caffeine free diet coke

No :(

You can ONLY have water (still or sparkling), black tea and black coffee. Thats it. After week two you can add water flavours if ou choose....but al else is off limits I'm afraid.

I miss Diet COke too, but it has not been as bad as I thought it would be. Yet. lol
Sorry lola, diet coke has citric acid which knocks you totally out of ketosis.
When you get the water flavours they are nice with fizzy water, not quite diet coke, but they are like fizzy pop.
You can have them hot too which is great when it is cold out.
You can also have peppermint or nettle tea.
peppermint is nice, I need a sweetener in it, you can have that hot or put it in the fridge and have it with ice. Will be nice when the weather warms up a bit.
thought you could have coke zero , as it has no acid in it ?? I dont like it myself, but I have seen it mentioned before.
DON'T swap one addiction (food) for another (caffeine). Abstinence is important to help you reassess your relationship with all things food/drink related.
The coke wouldn't count towards your 4 litres of water and might give you an appetite. Plus the more you push the boundries of the programme, the more likely you are to keep adding other stuff and eventually it catches up to you. First time round LL is a charm and take it from someone who knows its not worth sabotaging your good efforts, take it from someone who knows!!!:eek: I've definitely taken the scenic route!!!
I was a complete Diet COke addict....LOVED the stuff.

But have decided the last one I had on 7-1-08, will be my last one. I haven't missed it that much, so 3 weeks have obviously broken my craving. ANd they are absolutely RUBBISH for you. Sorry - but its true!!! THey are canned poison. So - you will get used to not having it!! Hang in there!!