ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

Lol, Good night Lady B, xxx
Hi Nikki, yes I think I got ripped off with my veg thing - £6.60 for a wee tub! Do you know if Marigold bouillion is ok to drink on CD?
Yes the first is most exciting. I'm starting to feel good about myself now; although I'm by no means thin but I just feel so much thinner which has been great for this roasting weather. My spare tyre was bigger than my boobs and they're huge. I've lost about 6 inches from my waist - nowhere else tho but that's good cos I'm more in proportion. What have your losses been weekly Nikki?
My new boss is lovely! He is very friendly and kind! He is not at all like my current Director!! And that is all good!!

Nikki - sorry to hear you have a bad tummy! I hope it gets better tomorrow!

Errrrmm - currently I manage Customer and Client Experience for the East Midlands, but my new role is going to be national!! I am going be to working on something new in the company - which will help build the communities we work in...... and also help us win new contracts!! This is what I do in a nut shell!!

Right ladies - I really must go to bed!! although I could stay chatting for hours!
Well done Broxi - another week and 3lbs down
Nikki - sleep tight!

If it's allowed I think we can talk about it. I had massive cravings today for certain foods which I wont mention - they are actually too painful to talk about anyway! Do you still get big cravings? I could cry at times with mine. I wonder when they will go away.
Night night again Lady B, this thing is addictive! xxx
My loss was 8 in the 1st, 3 in the 2nd and only 1 on the 3rd, but last week I was really unwell, so hardly touched the packs as couldnt get anything down my throat. But know this week is better already (I had a peep on the scales, naughty me). 6 of your waiste, thats good, i've done 7 and 3 from my bust.. but nothing from my hips!! Not sure why, hopefully the sit up challenge will help with that. x
it is very addictive!!

I have had big cravings today - and yesterday I nearly pulled into a drive through, my mind was on automatic........ I had actually forgotten I was on the diet!! ha ha!!
Yes Miss Nikki - I am off to bed now!! heeee heeeee

Sending love to you both.......... byeeeeeeeeeee bxxxxxxxxx
Night night again again Lady B!

I absolutely couldn't possibly cook! Never! No chance! Absolutely not!

In fact when I've to sit at lunch with kids at work they say I'm like their dogs- staring at them eating! Today looked especially delicious- my favourite stodgy dinner in fact- think that's why cravings so bad after that!
Night night and God bless to you too Nikki xxx

I think that's all the Butterflies asleep now except me again! Cos I fell asleep when I came in from work will prob be up late.

Anyway I'm missing the Butterflies I haven't spoken to recently ; Asa, Witchy, Claira and others. Missing you big time xxx lots of love to you xxx
Lol, that is funny, but bet its not when its happening though. I must say, cooking for Rhys each night is definately getting easier. I used to be green with envy, but now, a lighter shade of red with the slaving over a hot stove syndrome, lol. Anyway, gotta go, need to go and my eyes are sooooo sore now. Night Broxi. xxx
Night Nikki xxx
Good morning Butterflies, I keep missing you all. Just popped on to say hello before I get ready for work. I'm going out with friend tonight for coffee (usually a meal) so once again won't be on until later probably. I'm really tired as sleep is mucked up as you can see- think cause of diet. Can't be bothered with work but know I will feel better once I am there. I just want to laze about and obssess about getting thin! Hope you all have a good food free day and hopefully I'll catch up later. xxx