Extra Easy Can someone motivate me....

Fat Bird

Full Member
Please !!!
My background - massive yo yo dieter ! You name it and I have done it! Started Exante in jan and lost 4 and half stone - managed my way up til a few weeks back and then all bad habits kicked back in and weight now up by half a stone :-( . Joined slimming world and haven't really got going - I has a sickness bug and lost half a stone in my first 3 weeks - deffo not by following SW - just the bug . Anyway last week put the half stone back on :-( . Decided to knuckle down and give SW a chance as everyone at my group seems to be able to stick to it and have good results - my weigh day is tomorrow and I know I've put on again :( why can't I do it?? Im so envious of people that can follow the plan and lose weight - I have no will power and hate myself for putting the wight back on ....... Can someone give me the kick up the bum I need please :-( not going to group tomorrow as so embarrassed
Thank u
Fat Bird xx
Loosing weight is hard. Iv been up and down all my life. Im 26 and have dieted since i was 12.

I think u really need to go to class tomorrow. If u have put on its not the end of the world and atleast u know where to start again from. Make tomorrow a new start.
You have managed to keep three stone off! That is a fantastic achievement so you should feel very pleased with that. I am doing slimming world myself and seem to be struggling more then the members of my group. I lost half a pound here and there. Today I felt fed up and stuffed my face with biscuits. Oops. It is very difficult to stick to an eating plan. I really do understand how you feel. Why not go tomorrow and look at it like the start of your plan? So what if you have put weight on? You can start again tomorrow and get back into it.
Im going to sound harsh..but.. YOU are the one that puts the food into yourbody only YOU have the ability to stop doing it so get up shake yourself off get down to your meeting tomorrow night and make a fresh start! Keeping 3 stoneoff is fab so you know you can do it you just need to pull yourself together and get in the right frame of mind..if your not in the right frame of mind youwill never do it that’s what I learnt
Go to weigh in and stay for image therapy.

Seriously do the above and start fresh, set yourself steps to stick to it one day at a time.

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