a couple of days-not like you eat it all in one go, maybe in the old days lol. Night night all xx
night luvvy, im sooooooo hungry, 2nd day on ss but dont think ive had enough water, so will top up then off to bed, night all xxxxx
Good morning everyone! My cold is still not gone, and my throat is really sore. It took me forever to get up this morning :D. Now I am up, and I am going to do laundry today, and clean up, an bake, before our guest arrive for a barbecue this evening. Then we are going out for drinks later. Hopefully I will have the energy for it. Have a nice day everyone!
Morning all, Asa I hope you feel better later on so you can enjoy your evening.

Claira, drink drink drink but then toilet toilet toilet lol keeps the old rumbly tummy at bay though. I am wondering what it is gonna be like after I go back to ss too. I have only been on ss+ for 2 days now but I am already thinking about my evening meal as soon as I get up lol

Have a good day everyone. xx
Victoria - this is a special post for you!

I really feel for you at the moment, and I am so sorry I was away when you went through a realy tough time - as I wasn't there to support you.

I am glad that he came back, but I can't even begin to imagine what you went through waiting for him to talk with you.

I am thinking about you, and praying and hoping things are on the right path. If you ever need to chat, I am here for you...... if you would like my number, please pm me, and I will send it.

I am sending you lots and lots of love.

Bethan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Aw Bethan thank you so much and thank you im always up for a chat.

things are great so glad we got so much out in the open and feels like a new thing again.

Off camping this weekend cant wait should be great for the kids, missing my CDC she isnt back till September now, she couldnt come and see me with me having the flu so im not doing ss on weekends to make it all last lol, seems to be working my size 20s are way too big and im 18 tops are baggy so this in itself is an achievement.

right ladies better go again its been so busy this week.
hiya everyone, i have some little stories for you that has given me a real boost,
1st last night i thought id try on my big trousers a 22 from when i started, i nearly peed myself, they literally fell off me, the gap was masive,
then 2nd i went to visit my friend ange today, she had a gastric band fitted march 08 at 23st 12lb, she was a size 32, i havnt seen her since, she is so small i cried in happiness for her, she is 11st 12lb and lost 12st and a size 12-14, she looks amazing, i have always been smaller than her, so that gave me a major boost, i hit 13st 1lb today which was my platua last time i lost weight then gained, so i am soooooooooooooooooooooooo determined to get there, ange always thought like me that we were just meant to be fat, i now know more than ever, that were not, anyone struggling, please please please, think about why we all started this, we all have our moments where we think we cant do this, but that is why we are on here, we can do this, take a minute and think 4 wks 14lbs, 4 wks out of our lifes is nothing, every lb or st counts, we can only do this if we all stick together,
nikki come back and talk to us, your needed, anyone struggling, look at other plans, lets talk about any weeknesses we have and help eachother through, love you all sooo much xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm feeling it too Claira, feel so great with this diet and also so grateful for this site and every body on here. I had a high moment today too. I went to next today and tried on a pair of size 20 leggings and guess wht they were too big - the sales assisitant tried to get me the 18 but they were out of stock -omg for 1 I havn't been able to try anything on in there for at least 8 years and secondly I didn't need their bigest size, yippee. This feeling is so worth it, it's unbeatable to feel so good about yourself and especially to know that it is all in my control now.
thats brilliant your over 1/3 the way there, isnt it fab when you see the sizes coming off, i measured just my waist is now 37in and hips 42, under bust 34 over 44/45, does anyone know whet the "perfect" "ideal" bust waist hips is, cant remember what they used to say xx
off to bed now girls catch u in morning, night all , big hugs xxx
Hi Butterflies, How are you all. Great reading your posts.
I'm struggling to stay on diet. I have messed about since I came back my holidays. It's as though I got the taste for food back and I keep eating things. It's like an alcohoholic having 1 drink! Anyway, don't feel as though I can do this diet just now. But I have been helped loads tonight by looking at Lady B's photos- you were good looking before but you are absolutely stunning now and that is very inspiring for me. Claira's post too is amazing so I'll just try harder- one day at a time is the secret but I've not been doing that. It is hard though when you have a break from it- I don't advise that anybody does that.
Anyway I've been SS 100% today but not yesterday and tomorrow I'm having visitors for dinner so prob start for real again on Friday!
BTW I met a girl who lost loads of weight on LL and to maintain she sticks to CD SS during week and then eats and drinks what she wants during weekend. Don't know if I could do that but she is thin and has been doing this for a long time.
Anyway, Goodnight and God bless. xxx
morning everyone, i am really wanting some chicken and spinach today, but trying to stick to ss untill i hit 12.13, think its been 2 or 3 days now, not drinking enough water so going to reward myself with some tea tonight if i drink 6 pints by 5pm, if not i will go hungry lol xxx
how are you all doing today? xx
broxi good idea luv, dont be naughty today, be sensible then start again, but maybe ss+, personally i think from the sounds of how you struggled last time and are struggling to give up food, this maybe better, obviously its whats best for you, i am doing ss the days im strong enough and ss+ my weaker days, although even on my good days i have the odd bit of celery xxxx
Hello ladies!!

Broxi sorry you're struggling - I think CD is REALLY REALLY hard after a break (hence not having one). I know some people manage and do fantastic but I am defo not one of them! I agree with Claira of the rapidly shrinking ta tas and rapidly increasing sex drive (new nickname C :p) SS+ might be fab for you - food and CD and losses...

I'm having my 810 week this week and have found that a) I don't like healthy food which explains rather a lot. And b) it doesn''t cause me to binge, have cravings or want more. I think I must be extremely carb sensitive which is why I'm never in ketosis and why when I have carbs I struggle to stop...

Pasta and bread are classic binge triggers for me :sigh: On the bright side this had made me realise that after CD I am going to have to re-educate my taste buds and manage on a low carbish way of eating - balanced with having something I like with the knowledge that it will make me want to eat more. I think my answer with maintenence will be the mantra is it worth it? If yes then go ahead, with full knowledge of consequences, if no, then go without. I certainly don't want to be SSing in the week and eating at weekends for the rest of my days. HELL NO!

Beginning to miss alcohol a bit now, the social side, and the comfort of a cold glass of wine after a tough day. Things at work are really hard at the moment and I'm full of self doubt all the time. I do wonder if I'm finding it harder to cope with the stress because I don't have my usual comforts/crutches to rely on. Plus coming home to an empty house means there are no other distractions!

Excuse the long babble...thinking a lot today. Went to the GP as under the weather and her scales say 11,7lb - she was very pleased!
Witchy, glad things are better with you. Great that you are dropping in sizes!

And for you too Claira! You are so positive and it is showing well in your weight loss. Your post yesterday hit home, and right into my heart. It is as you had written it for me. You say we should talk about our weaknesses and get them out in the open. I have avoided this because I don't want to put my burden on you guys. But it is great knowing that I can! I ultimately think it is entirely up to me. Right now I can't/won't start back on CD. The other day I did the math and if I loose about 3 lbs per week from now, I will be at my goal by the end of the year. What a wonderful thing to start the next year slim and maintain and tone up my body for the next summer. And buy that new wardrobe I am thinking about all the time :D. At the same time it feels like such a long way to go! Until the end of the year!?!?

But, as Dr Phil says, the time will pass weather you do something about your weight or not. Another thing on my mind is that we are trying to get pregnant, have been trying for two years now. I know it will increase my chances if I loose weight, but at the same time I don't believe I will reach my goal weight, I must be pregnant before the end of the year. And that thought also is wrong for me.

Broxi, I understand what you are saying, and am feeling the same. It is hard going back. I was thinking about the girl you meet. Sounds strange to maintain weight by doing ss in the weeks and eating and drinking during weekends. Is she planning on doing that for long? It doesn't seem like the "right" solution for maintaining longterm.

Contrary, I totally agree with your post, and I think you also found the key to long term success, to re-educate the taste buds! I have been thinking about this now when I have been eating (mostly bad stuff) over the last couple of weeks. I don't dream about a nice healthy meal, but the bad fast foods and such. It will have to change for sure. Or I will be right back to my old weight. That might be one of the reasons why I am struggling too. The guessing that I will put the weight back on as I have done a few times before. I keep telling myself that I did it for the absolutely last time, and that slimness is something worth fighting for. But, at the back of my head I am still hesitating that I will really do it long term. And that makes me scared as hell. This can't be another failure!!!!

Contrary, I have the same thought on not being ably to comfort eat/drink after stressful day with self doubt. It is scary! I have also noticed that when not doing this, I have a lot closer to my feelings and can't really stop them from coming out (anger, crying, and so on). I guess it is good! And it gives a clearer image of what is going on in and around my life when I am not "using drugs" to silence my emotions.

THANK YOU ALL for the post from this morning and yesterday, they really made me think and reflect. Now I probably put together the longest post ever :D.
Asa I completely agree with Claira...this is where we need to be when struggling...more than any other time! Who else will understand? I think we often go 'a bit quiet' when finding things hard... but I think we need to push ourselves to share it, rather than battle on alone.

I for one don't find it discouraging when hearing about bad days etc, it makes me feel less alone... Iamlovely this post is for you too!