Changing things on your profile


Full Member
trying to get the hang of this. It has my height as 4'5" which is not good im 5'3" it wont seen to change. Anybody no how to change this. thanks.
Thanks sonya did that but it didn't change, might sent the comp a quick email see if they can change my height cause it has me at 4' 5" when im 5' 3" that might mess up the bmi thingy.
5' 3" is 63 inches so that is what you enter in the window for height...and once you have done that you must then click save change.
yup, took me a minute to get the hang of the conversions
thank mini, changed my height.
my signature aparently diesnt give me a lot of apsce like some of you guys have got.. i dont know why but it says im only allowed 350 characters ........

nix - you get more space the longer you are on here and the more times you post x