Cheap ideas


Full Member
I need some ideas on how I can get on well with this diet without spending loads of money :(
This is my second week and the first week I got on well, bought loads of yummy veg and ate strawberries and grapes for snacks.
Trouble is its just not realistic that I can keep on buying that much fruit and veg :(
Whats the cheapest way to get my 1/3 superfree food?
Also cheapest snack ideas, Id really rather only snack on superfree, or at least do the 1/3 superfree for my snacks...
I dont want the fact that I have a low budget to affect my weight loss :(
Hi ya i try and do slimming world on a budget too, i stock up on tins, like baked beans, mixed beans, mushy peas, carrots, green beans, chopped tomatos etc. I also try and plan my meals before shopping, so i know what i need to buy xxx
Also stock up on eggs as you can make lots of different meals with them! Xxx
Eggs are free for me as my mum has chickens :) So I need to plan them into as many meals as I can lol.
I always used to plan my meals before I shopped, not sure why I stopped doing that, but thank you for reminding me :)
I find frozen veg is great value but I cant eat it as an accomniment, I only seem to like it in things. I need to stock up on some though, to put in my pasta sauces etc..
Thank you :)
Frozen mixed vegetables. I buy Asda's smartprice one and I use this to bulk up casseroles, or just a quick boil to increase my veg with my meals.
Is ther an aldi or lidl near you? Aldi does its super six of veg for 60p or something, im living off sweet potato this week lol lidl does huge stew packs for a pound, i got one this week an its done two huuge pots of soup, just cut it up and threw it in a pot with stock cubes mmm an their grapes are only £1.50 at the mo xx
I snack on pickled silverskin onions. Hopefully I'm not too stinky! I'm also a fan of frozen veg. Someone else mentioned on another thread that they gather up any fresh veg that they haven't used during the week and make it into a big pot of soup for lunches for the next week. I thought that was a fab penny saving idea!
I buy my fruit & veg from Aldi & Lidl and sometime from Morrissons if they have offers. Also buy frozen fruits & veg from the same shops. Frozen veg is for emergencies or when I run out of fresh.

Do batch cooking to save time and money.
I make veg soups then add cooked chunky veg to it and some meat in the evening for a evening meal (like stew) that keeps me full and its cheap also you can spice it up with chilli powder or add quark for a creamy broc and chicken soup.... I do cheat due to time... Sainsburys does 2 bags of chunky frozen casserole veg for £2.50 plus a bad of diced onion.....sorted

Certain veg is really cheap like carrots, onions, turnip/sweded, cabbage. Im not a turnip lover but discovered its really nice roasted, great next day too as a snack. You can get a big bunch of banana's for a £1. If you pick stuff that's in season its usually cheaper. I tend to have raw carrot sticks quite often as snacks.

Iv found its fruit that's really pricey, esp grapes and strawberries. I tend to stick to apples as my on the go snack fruit. If I do go for grapes I try to get them on offer then stick some in sugar free jelly ect to make them go further.

I do tend to use quite a bit of frozen fruit and veg now as means I only use what I need. Both tesco and sainsburys do 3 for £5 on frozen fruit and its nice zapped in microwave with brekkie. Also I take it our frozen and take it to work, its defrosted by break time and have it with some yogurt.

Tin toms are great for work as I just chuck a bit of frozen veg in and some mixed beans, soy sauce and have it with some ryvita. Very filling a very superfree.
Another way to do it is that if you have a farmer's or produce market near you, they tend to have their fruit and veg cheaper, quite often, or it's the same price as the supermarket's, but you get so much more.

I make a point of walking down to my local market once a week and stocking up on a lot of things. For example, yesterday, they were selling pomegranates at 4 for £1, whereas normally I'd end up spending about £1.50 per fruit. Also, I got grapes for £1 a punnet rather than £2 in Asda! Shopping around is definitely a good method :)
try and go to tesco after 10 pm lots of frech fruit and feg is on sale then, last night i had raspberris and strawberrys for under 50 p each
Some really helpful suggestions here - I'm spending ££££s every other day on blueberries, blackberries, raspberries etc. that I snack on throughout the day... now to try and make some room in the freezer :eek:
I think blueberries are in aldi's super 6 thus week & are 59p or 69p a pack. They also do great packs of frozen berries for about £1.50 x
Ooh yes I got 2 packs of blueberries for 59p each this week from Aldi. And sweet potatoes, new potatoes an cherry tomatoes! Bargain!
Also it is good to remember that fruit and veg can be dear but when i think about how much i spent on junk food/chocolate it works out about even, or even less. Some great tips on here, i will be using some of these ideas :) xx
the frugal february thread has some good tips also