ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

I've never been there Claira! But I've heard it's beautiful.
Is Woolacombe in Devon? Are you going to continue with CD SS there?
I'm going to my sister's house in Madeira for 3 weeks at the end of June. I'm really worried about diet. I know there is every possibly I'll blow it big time and I could do a huge amount of damage in 3 weeks.
yes devon, and yes ss, hopefully, i am taking soups to pub when we have tea, if they wont make it i'll have +meal, but i want to do ss 100% if i can, x
what about you? x
I would love to be able to do SS but realistically don't think I will manage. Apparently the restaurants there are amazing. Maybe I could try CD during day and smallish meal at night. I'm really scared though that if I break it I will go off the rails, like an alcoholic who takes one drink. I know I am completely capable of doing that! So I'm worrrying sick about it instead of looking forward to it.
BTW I adore Devon.
I'm going to get my soup now. What time is BB on as I want to watch that too.?
9 o'clock i got soup to chilli, but i really like chicken and mushroom,
why not stick to ss when you can and have a small meal maybe everyother night, if you start to go off rails go back to ss, then you will know you can enjoy a bit or nothing, and you can always have me to answer to lol xx
Hi everyone! Hope the weigh-ins have gone well for you all today? Thanks for trying to add me Claira! I'd better get some posting done hadnt I?!! How many do I need before I'm eligible?
I've just had a spicy tomato soup and a pint of sparkling water - I love that one cos its got loads of taste. The only one I really hate is the potato and leek - I nearly gagged on it!! I think the porridge is vile too - its too salty for me.(aahh my sweet tooth strikes again!). Right off to get some ironing done before BB starts - I love the first show!! xxxx
Hey Wannabe you're doing better than me, I still haven't worked up the courage to try the soup or porridge. Tried them the first time round and hated the soups with a passion! Have to give them another go though...new flavour oriental summat sounds good...
Hello lovely butterflies, sorry im late, just going to make my last shake have a quick post after reading up what ive missed and then get settled in for BB, going to take lappy up with me so will post random comments about everyone and see what we all think.
Hi Witchy, I've got a bit fed up with BB the past few years but it will be good to watch it this year and we can all chat about it. I always like the first night.
BTW I love the porridge and soups and don't like the shakes.We're all different. I did CD 25 years ago for 2 weeks and hated the shakes and I still don't like them.
Im the complete opposite i hate porridge and soup and only like the bars and shakes.

Hope we get a good crowd in it though, some years have been really bad.
Sometimes the people in it are too weird. Anyway I'm going to get a coffee ready for the big moment. It also signifies the start of real summer i think. My husband's school pal was on it one year so that was great for us to watch it.
Hi to all butterflies,

Broxi - dont worry about your holiday - have cd in day and smallish meal in evening and if you don't go mad with bread, etc you will be fine. I did this when I went to Florida last year and I had some alcohol too and only put on about 2lbs and lost it when i came back on CD SS+. Lifes too short to worry about SS on holiday! Enjoy your break, its not too long is it?
Claira - hope you got the information you wanted about me (lol). I've had a 1.5 year old today 7.30 am - 5.30 pm (wed - fri) and im exhausted, he just climbs everywhere. How old is your son?

Well im off to make a cup of tea, drink more water and probably wee a lot more than i have already. :) Will be watching BB later.
hehe , charlie was 2 in feb, he is the devils child, bless him xxx
im gonna be skinnier than davina xx
My youngest is 3 my middle one is 9 and my oldest is 11, but during the day i have a 2 year old and staring in July I have a three month baby, sooo cant wait to get my hands on him.

OMG its started.
ok not sure about number one dude.

Im going to be right next to you Claira soo skinny too hahahaha
hehehe, xx
no 1 a twa* no 2 a bigger twa* lol