Calling all EXANTE friends :)

Hi all!

So yesterday I ordered my 'bumper pack' & still waiting for it to arrive! ?

I recently had a baby boy who is now 7months old- whilst being pregnant I went from a size 10 to a size 16 ? I joint weight watchers about 3 months ago and in total lost a whopping 4lbs ? I started ww at 13st 2lbs and am now 12st 10lbs. I'm so unhappy with my new body iv just put all my lovely old clothes on eBay ? I need to see a difference quick sharp! My goal is to get into the 9's (I'm 5ft 2)

my wedding is April 2013 so have some time, however have my boys christening my sister hen & wedding, holiday all before that and need to seriously shed some lbs!!

I do find it so hard dieting and will need all your support and success stories to keep me going!!

Get in touch
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Hi Sunshine!

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding and your little baby boy :)

I'm starting Exante tomorrow in order to get to about 9.5 stone for my wedding in October so I know how you feel!

Good luck and I'll keep coming and checking in on you :D
Hi starcrossed !!

Congrats to u on ur wedding!! let me know how you are finding exante.

Yesterday was my first day, and I am so rubbish at sticking to diets but I am so proud of myself I didn't cheat once. I feel so determined!!

Good luck to you, keep me posted on ur success :)
So yesterday was my first day on total solution, And at the moment I must say the products are really nice!!

Day 2 today!! Had a choc shake for breakfast- which wasn't too bad either , I have read some reviews on the choc shake not being nice but I didn't mind it! I have a bar that I'm goin to eat around 1pm then a tomato and basil soup for dinner around 6pm.

Yesterday I drank 3 liters of water (which is very unusual for me, I don't normally have 1 glass of water a day ?!!) So I plan to keep up with that water, didn't feel hungry at all yesterday, until around 10pm I was starving so I had a pint of water and went straight to bed !!

Hoping for another successful day today :)
Day two TS 100% ... & I'm feeling really proud of myself!!!

Today was abit harder then yesterday, but I did it!!! Feeling hungry now so I have crept off to bed!

Wondering when ketosis will kick in??
Here's to day 3 100% :)

I think I'm in ketosis now as not feeling hungry one bit!!! Had my banna shake for breakfast which wasn't that nice! Tonight I'm going round the in laws for drink and take away. ...(il have my water and bar!!) I'm so determined not to be tempted :p
So yesterday went to the in laws and temptation got the better of me I had two siliceous of pizza omg I'm so ashamed :,(

Any way a new day today and a 100% day is on the cards. Also totm which I hope doesn't affect my WI?
Hey Sunshine,

Sorry to hear about your blip. Glad to hear you're drawing a line under it and moving on though :) we all have our little temptations and particularly at this early stage it can be quite difficult.

TOTM can affect weightloss as your body retains a lot of fluid but just make sure you are drinking lots of water/green tea/black coffee etc and hopefully it shouldn't be too bad. When I was on SW I never had any problems with TOTM but then I have always drunk an ungodly amount of fluids. :)
Ok so day 6 is here!!! & apart from my little blip on the weekend I have been 100% I really am feeling so proud of myself !!!

I feel like my waistline is smaller :p haha!!

Really looking forward to weigh in day on thursday :)
Another day 100% done and dusted :)

Made a pie for the family today omg it smelt sooo good!!! Was so tempted but stayed strong. I love the face when making meals I don't even pick!!!

Can any one give me a rough idea of how much weight can be lost on exante in 8 weeks???
Nice recovery :) I think it's a stone a month. Assuming that you lose a least a half Stone in this week and 4lbs in every other...35lbs? So about 2and a half stone seems reasonable? Xxx
Thank you StarCrossed!! It's my official WI in the morning I really hope iv shored half a stone :p

Today is goin good in a really really good mood today aswell :) havent drank as mug water today not even a litr yet so I'm ganna get drinking !!
I am changing my WI day to wednesdays instead of Thursday's as it's more convenient for me!

So week one I have lost 4.5lbs :'( I am guessing this is to do with TOTM :( anyway better then no weight loss I suppose...

I lost half inch from my chest, 3 inches from my waist & 1 inch from my hips.

Not all bad I suppose.... Any way TOTM is over and so is this week. Here's to week two :)
Day 1 - Week 2.

12st 6lbs , end of week target 12St.

Not feeling hungry one bit today. Been up since 6 with LO and it took me to walk into TW kitchen to think about breakfast!! But I'm holding out for my shake :)

Last week I didn't loose as much as I wanted too, but as long as it's comin off thats what matters. Hoping to lose at least 6lbs this week!!?

Since January I have lost 10lbs so that is keeping me motivated!

Lots more water & down the gym tonight :)
Yay a exante friend!!! I'm on day 7 of TS!! And beaming that I've not cheated once! So what day are you on now?! I'm quite a lot bigger than you lol I'm 17.4 stone but I don't hold a grudge! It's all About how you feel in yourself and it's just as hard dieting no matter what your size!!

Don't be disheartened by your 4lb loss that is incredible due to your current weight! Me and my sister both do exante, she is roughly the same height and weight as you, we're predicting that she will lose about 4lbs and hopefully me a lot more due to my weight!

I'm very impressed you had pizza and started the next day fresh! I think that is the biggest challenge you can face, I'm dreading for my slip up! Keep going just imagine the wedding pics!!!