Can I Be included?...


Full Member
Hi guys. I'm actually an AAW girl (vlcd) but very soon I'll be back to just low carb'ing on my own. Im so scared of eating again but know as long as I abstain from the ev carbs I'll be ok. I've lost 19 lbs so far since Jan 10th so am pleased with progress however I still have 4 stone to go to target. Anybody got any good tips for snack type no carb treats that aren't laden with calories?! Also can anybody tell me why low carb diets lose weight from the head down? Does anybody know what I mean?! :)
Hi and welcome:). Stick around if you are low carb - all welcome here! The only thing i cant really help with is low cal low carb snacks - i usually go for fat (pork crackling or cheese) as that's what stops me eating everything in sight:). Know exactly what you mean about top to bottom - everyone now saying my face thin, lost most most of my top (according to DH!) and although tummy and hips reduced, still not where i want them. Wish i could choose where it goes from;)
I have read that it goes off the face & neck first. I only wish it would GO - from somewhere - anywhere!! Can I throw a tantrum please? I met a friend for coffee this morning & because I'd not lost again, I had a cheese scone!
I have read that it goes off the face & neck first. I only wish it would GO - from somewhere - anywhere!! Can I throw a tantrum please? I met a friend for coffee this morning & because I'd not lost again, I had a cheese scone!

Aw Wrinks, it is frustrating when you are doing everything right and it just doesn't move...I empathise because it happens to me a lot, but you may be one of the unlucky ones who are resistant. Do you have the atkins book, there is quite a bit of stuff in there about it. Chin up and really hope it starts to shift

Which Atkins book FD? I have a very early one, I'll look in it - lol - when I find it...


I have loaned my Gary Taubes book 'Why Do We Get Fat' to a friend but I'm almost sure he says dairy foods aren't good for some. I eat an awful lot of cheese dishes & have double cream as well. I made another cheeseburger pie yesterday, which I love. I really must look for my Atkins book.

Thanks again FD. :)
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I have the original Wrinks, so not sure if there is new research in the newer versions...I did cheeseburger pie this week too and I have a horrid feeling it is going to show, think it is the cream that does it for me. Maybe try a week off cream and see if it kick starts you? Bit of trial and error and as so many find it's about finding what your particular stalls are. Fingers crossed : )

I have the original Wrinks, so not sure if there is new research in the newer versions...I did cheeseburger pie this week too and I have a horrid feeling it is going to show, think it is the cream that does it for me. Maybe try a week off cream and see if it kick starts you? Bit of trial and error and as so many find it's about finding what your particular stalls are. Fingers crossed : )


Thanks again hun, I must have put my book in a charity bag or loaned it out.

I shall try cutting down on cream & cheese & drinking even more water... :confused: :D
I've only read the new Atkins new you book. Will have a flick later and let you know if there are any helpful tweaks that might help :)
The main change to Atkins in the new book is to emphasise the need to eat plenty of greens in your daily carb limit, to give you more help with eating out and meal planning and to also give more advice and support in maintenance phases to keep the weight off.
Thank you Erin87, I will have a look on the other Atkins sites - if I can find my way around... :D