Can I have a slap please?


Full Member
Iv done an naughty today. Only been on plan since Wednesday, my first meeting was Tuesday night, but for some stupid strange reason, I decided to jump on the scales at Tescos this morning to see if id lost anything....Yep, in 3 days...Well id lost 4, but knew that had id had no breakfast or anything it wasnt a true reading so after breakfast, jumped back on and id put that 4 back on.....I cant beleive iv jumped on the scales, I do know the downfalls of doing this as im a yo yo dieter, but did it all the same. Guess I just wanted to see if id put any baby weight on.

Thats pretty much gonna be the reply from a lot of people lol. Weight fluctuates so often, just use your weigh in at group. Weighing between can damage your weight loss
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I too can be very guilty of this so much so that ive had to take my scales to my OH house and leave them there haha.

remember the only person your cheating is you :(
AmyLeonard said:
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I too can be very guilty of this so much so that ive had to take my scales to my OH house and leave them there haha.

remember the only person your cheating is you :(

Mine are in the boot of my OH's car!!!!! I can not be trusted to have the scales in the house x
i used to be a prolific scale jumper. i've only just started not caring, after 9 months, and just accept that tuesday is the only day that matters.

sometimes when im on the wii fit in the morning i do the body test thing- but i take no notice, because i know how weight fluctuates :)
Slap slap!! Yes please dont do it, it messes with yr head! The only weight which counts is the W I one.;);)
Have to put my hands up and confess that I'm a 'sneaky peak-er' - I weigh myself almost everyday at home. I know weight fluctuates a lot though, so I take nothing seriously except the one at weigh in. Need to get out of the habit really.
Thanks for the slap ladies. Think I wont be doing it again. Had a realy hard day Today, dont know if bubs is having a growth spurt but iv been hungry all day and iv been constantly eating, also craving naughties and on top of the weigh in thing today, not a good combo