Cheating fiance....

So after having two babies in two years I put on about four stone....I was happily engaged u tip the beginning o this year when I found out that my fiancé had been texting another woman I then found out he had tried to kiss her and then continued to text her after this. It broke my heart he was texting er when I was in labour and would text her when he was at work. After finding out my fiancé couldn't have been any more sorry saying that he had slipped back into his old ways of cheating ( he did in his previous relationship) and that doing this made him realise he didn't want to loose me. I then went to slimming world and I've now lost three stone but I can't help feeling still horrible fat and ugly as the girl he cheated with was younger and in my eyes very very skinny it's completely knocked my confidence and I'm just looking for some support ladies !! Sorry about he rambleing x

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Oh my word, that is so sad. I'm so sorry to read that you're going through all of this! It is no wonder that you're feeling low after everything you've been through.
congratulations on losing 3 stone- that is a fantastic achievement! But you know, 3 stone ago you were still a person, a partner, a mother, someone who deserved to be treated well. Being 3 stone heavier did not make you less of a person and it did not make it acceptable to cheat.
While it would be easy for me to say leave him- he doesn't deserve you; I won't say that because ultimately you may not want to leave the relationship. You'll both have to work at the relationship, you have to realise that you are a person worthy of love & respect, he has to look at the bigger picture and address the reasons why he has tried to sabotage the relationship he is desperate not to lose.
good luck with it all- you'll be in my thoughts x
Hope you told him where to stick it!! You deserve more than that x
I wish I could I used to be so confident and swore j wouldn't let anyone do that to me but putting on weight made me feel so horrible about myself x

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He cheated in a previous relationship, he has cheated on you, and who knows what he told the most recent girl, maybe she feels cheated too.


He is the one at fault, not you.

He is the one who should be feeling horrible, not you.

He is the one in a self-destructive pattern which is likely to leave him all alone with no-one who trusts him.

Saying "slipped back into his old ways" sounds as if he is saying he has no control over the situation and it is beyond him to behave any differently. Which is his problem, not yours.

He can only make you feel bad if you let him - so fight back! Decide what you really want and go for it. You can do it!
Thanks Anna !! Your completely right he's in the wrong not me and now I'm loosing weight he's getting self conscious and worries I'm going to run away with someone else which is stupid x

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he's getting self conscious and worries I'm going to run away with someone else which is stupid x

It's not stupid - he did it to you!!

F**k how he feels or what he thinks, he is the lowest of the low as far as I am concerned. Nobody should ever have to be treat like that or made to feel the way you did.

Do this for you, not for him. He is the stupid one!
Yeah I am but I'm really struggling to come to terms with everything I just keep thinking he's skinny and gorgeous and if I hast put on the weight then maybe it wouldn't have happend but I know I can't keep thinking like that x

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Right - i am going to say it how i see it.

I dont know your stats, so cant say what size you were/are, but regardless - he should love you (not your shape!!)

If you cant trust in a relationship it will have cracks in it. Try to repair those, but never put yourself down to do it. You are worth much more than that.

I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through. Maybe it's time to take a break from him. By staying with him now he knows he is getting away with it.

i know it's hard when you love someone and let's face it we all make mistakes but he needs to be shown that you mean business and that if it happens again he will lose you.

Dont you ever think it is your fault because its not Hun. I have been there myself (and at both ends of the stick) but I truly believe in giving someone a chance but only one chance.
