Bye bye baby belly

Thank you Geemav, that made me smile if nothing else! :)

First proper day back on track today. Am tired as have been up since 5am but will not use that as an excuse to eat. Am actually glad to have drawn a line under all my scoffing. Today’s plan is:

B: Berries, yogurt, 2 x Alpen light chopped up (HeB)
S: Yogurt and banana if needed
L: Jacket potato, cottage cheese, salad
S: Yogurt and fruit if needed
D: Chicken breast stuffed with quark, SW chips, salad
S: Milk in coffees (2) wine (8) options (3)

Have decided I am going to start having pretty much all of my syns every day to give me something to look forward to and to help keep me on the straight and narrow. I keep slipping into ‘diet mode’ then feeling deprived and throwing in the towel but I know there’s no need to feel deprived or hungry on SW. I really need to get some ideas for breakfasts that aren’t cereal or egg based and are more filling than fruit and yogurt. This morning I chopped up my Alpen bars and stirred that in but not sure that’s a good idea long term. Hmmmmm...

Feeling back in control again - so odd the way we (and by we I mean me!) have these wobbles. Today's plan is:

B: berries and yog
S: banana
L: lentil loaf thing (HeA), salad, activia
S: at a friends for coffee but hoping she's not baked!
D: donner kebab fake away, SW chips, beetroot coleslaw, salad
S: milk in coffee (2) 2x Alpen bars (HeB) rest of syns depends on what friend serves up this aft

Am having a red day today as we're out with the in laws and I think the extra hexs will come in handy. Star week is on it's way though and feeling in the mood to eat, eat, eat so need to keep on track. Plan looks like this:

B: bacon, eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes
L: either a sandwich with free filling using bread as HeB or a goats cheese salad using cheese as HeA, cake I suspect (15)
D: salmon, bns chips

Going to be a tough day foodwise, just hope I can stick to the plan.

Oh dear, I am feeling so down at the moment. I don’t know what is wrong with me at the minute but I seem to be pressing the self destruct button with alarming regularity. Already today I’ve used 12.5 syns on three Alpen bars and a dried fruit bar thing on top of my breakfast. I wasn’t even hungry and now I have no syns left for anything nice later on.

How do I overcome this? I want to lose weight so badly but then I find myself shovelling food in like there’s no tomorrow. I am looking at another gain IF I go to WI tomorrow and at the minute I am thinking I am not going to WI tomorrow. TBF hubby is away so I’d have to keep DS up past his bedtime and take him with me so it’s probably not a good idea, but if I really wanted to go, I could.

I’m tired all the time, am up at stupid o’clock every day to take LO to my mum’s or nursery, I am trying to fit in a full day of work, I am trying to run a house and I am trying to spend time with my little boy (and my poor neglected husband). And I feel like I am failing at everything, including this stupid diet. I go through waves of being so positive and finding it so easy then it all comes crashing down round my ears. I’ve even prepared healthy food this week but all I want to eat is rubbish.

Euuuuugggghhhhh, I don’t know. Feel like maybe I should try Paul McKenna again as it’s the only thing that’s even made a bit of sense...but saying that I never lose weight on it.

Anyway, for what it’s worth today’s menu looks like this:

B: Porridge (HeB), berries, yog
S: 3 x Alpen bar (9) dried fruit bar (2.5) milk in coffee (1)
L: Chicken and roast veg couscous, muller, fruit
S: Banana, coffee x 2 (1)
D: pasta, blue cheese (HeA) onions, bacon, mushrooms

No exercise – it’s raining, I am in a bad mood, hubby is away so would have to take DS after work, and quite frankly I can’t be @rsed L

Job number 1 - go to WI. You need to and will feel so much better for going afterwards. You have done so well. Not going is the slippery slope to quitting and ruining what you have done so far.
Job number 2 - go for a walk if it stops raining.... It will make you feel better.
Job number 3 - have a naughty bit of something tonight- borrow syns from tomorrow- and draw a line under today and the previous week. It's a new day and you can do this.
Job number 4- stop putting so much pressure on yourself...... You are doing loads and doing well- not failing at anything. So you may have put on a couple of pounds. Let's get this into perspective- it's annoying, soul destroying but in the grand scheme of things- it's a couple of pounds! You'll lose this by next week- but not if you give up.
Job number 5- look at how lucky you are too..... And I think you need a night out with the other half. Book a babysitter and go out- doesn't have to be a meal, but get dolled up and feel good about yourself again and chillax! You'll feel so much better.

Chin up and get back on it like a car bonnet......and btw- alpen bars are not exactly going nuts. Now when I go nuts, that's something to behold..... Large dominos pizza, tube of pringles etc. I think you have been very restrained ;)
Thank you once again Geemav, shame I haven’t logged on to Minimins since my Alpen bar me, it got a lot worse after that! But am back on it as of we go again.

Well what can I say, what an odd few weeks I’ve had. Diet-wise I’ve been appalling, making all the wrong choices (mostly deliberately too), eating way too much and drinking lots of wine and cider. BUT I refuse to give up on this so am back on it today, as this is a marathon not a sprint and I HAVE to get to my goal eventually if I keep plugging away.

I know why I lost the plot so that is a good start but the reason is not good enough TBH. Hubby was away, I was tired and stressed from looking after LO by myself, running around like a mad thing, trying to work so I felt sorry for myself and turned to food as a comfort. When hubby came back he was ill so instead of him being a help, he’s just added to my list of things to do so that has made it worse.

Anyway, I braved the scales this morning and found they said 10st 10.2 so less than 1lb on from last week and only 2.5lb on since I properly fell off the wagon two weeks ago. So today’s plan looks a little bit like this:

B: Porridge (HeB), berries, yogurt, coffee x 2 (1)
S: Satsuma, banana
L: Jacket potato, cottage cheese, salad, activia
S: Satsuma, activia, coffee (0.5)
D: Chicken, tomato sauce, pasta, 28g cheddar (HeA)
S: Options with milk (3)


I am going to try and keep my syns low this week as we are going to GBK on Saturday and I really want a blue cheese burger. I am going to try and syn it properly as best as I can but I wan tto know I have some syns in the bank, which is not something I’ve ever tried before. Normally I have about 12 a day but if something makes me go over, that’s what causes me to lose the plot. Maybe it’s time for a different tactic J

Hmmm, just been looking at the kind of syn values I can expect for GBK – scary stuff. The thing is am I strong enough to resist and go for a salad or will I crack and have a burger anyway? I just don’t know anymore.

I all i have been going for 27 weeks now to alimming world and i really cannot beleive how healthier i am and also one more pound and i have lost 5 stone.
To all the men who feel that slimming world is for gals you are wrong it is for us all to get healthy and i have not regretted it once.
Wow, well done Gazzer, you must look and feel amazing! Wish I could borrow some of your willpower, you must be so focussed.

I was 100% yesterday for the first time in a long time so I feel positive about being back on the wagon. I still struggle to see why it is so hard to stick to when I can eat such lovely food but I think it’s the can and can’t I have a problem with when I’m in the mood to rebel. One choc bar is not enough for me, I want 5, with crisps and wine, oh and may as well throw a pizza in for good luck too. Ah well, as I said yesterday, I just need to keep plugging away and I know I’ll get there in the end.

Today looks like this anyway:

B: Porridge (HeB) berries, yogurt, 1 tsp of sugar (berries sooooo sour - 1) coffee x 2 (1)
S: Banana
L: Jacket potato, cottage cheese, salad, activia, nectarine
S: Grapes, coffee (0.5)
D: Salmon, wedges, salad

And that’ll probably be it TBH, I really don’t feel the need to eat my syns at the minute so I’ll do without. Have got a difficult weekend so might be good to have a reserve – have got coffee (and usually cake) at a friend’s tomorrow, out shopping all day (so lunch out) on Sat, in-laws up (so lunch out) on Sun, work lunch out on Mon and friend’s little boy’s b’day party on Tuesday. So lots of chances for me to lose the plot and lots of tests!

I am going to need every ounce of willpower I can muster up to get through this week unscathed!

Day off for me today, but busy as ever. Got to finish getting ready, walk the dog before it gets too hot, go to Tesco, go to my cake baking friends for coffee, do some washing...

Today's plan is:

B: poached eggs, bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms
S: nectarine, activia
L: jacket pot, cottage cheese, salad
S: some form of cake (15)
D: donner kebab, sw chips, salad

Am back, tail firmly between my legs, but I am back nonetheless.

Since my last post, I have tried several times to get back on the wagon with SW and various other plans and at one point (while listening to a hypnotherapy CD) I got down to a new low of 10st 4. But life got in the way time and again and after Christmas I was back up to 11st 3.

I have been back on SW since Jan 2 and as of this morning am down to 10st 12.6 so heading in the right direction once again.

I have just been reading through my old diary and I actually feel a little bit teary TBH. I’ve never kept a diary as such so reliving all those emotions was strange.

Life now is hectic as ever, but we are in a bit more of a routine at home. DS is now coming up 14 months and is teething with his back molars so swings between cheery and loving to grumpy and clingy. But I don’t think the child rearing thing will ever be easy.

Anyway the reason for this post is to resurrect my food diary, I really think it helped me keep on track (mostly) in the early days so I think I will start again (again, again, again...) with it and see how that helps. I did think about starting a new diary with a new name but that is why I called myself Thelasttime, because I really want it to be, so I am carrying on what I started in June and intend to see it through to the bitter end.

I am not back at class. TBH I didn’t find the evening class near me to be as supportive as the one I went to in the day when I was on maternity leave. It was cliquey and sometimes no-one spoke to me at all. I’m quite shy so I hate feeling awkward and that’s exactly how I used to feel there. So I think that might have been a contributory factor in my downfall (not that I am blaming anyone but myself of course!).

Anyway, first food diary here:

B: Cottage cheese, ham, tomatoes, coffee x 2 (1 syn)
S: Banana
L: Couscous, veggies, chicken
S: Coffee x 2 (1 syn)
D: Savoury Rice, added veggies, cheese (HeA)
S: Hot choc w/milk (3.5) Alpen Light x 2 (HeB)

I have started running during my lunchbreak at work as it’s the only time I can fit in exercise without it impacting on home too much. I have been today for a 30 minute run, including intervals so feeling all glowy and good about that.

Hubs is away once again so I am facing the old problems but I have good telly and lots of DVDs to catch up with so hopefully that will keep me out of trouble til he is back on Friday night.

Long post from me, but needed to get all this down so I can start again on here.

Feeling ok today. * week showed up last night which will no doubt explain why I have been a complete wreck all weekend – good to know I am not losing the plot as I previously expected! I’m certainly glad it’s not WI today though because my wedding ring is so tight I think I must have put about half a stone on it fluid alone overnight.

Foodwise yesterday was good, although I am craving chocolate like a mad thing today. I stopped for petrol this morning and I used to have this thing where if the Pay at Pump thing wasn’t working it was like a sign from above that I had to buy my weight in chocolate at the till. Well this morning, it wasn’t bloomin’ working so I had to go and queue up – but chocolate free I am!

So here is my plan for today:

B: Cottage cheese, ham, tomatoes, coffee x 2 (1 syn)
L: Jacket potato, tuna, 2tsp pesto (4 syns), salad, grapes
S: Coffee (0.5 syns) kiwi
D: Pasta with bacon, mushrooms garlic and quark, grated cheese (HeA)
S: Hot choc with milk (3 syns) 2 x Alpen Light (HeB)


No exercise today as got a lunch meeting.

Feeling under the weather today, sore throat, headache, just a general feeling of ickyness. But I am battling through it regardless, even though all I want to do is go home and crawl into bed.

Am going to go for a ‘kill me or cure me’ run at lunch today, although I suspect the outcome will be the former L.

Food today looks like this:

B: Raspberries and yogurt, coffee x 2 (HeA)
S: Banana
L: Not overly sure but probs a jacket spud from the canteen, salad, coffee (HeA)
S: Kiwi fruit
D: Chicken wrapped in bacon, wedges, veggies, meringue nest (3 syns) with berries and FF yog
S: Hot choc (3 syns) 2 Alpen Lights (HeB)
