Can't get through first week. DESPAIR!!



I'm in absolute despair!!

I came off lighterlife several months ago having gone from 18st 9lb down to 12st 13lb but since then i've gone up to 14.5st.

Im trying to get back into abstinence but i never seem to get through even 1 day without lapsing and eating crap.

Any suggestions of ways of getting through day 1.


Many thanks in advance.

Hey 05warnerl, nice to see you on here!!

Congrats on your original loss - 6 stone is a phenomenal loss!!

Sorry to hear you're having troubles restarting though. As a returner myself, i know it sometimes seems a lot harder than first time round. What you have to remember though is that the diet works, and if you *REALLY* want to lose this weight, then you have to have the discipline, motivation and commitment to do it.

By *choosing* to eat everyday, you are only letting yourself down, no-one else, and why pay ALL that money every week, just to pay for food you don't need?!

No-one else can give you magic words to stop you eating- only you have the power and control to do that. I suggest talking to your LLC about why you're sabotaging your own efforts, especially when you know that it works. You're living proof of it.

So why are you choosing to deviate?

Good luck, i hope you manage to stick with it. You know you'll be happier for it if you do.
it's strange hoe i think about these things once I've done it but at the time - none of these things cross my minds - did you get through as a returner?
I'm on week 2, and so far, so good!!! Not that I'm not drowned in temptation most days, but i know that i'll feel better for resisting, and seeing myself at xmas is going to be far better than eating something i shouldn't, and having the guilt afterwards!!

You can do it - you KNOW you can, you already have. You need to get into the right mindset, or it will seriously never happen. I had a few failed attempts at starting cambridge, but my heart just wasn't in it and i failed at the first hurdle everytime.

I then saw photos of myself looking tragically awful, and knew i had to get my ass off the sofa and do something, or i won't see my son grow up. It was a hell of a revelation, but it's given me the motivation and focus to stay on plan.

As Kate moss said "NOTHING tastes as good as being skinny feels!!!" And whatever food it is that's causing you to fail; it'll still be there when you've finished the plan, and are on route to management etc.

You need to get your heart/heart sorted and in the right place before wasting all your time and money!!

PS I can't tell if your male or female, your stats don't give much away!! xxxxxxxx
What was your motivation for losing in the first place?!?!

Think back to how you felt at your largest, and why you desperately needed to change so much that you chose a VLCD to do it....maybe then you'll get some of your determination back!! xxx