
Oh am i too late for this ?? I really need a kick start too, Lemme know when u do another one plzzz fanx x
Weigh in tonight although am not looking forward to it at all. Food wise i have been absolutley god awful. Takeaways, sweets, alchol, cheese. Its gone oh so wrong! I don't even want to get weighed as i know for deffinate i will have put on at least 3lb. So effing annoyed with myself.
Just a little half for me this week. Oh well missed my target but will have another go next time
3lb lost this week - so just half a pound off my target :)

Are we having another challenge for end of June or July?
My weightloss seems to have stopped for the last few weeks so I had no chance of hitting the target :(

Yeah a new challenge could be set up. I think I'll be a bit less ambitious this time around! Just need a date picked, end of July would give us 8 weeks :)
End of July sounds good :)

I'm going for about two pounds a week, so I'll say 1 stone to lose by the end of July.
Okay great, well 31st July is 8 weeks away from today so I'll attempt a stone too as in theory and hopefully I'll manage that!

If anyone else wants to join in just copy the list, add your name and your target weight

31st July Challenge
Ju1979 (14lbs) - 0lbs
SarahG (14lbs) - 0lbs
I've had a pretty good start and already lost 4lb this week :D I'm guessing my body is finally catching up with the lack of weight loss over the last few weeks (my guess being it was water retention)

31st July Challenge
Ju1979 (14lbs) - 2.5lbs
SarahG (14lbs) - 4lbs
Hello oh god ive been awful i relly fell off the wagon. Ive eaten anything and everything and ive not exercised. Ive managed to undo all my hard work and put back on half a stone.
Ive hit rock bottom again tho as today i looked in the mirror and was disgusted. So i would like to join the challenge. Im gonna start small and aim for 7lbs off. I will start by getting the weight off i put on then go for the rest.

31st July Challenge
Ju1979 (14lbs) - 2.5lbs
SarahG (14lbs) - 4lbs
FAR (7lbs) - 0
Hey FAR, great to see you're on the challenge. I'm sure we all go through phases of bad periods as I've been there today to be honest. I hope your home or work life isn't driving you to it.

We've got about 6 weeks before the end of the challenge. The only weight I've lost this week I put on last weekend whilst away! So still at the 4lb loss. Let's hope we can all get back on track :)
Good luck with the challenge FAR, having a mini-goal should help :)

Not been very good myself this weekend, had steak for tea last night, and garlic bread was eaten (garlic bread is my downfall), doing the race for life today (walking, not running!) but having a family BBQ afterward so may all go very wrong! I'm making a batch of pasta salad, and will be doing jacket spuds, so hopefully this will tempt me more than the chicken kebabs and burgers... yeah right! :p

Anyway, only lost 3/4 of a pound last week, and not expecting a great result on Tuesday! But apart from the BBQ, I promise to be as good as gold from now on :)
Hope the race for life went well. I think we all have a weak spot where BBQs are concerned! I just try and eat more salad hoping to counteract the other food I eat!
Thanks, it all went really well, went at a brisk walk, and there was a great atmosphere there too.

Did quite well at the BBQ too, had one bottle of stella (~ 500 ml I think), 1 beef burger, 1 kebab and salad. And then just had more salad for tea - no idea what the calories all added up to, but hopefully I've not scuppered everything!

Feeling bad today though, just dropped my pet rat at the vet - they need to sedate her to give her an examination. It's either a splinter in her mouth causing her pain (please, please, PLEASE be a splinter) or a tumor... Please cross your fingers for her everyone, I don't want to lose her.
Another two and a half off this week, so I didn't mess it all up after the weekend after all :)

And my ratty is on the mend, it seems it was an infection so she's on antibiotics. It cost a small fortune in vets bills, but she's worth every penny. :D
Well done Ju :) Glad to hear your pet's okay too :)

31st July Challenge
Ju1979 (14lbs) - 5lbs
SarahG (14lbs) - 4lbs
FAR (7lbs) - 0
hello girls. well after dissapearing with shingles i well and truly fell off the wagon but i am back and aiming to loose 1st before 31st july. so far 2lb gone xx
Sorry to hear you had shingles. That's not nice from what I've heard. Still the 2lb loss is a good start back on track.

Sorry guys, I've been really bad last month and just stuck hovering above the 15 stone mark. It's been an awful time as a good friend of ours passed away last week and left a young family behind (he was only 25), so it's been a horrible week, not made any easier by the fact that we're moving house too, so funeral on Tuesday, then back home, packing and then moving Friday. At least it's something to take my mind off the current events :(

However, he was a great support with my weight loss, always asking how it was going, so I need to power on for him as well as myself. just a crap time.

I'll be back properly in a week and a bit (once the internet is switched on at the new pad) and back on track.

(sorry for a depressing message!)