not fat anymore
New Member
Hi I'd just like to say that after getting to 18 stone I found the Cambridge Diet..
3 Months down the road I have now lost 5 St 13 lb and now an healthy 11St 10lb
Thank you cambridge diet !!! I wish i'd heard of you before , I would definetly recommend to any one out there and if you are on the diet keep it up , I know how hard the diet realy is keep to it and the weight will fall off you.
3 Months down the road I have now lost 5 St 13 lb and now an healthy 11St 10lb
Thank you cambridge diet !!! I wish i'd heard of you before , I would definetly recommend to any one out there and if you are on the diet keep it up , I know how hard the diet realy is keep to it and the weight will fall off you.