CALLING COUNSELLORS!!!! Help re medication!!


Silver Member
Hi, have client wanting to see me today but she takes Omeprazole for a hernia, it is to reduce the acid in stomach and prevent reflux, its not listed any where so wondered if anyone has any experience of whether its ok for ssing. Thanks sean.
To be honest what i do is if anyone is on medication other than The pill ect i get a medical form signed anyway.

I have got one lady on a similar medication for acid and the doctor signed and she is doing ss

Thanks jules, she doesnt live near me and wanted to make trip today as its more convinient but guess she may have to wait till medical line open and can check and then probably send her off with medical form, although this is a pain as most gps ive dealt with so far are against cd!!! Very annoying!!! Sean.

It will at least require an MRF signature so send her for that, while she gets that sign give Gill Walshaw at head office and just check it is ok with her.

I take that for my gall stones. I wasnt required to get a doc to sign anything? I havent had any probs on ss.