ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

What an amazing drop in sizes Louie Lou!!! That must feel amazing! I would be so glad if my boyfriend was doing CD too.

I also noticed when I started eating that everything tasted really salty, but I got used to it really fast :D.

I am so glad for you Claira to hit 13st today!!! What an amazing feeling it must be!
do you have a nemesis to get past asa, xx
sorry, like an amount of weight that you get stuck at, and find it hard to get to xxx
Yes, I think I have some sort of mental blockage at certain weights. I am just over 100 kg right now, and going down to two digits seems to be like that. But I did get past it before, so I shall do it again.
your not far off, i started at 106 and was in the 80s before i knew it, im about 83kg now, you will get there really soon, im willing you to be there by middle of august, if not earlier xxx
Claria very well done for hitting 13st, that a great acheivement and about what i would like to be at the end of CD.

I would not have though 12 weeks ago that i would be in 22/24 but here i am, hopefully in another 12 weeks i will be a few sizes smaller again.

Asa you will be below 99kg before you know it and will feel so please with yourself, when you slim and svelt your boyfriend might feel as if he needs to go onto CD as well cus you are so beautiful and he's not. lol.

Just been driving around the electrical store trying to buy a Samsung NC10 netbook, cus my son is on this laptop every time i want to come on it and it's driving me nuts.
I offered to buy him one of his own last christmas and he said he didn't need one cus he was never on it enough to need one of his own.

So i have been to 6 shop and none have any in stock, PC world said the one in stafford had one in so we drove up there about a 40 mile round trip and when we got there it hadn't got a power cable cus it was a display one, i said never mind throw in a different power cable and i'll have it but they said i would have to pay full price for the netbook and also pay £50 for the cable too. Stupid people.

So got to order it of the internet, in the end. xxx
thats really bad, if its display it should be cheaper anyway, i always use curries they are pretty good, i have a laptop, and wanted to get matt one for christmas, cos im always on here so he doesnt get a look in lol xxx
you are doing so well louie, 2lb till 50lb down and nearly 1/3 there, you started 1 wk earlier than me and lost an extra 7lb, i bet your looking so different, can you stick a pic on, i'll add some soon, xx
Thanks Louie Lou! Good luck on buying a notebook some other day!

I am off to see the horse race in a few minutes. We usually go once a year, and this time my sisters husband is "driving". Have a nice evening! I'll probably pop in later.
quiet tonight, im off to bed to watch my last prison breaks, have posted in group, need a smacked arse, wwill go see matt now and see if he'll oblige lol night all xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ah, just hate myself... I didn't keep my promise to myself yesterday, something that I wanted to eat was more important... And now I am, ashamed and tired of myself, going out to get some more. I do imagine this is what a drug addict feels like. I am embarrassed, but decided to go anyway. I just need this last snacks before going on CD until Christmas. Then is when I think I am going to be done. I am thinking this will be the "last day" before I go on the diet. But when I think that every day, I will fail of course. I know this behavior from before so well. I am just so tired. Don't want to do anything but watch TV and eat unhealthy stuff. I wish I could get the one day at a time perspective, because I think until Christmas is a really long time. As I am writing this I think I sound and act like a complete and pathetic moaner. And if it was someone else, I would think "get over it, and just DO it" or at least tell myself that I need to make a choice and decide what I want, and stick to it. I think I want to loose weight, but clearly, I rather just satisfy my cravings and "medicate".

Oh wow, what a miserable post! I apologize! I don't know what to do now.
asa stop beating yourself up, i know that when i was dieting to get pregnant with charlie it was sooo hard, the food filled the hunger of needing a baby, so i do understand, but please think about holding a baby of your own in your arms, loose this weight and that possbility is there for you, eat those treats and you are gradually destroying hope of getting there, im sorry if that sounds harsh but i know how important it is ro loose weight to get a baby, change that empty feeling its not hunger, its longing, everyday you exept that hunger, you will be closer to getting the chance to become a mother xxxx im sending lots of love and positiveness, take care honey xxxx
Thanks Clara for your post. I know you are right. I am just so tired of it all, dieting and failing. Hope everyone else is having a better day than I am!
your not failing, weight loss is a long journey, it takes a lot of will power and courage, you have it its just emotionally challenging, stop worrying about how your going to do it, do it however suits, maybe have one day a week where you do allow a taste of something you shouldnt, dont stop it completely if you cant, if i go for a meal i allow myself a tiny choc after with my coffee, and a bite of cheese, if i didnt allow it i would binge, i have faith in you asa, you can do this when your ready, xxxx
broxi where are you, dont think you can hide, you need to get back here and keep me on the straight and narrow xx
Thanks again Claira.

Yeah, where is everyone? I am missing you guys a lot!
its been quiet, think nikkis left us, hopefully she will pop back, havnt heard from clare/beachball, there are a few hiding out,
lets all update with a little goal,
copy add and paste,
claire- want to loose 28lb by 28th sept, for my holiday x
Hi everyone! Hope you're all ok. So, so sorry I've not posted on here for a week or two. I just had to have a break from everything to do with diets and weight. I've been so confused and totally ashamed of myself that I couldnt face talking about it and I didnt want to bring everyone down with my miserable rants and moans so I hid away and went off to have a long hard think about what I want. I've now come to the conclusion that I can't carry on with CD - its just TOO punishing and I was getting that constant feeling of failure everytime I ate something and the more I felt it, the more I did it. It was really messing with my head. I don't regret doing CD at all cos I've lost 2 stone 4lbs on it but nows the time for a change so I've joined Slimming World (where I previously lost 6 stone). I hope you don't mind me posting this - its just that I didnt want to simply disappear without expressing my total gratitude for all the support, love and kindness that I've found with you all (special thanks to Contrarytintagel for emailing me too cos that was very much appreciated). I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and wish you the very best with your weight loss journeys. You're all fab and I'll miss coming on here and reading and chatting to you. Take good care of yourselves and be proud of being WHO you are - whatever your weight cos you're all lovely people and so much more than your size. All the very best to you all. xxxxxxxxxxx:thankyou:
hiya wannabe, you dont have to leave us completly you are in our group whatever happens, so please come and post on there and let us know how your doing, we agreed to support eachother to the end, we didnt promise it would be on cd, its finding the diet to suit the individual, and your continueing with group will help us all im sure, others may wish to try different things, or your losses with s/w may spur us on with cd, just be careful changing, at first try and stick to red days to slowly bring back carbs, then add the odd green day, good luck and promise you will post on group at least once a week, you can open your own thread, xxxxxxx