Changing habits using Fred

Absolutely brilliant. I wish I'd read your concept years ago. I'm a huge procrastinator... at everything besides 'quick'/ menial tasks. I often feel sad at a lost potential; particularly academically and musically. I hope I can regain some of what was lost rethinking in this way.
Bumped - because this is one of the best threads on Minimins. Thanks you KD!
Thank you for linking this in your diary, AliGal, and huuuuge thanks to KD for articulating this concept so beautifully. This chimes with something I read on Michael Eades' blog The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D. » Why is low-carb is harder the second time around, part II about controlling your elephant. Human rides elephant, and it all looks graceful as long as the elephant has decided to give control over to the human. However, if the elephant goes on the rampage it's a force impossible to stop, regardless of the human on board... It's important to train your elephant/Fred, for sure.
Lovely connection, Weevil. Thanks for the Elephant, too! I love the paleo stuff - it makes such sense. Check out the lovely Swedish doc too - he has lots of great videos on why obesity has risen Diet Doctor - Real food for your health
Ooh, interesting concept, glad I found this thread. I've been sitting on Fred recently, poor guy, he's not allowed to get up till he's proved to me he's changed. He's getting there. But it means I'm not relaxing for a bit till I'm sure he is trust worthy.

Sent from my HTC using MiniMins so excuse random words that have been autocorrected!
I like that, Fionut.

My Fred is learning - but has had so many years being allowed to do what he likes, it will be a long time before he's trustworthy. I imagine he'll start trying to have his own way as I start to reintroduce protein (120g meat, 140g fish or 2 eggs with supper veggies) when I'm 7lbs less. And once he's learned to cooperate on that I imagine at goal, he'll also need to remember that old habits (snacks when I fill up o n petrol etc) are no longer how I live my life.
I still love this thread - my Inner Fred is so important to success. Bounce - so others may see this.
KD, I know I am late to the party, but thank you for this. After 3 years of constantly watching my weight (to varying degrees of success), I realise that the weight-loss battle is mostly a mental one. Thank you for giving my inner demon a name! Your practical advice has me made me feel (for the first time in a long time) like I can conquer my Fred and re-teach him a thing or two.
Fantastic thread, thank you. I've been consciously aware for some years now that it's my head that needs fixing in relation to my weight. My best friend is a hypnotherapist and have done many sessions with her which have helped a lot, but still not aligned my 'Fred' sufficiently to avoid a battle of wills. Accepting, understanding and indeed retraining Fred is what it's all about. Thanks again x
Interesting concept!

I may have to name him something other than Fred though as that's my soon-to-be-ex father in law's name :D
Fantastic advice, thank you very much!
This thread is really helpful
A very latecomer to this thread, but my goodness how much sense it makes! For the past 30 years I have thought myself incapable of sustaining a weight loss and now I find someone else was in control! Someone who had decided that I must sustain not weight loss, but the entire weight loss industry - books, clubs special food.....
Thank you so much KD for the enlightenment! Fred, we need to talk...... :)