Cayla's wardrobe malfunction diet

I have some really nice clothes that just look terrible on me now, some i don't even fit in anymore! I need to lose the pounds that i've piled on over the last few months and I would love to feel good on my holiday in september. I think it's best I keep a diary so the peer pressure stops me from eating certain things, or at least show me where I'm going wrong.

So here goes, the slimming begins.

Breakfast: 1 Plum, a handful of grapes, an apple and a cup of Darjeeling tea

Lunch: Jacket potato (no butter) with cottage cheese and baked beans, with lettuce and onions and a green tea

Tea: Slimming world chips, Tuna and mushy peas with a slice of bread and butter for my healthy extra and probably loads of sins.

Trying to drink a lot of water too in between

Tonight when I get a bit more peckish I'll probably have a normal cup of tea with two morning coffee biscuits

I'm not going to buy biscuits any more but think it's better to wean myself off this first couple of days! :rolleyes:
i'm finding it hard to resist when everyone around me offers unhealthy, off plan things all of the time! i've never realised how much bad stuff i actually eat and it's mostly due to everyone else offering it! back on plan today, i had an apple and a punnet of strawberries for breakfast,
then a jacket potato with cottage cheese, beans and side salad for dinner and i have just had a shape chocolate dessert for my syns, and plan to snack on a plum and banana when i get peckish and have grilled chicken and sw chips for tea tonight. also trying to drink loads of water and green tea :)
I know how you feel. However I am very proud to say that I just turned down a piece of cake! I have lovely colleagues who know what I'm trying to achieve though so they all said "we'll done" for showing good willpower!

I have found that when I tell people about SW and what I trying to achieve, they are really supportive!

Keep going, you CAN do it :)