ButtErFlies-In It To Win It

Hi everyone
just been catching up on some reading, everyone sound happy tonight, i didn't come on last night cus i was feeling down, although this place would have most likely made me feel better.

Didn't want to put a dampener on things.
Wanted a packet of cr***s so bad i was mad at myself.
So sat in the garden till i was cold then went to bed, over it now and don't know what set me off, i wasn't hungry just the old me surfacing.

Enough of that, it sound as though you are all feeling the benefits of the CD, i'm not yet but i should be soon, although thinking about it my trousers are always falling down, so maybe i am starting to notice a bit. xx
I'm sure when you start to lose the weight you will get pregnant quickly and I'm sure you will meet a beautiful man like yourself LadyB. BTW didn't notcie your wi- how brilliant! Well done! Well I'd better go now and see my beautiful man! Maybe be back later xxx
bye lovely Broxi!!! We will be in some Diesel jeans this year! whoop whoop!

Buy and good night you all! I am heading for bed in a little while as well.
Helloooooo Louie,

Your trousers are falling down - wow! Now that shows you have lost weight.

Also - don't be mad at yourself, as you didn't have the snack! Now even though you wanted it really bad - you didn't give in! Well done!
no easy i am rubbish on computer, im catching up on bb, with my step daughter and we are putting extensions in our hair xxx
back later xx
See you tomorrow Claira!!! Enjoy spending time with your family!!

I will be off in a bit, so I can chillax!!
Hi louie lou, missed you. I had bad time yesterday too. You should just come on here because we are all the same. I think Fridays are hard because it's the start of weekend and we feel deprived looking ahead to a weekend without food. I was great this morning. My cravings nearly make me cry at times they are so powerful x
Hi everyone, Missed you all the last couple of days and gutted I missed out on the clothes conversation!

LadyB you are stunning as it is! Imagine you in Diesel jeans! And Broxi getting under 12...its been years since I've been under the 12 stone mark so I'm looking forward to hopefully achieving this myself one day - I can't imagine the excitement.

On a bright note like many others I can see the weight loss now. tried on a winter coat that I couldn't wear last year, and it fits beautifully now! So wonderful to see our new selves emerging...

Like LadyB I can't wait to wear jeans. Great jeans. Not jeans from New Look! And when I'm at target I'm going to indulge my love of 40s and 50s clothing and dress the way I like, rather than what makes me look less fat. The liberation...its almost to big for me to grasp!

I'm just emerging from the lack of energy I had for the first three weeks too, thank goodness. Still dealing with awkward emotions. Feeling a lonely alot, especially hearing about your husbands and families, but also find this very inspiring too - have hopes for the future. Thankyou ladies xxx
Hi Contrary, Good to hear from you. x
We have got about the same to lose so although I'm under 12st now I am only 5' 1''. I know how it is to feel lonely and it makes you feel more isolated when everyone else has a busy life with a family. I understand that cos I was on my own with my wee boy and never got married until I was 33. When you lose weight you will have more confidence to go out and meet people. x
Oh I would love you to post some affirmations. I started a thead about daily tips. You could post on there along with me & do one daily if you want.
Hi broxi, i feel so different tonight it's strange how 24 hour can make all the differance.
I'm going to get some more bars tomorrow at the CDC's cus then if i feel like chewing something i can have one of them at night instead of a shake.
I'll let you know what the result of the weigh in is.
Going to bed now so speak to you tomorrow. xxx
Good night Louie, the bars help especially if you put them in the freezer. Good luck for your weigh in. You are doing great. I was reading your other post about having a lot to lose but it comes off so quickly on this you will start to see huge differences so soon. Good night , God bless x ps. you do not look old enough to have 20 year old?
Thanks Broxi, I agree...definitely makes a difference.

I don't find it hard to meet men, despite no social life at the mo (work and study) but its been a long time since I went out with someone and felt good about myself, liked what I saw in the mirror and could flaunt myself instead of hide! Now the weight's going I keep getting tempted to date but I don't want to get distracted and think its important to be happy with myself first. Think I've forgotten what its like to go out with a man without thinking 'cripes he'll have to see my legs one day'!
Hi louie, I've just started having the bars (and putting them in the freezer) and this has helped me lots! the tetras were gone so quick I felt they were more of a drink than fuel and so always wanted more! The bars feel like a bit of a treat, and yep you def don't look old enough!
Oh I would love you to post some affirmations. I started a thead about daily tips. You could post on there along with me & do one daily if you want.
Will do! Some sound a bit trite but I've read lots of books on this but never given it 100% Bout time I did methinks... xxxxxx PS: Love the thread, read it often!
But you know the right man will not bother. When I first met my husband I was fat then cos I got fat about 30 after I'd had my son. Anyway, he had the body beautiful and he is 12 years younger than me. I had hidden myself away from him as much as possible until we actually were on honeymoon and I had to walk about with a bathing costume on (I still hide from him). Anyway, I was dying off and I knew everyone was staring at me and I said that to him. He agreed and said he noticed that everyone was staring at me but he thought they were all jealous of him cos I was so stunning! I'll never forget that! But it was just cos he loved me and he saw the beauty in me. So Mr Right wont care if you're fat or thin but being thin gives you more confidence to be yourself.